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I spent way to long on the Loops video editor and it's not close to being done

Will be delaying the editor so we can focus on getting the beta shipped ASAP

In the meantime, we will allow you to select a video from your camera roll (that you can edit with CapCut or whatever)

Eniuu² :verified:

@dansup will you add moving an account? Like, let's say I uploaded few videos to loops using a pixelfed account, and I want to move all my videos, followers, etc, to a mastodon account.


I'm currently building out the new loops backend (loopd)

Laravel 11 + Sanctum + Valet = supercharged productivity

In less than an hour I already have a production backend deployed with auth and a few API endpoints 💪


Making amazing progress with @loops

Tonight I’m writing the For You algorithm!

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R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

@dansup @loops

Hey Dan,

I was wondering if you're familiar with Casey Neistat's failed social network Beme.

I was on it at the time, and I always found the emphasis on authenticity hugely inspiring, and I shared far more on it than I ever did on instagram.

Not sure what your vision for loops is, but I'm sure it'll be awesome. I just wanted to leave this with you to see if you get anything out of it:

Григорий Клюшников

TikTok, Instagram reels, VK clips and other similar services work because they have everything anyone has ever posted on there. Millions of minutes of video are uploaded every minute, and all that feeds The Algorithm™, giving it the freedom to choose what it serves to you.

How are you going to address the problem of not having enough content in Loops due to its decentralized nature? So when someone starts a new server, where would the content come from? Would you just federate everything to all known network?


I am a bit worried about publishing the mobile app source code, specifically the camera logic

There are no existing libraries or examples, that I'm aware of, that do what Loops Camera does

I'm mostly worried about shady clone apps or other uses that violate our license

I think an amicable solution would be to publish the app source, but with a placeholder basic camera while shipping the full camera to App Stores

What do you think?

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Victor von Void

As others said: publishing code different from what 's in the stores is problematic.

How about creating a library with the camera code and a really strong license? Add some features that will make it easily identifyable but can't be removed easily. That way copycats will either be identified quickly or have to put in enough effort to make copying unattractive.
If they violate the license there are a lot of organisation (FSF and others) that might help with taking legal actions.

Dale Harvey

@dansup Do you use Open Source libraries in the software you build? Often libraries that did not exist until someone published them.

It feels like somewhat against the very spirit of open protocols and collaboration to be considering publishing something like that closed source, pulling the ladder up as it were.

Jule :tux: 🇪🇺

Not open sourcing the whole code means no distribution through f-droid which would be really sad...


I’ve grown a lot as a developer over the past few years.

I never would have thought I could write a mobile app, now I’m writing 3.

Y’all pushed me outside of my comfort zone and helped me grow, I’ll never forget that.

This was a hobby that y’all helped make a career, and I’m so happy doing this. I do move fast but am mindful of the risk of burnout, and take my time accordingly.

Long live the ❤️

Toran Shaw

@dansup what's the third one you're working on? I, obviously, already know about Pixelfed and Loops!

Andrew Graves :arch: :linux:


Take good care of yourself! Even a Ferrari has a speed limit!


@dansup congratulations and keep pushing the fediverse forward!


I started working on a Text-to-Speech feature in Loops.

Similar to the TikTok voice feature.

It's complicated to say the least, especially when you allow users to set the start position, nevermind breaking it up into segment layers for precision timing.

Will pause this for now and allow users to import from Camera Roll (so you can use CapCut for this), otherwise this would delay the Loops beta release for weeks.


If there are any other developers working on a TikTok like platform for the fediverse:

Maybe we can join forces and work together with Loops, and if not, lets keep in touch so we can work on compatibility?

I'm already working closely with @stux on , which is shaping up to be a serious fedi TikTok contender!

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@dansup @stux please for the love of god dont. your replicating a social media that is designed to be as addicting as possiable.

HistoPol (#HP)


Hi Stefan, how have you been lately?

Have you heard anything about a "lookalike" for the ?

Would be a nice supplement for the website. 😉

@dansup @stux


@dansup @stux Was thinking of doing it but my time is limited. Would like to create an alternative to YouTube and Facebook.


The oldest 30 active users will be invited to beta test @loops this weekend if everything goes as planned.

More users will be invited over the next few weeks and eventually we'll be ready to open to everyone.

I want to get Loops shipped ASAP, even if it means delaying some major features (comments, notifications, mentions, hashtags) by a few weeks.

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@dansup @loops

Good idea, There's going to be a lot of effort during these next few months to produce something akin to Vine or YouTube Shorts, in anticipation of filling a void.

Shipping early to get those root balls well into spreading through the soil is prudent - just provide lots of sunlight and water :)


Etienne Snyman

@dansup @loops I don't mean to be too pushy or get in the way of your process, but if you are looking for volunteers to test, I'd be more than willing to do so.


Good news regarding the pixelfed matrix channel!

The managing director of Matrix has joined and mentioned a possible resolution to our admin permission issue!

I'm really hopeful we can resolve this issue and make it our main chat over discord.

I'll still be present in Discord, but I'd like to encourage Matrix use as it better aligns with our project.


I'm working on the @loops Camera

The challenge is to optimize the video as much as possible (on device) before upload to reduce load on the backend.

A 15s video (with audio) is just under 800kb at 480p30 using h265, not bad 😎

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Dr. jonny phd

If youre only ever dealing with short videos, I bet you could squeeze some more juice out optimizing over the lookahead, GOP, and scenecut. Something tells me those are optimized for videos >15s


@dansup @loops What aspect ratios will you have? This one seems like 3:4 vertical?


Edit: As mentioned below, it appears to be a bug, not intentional!

Threads hiding @pixelfed mentions, not a good look Meta 🙄

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Night Owl

@dansup @pixelfed doesn't this indicate that Meta is acting in a bad faith and should not be federated with?

Dan W

@dansup @pixelfed
I can understand them defederating from pixelfed instances for commercial or ideological reasons, but actively censoring any mention of a competing service!?

Actually, I can understand Meta doing this, but only in the same way as people who didn’t want to federate with Threads in the first place.


@dansup @pixelfed

A "bug", or as they prefer to call it "a happy little accident". Lets not ruin the positive corpo vibes bro!


omg where have you been all my life

Simon Müller :ablobcatcoffee:

@dansup I just looked it up and...

If I can assume that their website is also made using it.....then it made my fans spin up :neocat_woozy:
Not to mention that every time I scroll I have to wait for the website to catch up rendering :blobcatmelt:


@dansup most efficient web-ui-toolkit (their page runs like garbage)


I miss the notification filters on the advanced mastodon layout, "all" or "mentions only" is not enough imo


@dansup Have you tried clicking the gear?


The goal: Show relevant videos they haven’t seen before

The challenge: Tokenize videos using on device ML, link related topics, determine interested topics, paginate video feed with unseen and relevant posts

Loops For You algorithm v1 is being implemented and will be tested by our first batch of beta users later this month!

We will have a chronological feed, but we think you’ll prefer the For You feed 😎


@dansup If successful, would you consider implementing this algorithm in PixelFed as well? PixelFed is a fun platform, but I sometimes struggle to find content creators I like enough to follow.

Victor von Void

Won't that lead to filter bubbles that amplify unwanted stuff like conspiracy theories? IMHO ML inherently leads to exactly that kind of problems.

@dansup Where can I sign up to Beta test? 🙂


It would be dope if Loops supported Nomadic Identity from the beginning.

This is now a goal, thanks to @cats-shadow for the suggestion!


@dansup @cats-shadow Damn, Fediverse projects are exciiiiiting rn. Cool to see everything you're working on. 💪🔥👨🏻‍💻


Loops is a separate project from @pixelfed

You will be able to use your PF account to login/join, but you will have a separate fedi account

I'm keeping Pixelfed focused around photo sharing, you won't need to worry about us integrating into our main app!

Similar to Sup, we're keeping this separate, but easily accessible from the main app

Also, I'm looking for a project manager for Loops to takeover when ready so I can focus on coding and they tell me what to do!

Boosts appreciated!

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@dansup @pixelfed I'm new to the fediverse! 25+ years of art, illustration and graphic design exp. I would like to volunteer my skills & services in those areas if you folks are looking!

Victor von Void

@dansup @pixelfed

Will Pixelfed lose the ability to share videos?

I wouldn't mind having a dedicated service for videos that integrates nicely with the fediverse and Pixelfed, if it supports video uploads on Android (which the Pixelfed app currently doesn't).


@dansup Dan the man, pumping out banger Fediverse apps left and right.


I'm debating releasing the client and server code for Loops when the public beta is ready or holding off until v1.

Unlike the @pixelfed app, Loops is a lot simpler and won't take as long to reach v1.

I want to release it early, but at the same time, I don't want to deal with support from people who are running it in production.

The public beta should be ready in the next week, and I'll be inviting a few people to the TestFlight (iOS only for now).


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Admin Jerry

@dansup @pixelfed
I am excited about hosting a Loops server when it's available. I've been hoping that a TikTok-type Fediverse app would become available.

I think it would be a good for all of us who are interested in hosting the application to see it, and play with it, as early as possible, with the understanding that it's released "as is" with no support. It's fine.


KBSez ✅

@dansup @pixelfed

Very exciting news. I’d love to be a iOS tester

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