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I just had to deal with the worst kind of report, I immediately banned the account and cleared associated media from our CDN

Ended up spending the evening working on federating account deletions to purge this from known fediverse servers (done ✅)

Now I'm working to make it easier for admins to report illegal content to the authorities

I'm making this public because @pixelfed needs your help to report sus posts and feedback on how to keep our community safe from illegal content



Admins can run `php artisan app:user-account-delete` after updating to the latest commits to deliver remote delete actor activities!


This will be automated in the near future when you delete an account, and will also handle previously deleted accounts!


@ThirstyGayGeek @pixelfed Right?? I'm so thankful for our community, and our report feature that was used just minutes after the creep posted.

I was able to remove and purge the post/media and account within 5 minutes

OG Gay Geek

@dansup @pixelfed yeah I once had someone sign up and their very first post was asking where to find “kid porn”. 🤢 suspended that one real quick.

pell :linux: :gimp:

@dansup @pixelfed Your hard work pays off for you. An inattentive dev might not have caught that until more serious consequences were already playing out.


@dansup @pixelfed how hard would it be to get the physical location for such an individual? Asking for a friend....

Virginia Murr

@dansup @pixelfed

Just wanted to say kudos to you for caring enough to do this.

I used to report (what I'm guessing is) the same type of content on Twitter ... for hours (often daily). There were just so many.

It's horrific & emotionally draining. But, egads, it's necessary (crucial, really) for decent people to step in.

So, thank you.

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