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It's looking like the @pixelfed app will be released around the same time as Groups, but the app won't support Groups initially.

I hope everyone agrees this is the best way forward, otherwise I can delay the app for another two months so it has Groups support, but I don't think that makes sense

πŸ„ΉπŸ„ΎπŸ„·πŸ„½ πŸ„·πŸ„°πŸ„ΌπŸ„΄πŸ„»πŸ„ΈπŸ„½πŸ„Ί

@pixelfed @dansup maybe add your intentions to integrate groups into the initial design so users know it’s coming?


@dansup @pixelfed Definitely release the app first. Group support can wait.


When it comes to blocklists, I understand the importance of them and am working on a single command to import/export and manage them

@pixelfed already supports admin blocklist import/exports and I even wrote a tool to convert Mastodon blocklists to Pixelfed and vice versa

@pixelfed will not impose any blocklists, that will be up to you to decide

We will however add an AP level dispute resolution feature to allow instances to discuss/resolve blocks on their own!

When it comes to blocklists, I understand the importance of them and am working on a single command to import/export and manage them

@pixelfed already supports admin blocklist import/exports and I even wrote a tool to convert Mastodon blocklists to Pixelfed and vice versa

@pixelfed will not impose any blocklists, that will be up to you to decide


Pixelfed mod tools are a joke, I know, I wrote them

When I started @pixelfed, I didn't know about private profiles, or even how blocking worked

My privilege proved detrimental to the very platform I'm building, and that's why I value your feedback so much, and explore ways we can improve further

The current mod tools are okay, but I can't take credit as y'all helped inspire them

I need help to improve moderation on @pixelfed, and please call me out if needed, this is more important than ever


@dansup Hey, thanks for listening to feedback & acting on it to make the internet a better place. We can't do much about the past but we can make conscious decisions about how to move forward.


I remember when the #fediverse didn't take @pixelfed seriously and constantly made jokes about it using PHP, or when I missed self-imposed deadlines

I had to prove myself, constantly, and I admit I almost gave up a few times

All that negativity and hate, I used that as motivation to be better, not just for me, but for other devs

Maybe those haters were busy building fediverse tools like or

Who knows, anyways I'm still here, queer, and building!

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Mohammad | Ω…Ψ­Ω…Ψ―

@dansup @pixelfed
Thanks for your contributions to the world and developing such an awesome platform πŸš€πŸ˜ƒπŸ™

Chris P πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ

@dansup @pixelfed The growth of Pixelfed has honestly been nothing short of incredible to see. I personally mostly use the microblogging style fedi platforms, but I think Pixelfed is the most polished and new user friendly platform for most people to start using, I recommend it to people all the time

padeluun ⁂

@dansup @pixelfed Donβ€˜t care for haters. Care for good ;) Thank you for your work. And care for yourself.


Close friends has been in the works for months

Every few months I begin a new cycle of feature development, and while many of them never get announced or see the light of day

We (@pixelfed) are always innovating and experimenting, and it may seem that progress can be slow at times, but that's because we have a lot on the go 😎


Close friends sounds incredibly promising - I would love to see this feature throughout the different fedivers projects.

Jippi πŸ‡©πŸ‡°

@dansup blessed be a fast product experimentation and iteration. The only way to ship the right things at the right time. And get rapid end user feedback.

I’m preaching Simple, Lovable, Complete (SLC) at work - it’s much more intuitive way of building the right thing vs MVP approach.


Close friends is a feature I've been planning, you can delegate a few accounts as "Close Friends", it has many benefits including:

- Shared Stories
- Improved ranking (see close friend comments/notifications first)
- FriendMod (allow close friends to moderate your comment sections)
- New Account recovery methods (verifying close friends out-of-band)
- Party mode (add to close friends stories)
- Recent Activities (keep tabs on close friends)

Shipping this December, maybe sooner πŸ˜‰

Close friends is a feature I've been planning, you can delegate a few accounts as "Close Friends", it has many benefits including:

- Shared Stories
- Improved ranking (see close friend comments/notifications first)
- FriendMod (allow close friends to moderate your comment sections)
- New Account recovery methods (verifying close friends out-of-band)
- Party mode (add to close friends stories)
- Recent Activities (keep tabs on close friends)


@dansup it would be nice to interoperate this feature with the circles one by @bonfire !


@dansup dansup the type of guy to drop new features no one was expecting from a fediverse project


Blocking an account on @pixelfed means you will never see posts from that account, but should it also prevent that account from viewing your posts?

Enforcing this across instances would be challenging, is this something @pixelfed should explore? #askFedi

Anonymous poll


Yes, I'm all for improved blocks
No, can't guarantee enforcement
I'm unsure
343 people voted.
Voting ended 15 Sep 2023 at 10:14.
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@dansup @pixelfed Feels to me that posting public content and then wanting control over who can see it is mutually exclusive. If one would wish to communicate in a closed manner then perhaps @pixelfed, maybe the Fediverse in general, is the wrong tool for the job.

Josh Holme

@dansup @pixelfed If they were able to see your content that wouldn’t be a block, that would be more like muting them


@dansup @pixelfed
If I just want to tune someone out, I can mute them. If I block them, they should not be able to see me either.


I know that the ephemeral nature of @pixelfed Stories can encourage FOMO and are considered a dark pattern

When you remove monetary and for-profit incentives, it doesn't really matter how many views or ad impressions you get

Stories aren't about trying to get you to check frequently so we can show you ads, they really are just a more intimate form of sharing. Isn't this the way it should be? #stories

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Marcel Costa

@dansup @pixelfed

>When you remove monetary and for-profit incentives, it doesn't really matter how many views or ad impressions you get

I'm not sure that's 100% true. Many people (I felt it myself) don't get money from there but still feel the dopamina boost from likes and it can be quite addictive. In addition, when then you have less "recognition" it can affect negatively to you, emotionally.

Of course, when there is monetary incentive then you find this **for design** and its potentiated.

Brendan Jones

@dansup @pixelfed But they do still force you to check frequently :/

I check in on Facebook and Instagram about once a month (probably even less for Facebook, actually). I don’t like using them but it’s where family and friends overseas are posting. I’m frustrated by the growing trend of many people I know to post almost entirely using stories. I want to catch up on their posts in my own time, not when the app forces me to based on an arbitrary limit.


@dansup @pixelfed I also believe that, while FOMO and dark patterns are possible, that’s true of any tool.

My favorite part of stories is it being an outlet for stuff I want to share that I don’t have a place for long term.


Low key most excited about Autospam/mod alerts going thru Push notifications instead of email notifications

Will mean less clutter for my email inbox, while still being able to quickly handle mod reports

Regardless, it’s pretty neat that admins can configure mod email alerts, and take action via the app, it’s made moderation more reactive and responsive as your alerted quickly, and can easily take action!


Push notifications are coming along, we’re going with a similar approach as Mastodon meaning 3rd party apps that support Masto push notifications will work with @pixelfed

I’m working on my own APNS/GCM gateway too, using async php so it will be easy to deploy, though only app devs need to run this. I will run a community gateway for the official apps, along with a separate one for my own instances


@dansup @pixelfed surely that exists already? Seems mad for it not to.


Fortunately, @pixelfed has a majority of our expenses covered by donations (and grants, @NGIZero saved our project, forever grateful ❀️)

As much as a boat load of money from VCs would be nice, we have sustainable growth and don't need to sacrifice our vision for funding

I'm looking into IAP for the official apps to bring in more ethical funding

I think that along with corporate sponsors will allow us to do more while staying true to our ideals


For the amount of VC inquiries Pixelfed has received, I can't imagine how many offers Mastodon gets

Big ups to the big G for not selling out

It takes a lot of love and true dedication to be able to ignore such tempting offers, and really goes to show how dedicated he is to the fediverse, open social platforms and humanity!

Joe Cooper πŸ’Ύ

@dansup the thing about those offers is they're often the end of the project and the founder rarely really comes out all that well. I mean, in the cases I can think of, most got a pretty good salary for a couple years, and then left as the company/project withers into irrelevance under new leadership brought in by the investors. No big exit happens in the vast majority of cases, even though that's always the bait they use to get you on board.


I spent my late teens and early adult years dreaming of creating a startup, getting funding and all that

Fast forward to the present, I no longer strive for fame and fortune, and ironically, VCs keep reaching out about @pixelfed

Dreams can change

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Lorq Von Ray

@dansup @pixelfed When you no longer own yourself things change, usually not for the better. Avoid vulture capitalists when you can.

Alan Martello

@dansup @pixelfed You are the boss, you make the decisions, and you live with the results - good or bad. As soon as you take money from someone, you now have a boss. I was too ornery to have a boss so this is the path I took in my programming career. A lot of work and learning many skills besides programming but a ton of fun and ultimately rewarding. Having seen lots of VC funded companies I know I chose a better path for me. You do great work - enjoy your path!


Admin shadow filters will allow @pixelfed admins greater control over accounts

It's not shadow banning, it's shadow filtering πŸ’…

(I know this will be controversial, but girl we need more mod tools and ain't nothing stopping you from running your own server if you dont agree. Slay don't stay, u do u boo)


@pixelfed P.S this is mostly meant for Autospam, and our upcoming Gate/Role features

Admins need more options like these to make moderation easier, most users will never experience this as it’s meant as a last resort before banning/deleting accounts.

Also, this will be logged, to allow admin/mods to discuss and handle accordingly

It’s not my place to dictate your servers rules, my job is to build the tools to make user/admins lives easier


✨ See who viewed your Story

Shipping tomorrow, Sept 12, to our Android and iOS apps! #Androidlust

Matteo Scopel

@dansup I personally feel that this particular feature of Instagram’s implementation of stories could have been left out, or be made an optional opt-in. I’d rather not have authors know my identity when reading their stuff, if I don’t explicitly choose to interact.


YSK: Long pressing your own story will take you to the "Add Story" screen rather than loading your Story.

On a side note, swiping left should close the Story, will add that tonight

A user :blobfoxwashingmachine:

@dansup i never asked about but how are stories managed between servers? are them like sent over the activitypub protocol as well?


Stories and Push Notifications are the last two remaining features to ship before we declare a feature freeze and prepare for the app store release!

This is my first app submission, so I don't have a timeline in terms of an ETA, but we're getting pretty dang close 😁


I wanted to screen record Stories on Android, but the phone doesn't support that feature and only free sketchy apps exist, so I rigged up a mount and ended up making this

It's not perfect, but that's what gives it character πŸ˜‚


Also connected a mouse so you don't have to see my fingers in the video


@dansup this is so based. Btw I’m pretty sure that phone supports screen recording through adb shell screenrecord

Stephen Smith

@dansup I think it might be a lineage rom feature but I've found the screen record quick tile to be super useful for reporting app bugs. It's nice having it as an OS feature.

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