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@ai6yr my partner nodded in solidarity with this one


@gary_alderson I'm thinking there is a lot of calling around to get on-the-ground help for companies with remote workers back up, for sure.

red_rooster :coolified:

So, I assume there are already some #airforce #Lockheed #c5 Galaxy on the way to #Bangalore or even already back with 345 IT-persons and their equipment each.
These are then parachuted directly to the authorities affected


@ai6yr I used to work for a multinational, we had the largest privately owned intranet in the world once, US to Australia & almost every country in-between

Good luck telling them to do that

Trojan Duck

@ai6yr Wait, so paying people 30 cents per hour has a downside?


@ai6yr BRB, gotta get on my knees and thank God I don't do tech support anymore

Oliver Hunt

@ai6yr this is unfair as it fails to consider the benefit to The Stockholders (tm)


@XerShadowTail @ai6yr Yah, I'm seeing no movement on the FIRMS map now, so I suspect we just lost the picture of how some of the fires around me are growing



In the days of Y2K we would send out code/instructions for manufacturing bootable floppies to be couriered to every team /office and quickly passed around in the morning after. Field operatives phoned up and told to rendezvous with managers at usual burger joint.

That way one delivery does 10 - 1000 fixes using no local IT team

In these days of uncontrolled update/patch delivery, no accessible USB drives and locked down BIOS it's a self inflicted problem for the next IT convention

Leo Newton

@ai6yr You could probably automate it with usb drives.

Baloo Uriza

Me, having recently been laid off from an outsourcing firm in New Delhi: hahaha, oh man my old employer is so fucked right now
Also me: Oh shit, our hospital is that organization, and I ended up working there because I worked at the hospital when they outsourced...

@ai6yr @hammancheez #hawkward


Hmm, apparently I should just copy/paste @hammancheez posts since they are no longer posting here for virality, LOL. (449 retoots and 675 likes so far today, which probably translates to a hundred thousand actual views or more -- based on the typical ratio of retweets/stars on the old birdsite).

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