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Sammy :nonbinaryFlag:

I see a lot of negative mental health posts from time to time (and no, I’m not subposting at anyone in particular, nor do I believe this is a “bad thing”! 💜) and I wish I could just say;

- You’re good
- You’re enough

and give them all a hug.

Life can be really tough, sometimes for a very long time, but it can also be beautiful and filled with simple joy.

So the little hug emoji (🫂) I sometimes reply with, please know it means a lot more. You are good enough.

[reposted from old account]


@theresnotime I try not to post the negative stuff on here, but tend to post my little victories instead. Posts like these make me feel a little better though, thank you :blobfoxheartcute:


@theresnotime WAIT THAT’S A HUG EMOJI???

…I thought it was a film camera and people posting it were just making a reference that I didn’t get…


@theresnotime Good timing I see this post now, because I recently decided I could use a more permanent reminder xD

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