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7 posts total
Sammy :nonbinaryFlag:

hngggggg technical drawings of ISO symbols hit different :neofox_woozy:

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@theresnotime I think I love this more than venn diagrams.

The only unsatisfying part is that B isn't an integer multiple of the basic unit.

Ludovic Archivist Lagouardette

@theresnotime this is definitely some strange form of pornography that I can feel but not understand

Sammy :nonbinaryFlag:

Casual reminder that working with technology (be that programming, sysadmin-ing or any of the myriad ways we can Touch Computers™) is pretty damn difficult and if you're struggling, you are not "stupid".

We do a difficult job, cut yourself some slack 💜

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@theresnotime also reminder that it's actually not your fault that the giant pile of garbage that is your companys legacy code is incomprehensible to you. You are rightfully annoyed at *why the hell did they build it like this, it's so hard to use*


@theresnotime tell that our C-level.
They dream of replacing us with untrained people using AI.

Generic Firedemon

@theresnotime it's a practice that demands constant refactoring and checking small, seemingly pointless details to make sure nothing is breaking. It makes you question your sanity

Sammy :nonbinaryFlag:

you can't tell me that's not a strong_password


Pia Herself :v_lesbian:

@theresnotime Knowing how many SQL installations in general have been done by following blindly some 'how to instal MySQL' documentation, I wouldn't be amazed if like 50%+ of all the installations out there had root/root credentials and probably the thing also listened to outside world.

One of the very first actual break-ins I've ever investigated was a virtual machine that a young web dev had been given and he figured out somehow that it would be easier to make it listen to the box's public address, so he could then handily connect to the MySQL instance from his own computer directly.

Naturally the password was something that couldn't hold against a dictionary attack for longer than an hour.

@theresnotime Knowing how many SQL installations in general have been done by following blindly some 'how to instal MySQL' documentation, I wouldn't be amazed if like 50%+ of all the installations out there had root/root credentials and probably the thing also listened to outside world.

One of the very first actual break-ins I've ever investigated was a virtual machine that a young web dev had been given and he figured out somehow that it would be easier to make it listen to the box's public address,...

Sammy :nonbinaryFlag:

"This wouldn't have happened on Linux" I say smugly, as I copy and paste a command from a 2008 forum post, three hours into trying to get my fucking WiFi working on Arch.

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Piko Starsider :verified_paw:

@theresnotime This wouldn't have happened with Linux using only open source software, at least with major distros. Because there's plenty of testing for distro and kernel releases, and open source software is readily available to be tested with it. CrowdStrike is not open source.

I don't think Arch is a good fit for a production server though. Or for an average user for that matter.

Ben Cox

@theresnotime I hate hate hate the trend of `curl foo | bash` installation. Not sure how anyone ever thought that was a good idea.

@theresnotime Reminds me of looong ago (Redhat 5.2 long ago, on floppies) where it took me 2 weeks to get the commands in place to connect to the internet via ISDN-2... It did work after that! (This RHL:, not the new RHEL Enterprise edition.)

(Is WIFI working now?)
Sammy :nonbinaryFlag:

Good morning my brain decided I had to immediately create and post this

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Zalasur 🐵

@theresnotime The fun fact about "serverless" computing is that if you go to the Wikipedia page for it, it says right in the first paragraph that the term is a misnomer.

The DJ Mr P

@theresnotime it means software server not hardware "server" platform.


@theresnotime if it# something besides peer to peer i will kill

Sammy :nonbinaryFlag:

I see a lot of negative mental health posts from time to time (and no, I’m not subposting at anyone in particular, nor do I believe this is a “bad thing”! 💜) and I wish I could just say;

- You’re good
- You’re enough

and give them all a hug.

Life can be really tough, sometimes for a very long time, but it can also be beautiful and filled with simple joy.

So the little hug emoji (🫂) I sometimes reply with, please know it means a lot more. You are good enough.

[reposted from old account]

I see a lot of negative mental health posts from time to time (and no, I’m not subposting at anyone in particular, nor do I believe this is a “bad thing”! 💜) and I wish I could just say;

- You’re good
- You’re enough

and give them all a hug.

Life can be really tough, sometimes for a very long time, but it can also be beautiful and filled with simple joy.

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@theresnotime WAIT THAT’S A HUG EMOJI???

…I thought it was a film camera and people posting it were just making a reference that I didn’t get…


@theresnotime Good timing I see this post now, because I recently decided I could use a more permanent reminder xD

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