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Hello, I am lgm, 24yo who moved from Russia to Georgia last year and has been struggling ever since. Recently I changed jobs (finally quit one I had in Russia and got local one in Georgia), but due to bureaucratic bullshittery ("Удержание за неотработанные дни отпуска" and some other things) I got way less money than expected. Me and my roommate will be moving soon, and I don't have enough money to pay for rent. We haven't found a new place yet but it will be at minimum $200, or double that if the deposit is required.

I also got deep caries problem, two teeth with cavities reaching root canals, I got one treated today with support of a friend but I should get second one treated asap as there's still chance that the nerve can be saved. I expect that the treatment will cost at least $250 if it's the same treatment as the today's one.

Please help if you can.


Hello, I am lgm, 24yo who moved from Russia to Georgia last year and has been struggling ever since. Recently I changed jobs (finally quit one I had in Russia and got local one in Georgia), but due to bureaucratic bullshittery ("Удержание за неотработанные дни отпуска" and some other things) I got way less money than expected. Me and my roommate will be moving soon, and I don't have enough money to pay for rent. We haven't found a new place yet but it will be at minimum $200, or double that if the...


В Минцифры Казахстана объяснили, почему глобальный сбой Windows не коснулся этой страны

"Глобальный сбой Windows, не коснулся Казахстана, потому что на объектах критической инфраструктуры мы используем пиратское программное обеспечение," — заявил министр цифрового развития Жаслан Мадиев. #баян


Романтическое предложение: «давай будем гулять с NeoStumbler, пока наш район/город/континент/мир (зависит от уровня вашей романтичности) не станет розовым?»


@mo Удалось кстати старые данные из TowerCollector выгрузить? У меня что-то нет, и я теперь не уверен, что он их вообще хранит


Смотрим с сыном "Каникулы Бонифация". Только что вкурила, что именно не так с его бабушкой. Судя по гриве, технически она - дедушка!

#странное #дыбр #чотаржу


@Pchela121 "здравствуйте я ваша тётя" для детей?😅


Если вы встретили бабу с двумя полными вёдрами урана, отступайте на тонкий лёд, заболоченную местность, шаткие конструкции.

Два ведра урана весят ~720 килограмм, значит баба - Т-1000 и суммарно будет весить под тонну. Это даст некоторый шанс.

@mo А почему уран - зеленый :?
Тихий свет этому миру нужны картинки типа аниме тян с реальными фотографиями в качестве фона (типа дополненная реальность)

Но с Боччи и кучей глитч эффектов


I see a lot of negative mental health posts from time to time (and no, I’m not subposting at anyone in particular, nor do I believe this is a “bad thing”! 💜) and I wish I could just say;

- You’re good
- You’re enough

and give them all a hug.

Life can be really tough, sometimes for a very long time, but it can also be beautiful and filled with simple joy.

So the little hug emoji (🫂) I sometimes reply with, please know it means a lot more. You are good enough.

[reposted from old account]

I see a lot of negative mental health posts from time to time (and no, I’m not subposting at anyone in particular, nor do I believe this is a “bad thing”! 💜) and I wish I could just say;

- You’re good
- You’re enough

and give them all a hug.

Life can be really tough, sometimes for a very long time, but it can also be beautiful and filled with simple joy.

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@theresnotime WAIT THAT’S A HUG EMOJI???

…I thought it was a film camera and people posting it were just making a reference that I didn’t get…


@theresnotime Good timing I see this post now, because I recently decided I could use a more permanent reminder xD


good lord. I pulled a microSD card out of a Raspi inside an IoT product and it appears they had some developer use a raspi to develop/test some software, and then they just yanked the SD card out of that machine and duped it on to all of their deployed products.

it's got .bash_history of the development process! there's git checkouts of private repos! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?

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Tina H

@foone After THIS weeks "news", you ask THAT? ;)

"There's no procedure anymore. It's a fucking disgrace ... " - Torchwood.

Chris Bohn

@foone Maybe they took this idea and decided to skip the part where you have to configure Docker.


@foone I imagine the developer was being paid by the hour. The manager asked for a demo, saw that it worked and stopped paying the dev. Then he got his kid to duplicate the setup for him.



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@praest76 Hmm, nobody has heard any smug from the BSD and HURD users out there... things are oddly quiet. 🤔


Today we talk to Vixea, a developer on various pieces of open source VR tooling like Monado and ALVR to discuss the state they're currently in #Linux #VR #Podcast

Video Version:

Audio Version:


🎉 1 million networks uploaded to #beacondb - we only hit 500k 7 days ago, this is incredible!


I've just increased the resolution of the data shown on the map:


@beacondb how does beacondb handle when people sit in their homes and send up reports with the same 4 networks? Does it just disregard them?


@Andromxda @beacondb @fdroidorg @Codeberg @GrapheneOS Mobian is following beacondb's progress to see if beacondb can be a viable a location data source. We encourage people to contribute to the db!



Екатерина Мизулина провела главное расследование в своей жизни — проверила, отравлена ли питьевая вода «Святой источник». Мизулина просто глотнула эту воду и через один час записала второй кружок о том, что она жива.


Шаман на один час опоздал на собственный концерт.

Sapienti sat



One of humanity's greatest accomplishments…

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Leo Newton

@ai6yr You could probably automate it with usb drives.

Baloo Uriza

Me, having recently been laid off from an outsourcing firm in New Delhi: hahaha, oh man my old employer is so fucked right now
Also me: Oh shit, our hospital is that organization, and I ended up working there because I worked at the hospital when they outsourced...

@ai6yr @hammancheez #hawkward


Hmm, apparently I should just copy/paste @hammancheez posts since they are no longer posting here for virality, LOL. (449 retoots and 675 likes so far today, which probably translates to a hundred thousand actual views or more -- based on the typical ratio of retweets/stars on the old birdsite).


Водятлы, сколько времени у вас прошло с момента получения прав до первого ДТП, и что это было за ДТП?

Sergey Sign

@arts лет шесть, зимой в гололёд на запаркованной с обеих сторон улочке снёс торчащее зеркало


Полгода. Оторвал бампер отцу на копейке в 2006

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