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243 posts total
Nikita @ THE MERGE

I need some clarification on how #Mastodon/ActivityPub works.

Do I understand correctly that if I follow a person and they post in a language I haven't selected to see, it will be shown to me no matter what?

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Григорий Клюшников

All this language stuff only exists on Mastodon. Smithereen, for example, discards this metadata on external posts and doesn't add it to its own.

Nikita @ THE MERGE

Well, this is confirmed.

This is one of the reasons why I was never against the English-only policy. Most people I follow are from #Fosstodon, and now, if they would want to write in a foreign language, I have no way to hide these posts, no matter the language.

@kytta it will show cause the language selection in #Mastodon don't apply for the following feed (but for federated feed).

Nikita @ THE MERGE

My #TPLink router has been having weird problems, and I don't really know how to debug it. About once a day, my devices lose connection to Wi-Fi. The Ethernet connection still works, though. The devices claim the Wi-Fi has no Internet connection, has a wrong password, or plainly hide it from the networks list.

A restart helps, but not always. Full reset did not help. DoS protection is on, and logs are empty on both my #RaspberryPi and the router itself. What could it be?


@kytta You might try looking in logs inside the modem, if you can get in the modem and it has logs. I discovered that my cable internet connection from my ISP was incorrectly attenuated by an F cap on the end of an exposed coaxial splitter. I removed it and my internet connection stopped dropping once or twice per day like yours. Wild guess?


@kytta I had the same sort of problem with a TPLink VR400 - although in my case a proper power cycle always brought it back.
Nothing in the logs, no obvious network traffic. DSL still worked, but only to/from Ethernet. Ended up writing it off as dodgy hardware.
Hope you have better luck!


@kytta If its wifi related and you have a 5Ghz wifi, maybe it gets shut off when something nearby with more priority tries do send something. I have a similar issue

Nikita @ THE MERGE

I want to add a ‘Share via email’ button to #Shareon, the share buttons I develop. What should the icon for that button be?


Anonymous poll


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Closed envelope
Opened envelope
Something else (pls comment)
6 people voted.
Voting ended 18 Aug 2023 at 11:26.
Nikita @ THE MERGE

#TimeMachine stopped working for some reason. Copying 6 gigabytes takes up to four hours, and then it gets stuck at ‘Freeing Up Space’, even though there is enough room for a full backup, let alone an incremental one.

Internet search didn’t yield any results other than ‘Reformat drive as APFS and try again’. I don’t have a spare drive on hand at the moment, so I guess no backups for me. #LivingOnTheEdge

Nikita @ THE MERGE

In case you’re worried: Time Machine is not the only backup that I have 😁

Nikita @ THE MERGE

New (short) blog post! In this one, I ramble about people using wrong data formats.

This is post 007 of #100DaysToOffload

Nikita @ THE MERGE

Telegram FOSS[1] is a fork of Telegram for Android that doesn’t include closed-source binaries.

Cons: Gets updates noticeably later than the official version

Pros: Gets updates noticeably later than the official version, so there are no stories :blobcatgoogly:


Nikita @ THE MERGE

I got myself a new phone and am displeased to tell you that Android-to-Android migration is *still not good*.

How I imagine #Android works: There are files under `/storage/emulated/0`. Some folders, like ‘Pictures’ are writable by user. Also, each app has it’s ‘data’ lying *somewhere*. When migrating, three things are done: 1) Apps get pulled as APKs and re-installed; 2) Apps’ data gets placed where it belongs; 3) User’s folders get copied as-is.

It’s not how it works.

Nikita @ THE MERGE

How it works instead:

1) Apps that are on the Google Play get re-installed. F-Droid? Russian banking apps? Unlucky!
2a) The half of the data gets copied, the other half doesn’t. You can’t figure out which is which. You need to open each app and look for yourself.
2b) It doesn’t matter if the app gets reinstalled or not; its data *may or may not* be there.
3) Only the ‘standard’ folders (‘Pictures’, ‘Downloads’) get transferred. Other folders that I’ve deliberately put in the root don’t.


@kytta I could rant all day about iOS, but migrations are heaven, I still have chatlogs from 2015.

Weirdest thing that happened to me was on lineageOS and titanium backup on a rooted S7, after reinstalling it my custom messaging sounds for telegram got replaced with random music mp3s from my sd-card.

Nikita @ THE MERGE

Why do I always miss cool FOSS events? In February, I realized I could have visited the #FOSDEM, and now I am missing out on this year's #FrOSCon. Even more annoying: Both are free and are just a couple of hours train ride from me 😒

Aleksandra Fedorova :fedora:

@kytta Good thing that they both are yearly events.

Add OpenSUSEConf to the list and setup a reminder for the next year now :)

Nikita @ THE MERGE

Hey @bitwarden, I have noticed you are now offering an EU-hosted instance. Good stuff! Is there a way to migrate my US-hosted account to the EU servers?

Nikita @ THE MERGE

EDITED: this post was me asking for job offers. I have now secured a job offer and am not searching any more.

Niklas Wolf

@kytta Just leaving this here as it might fit you 😊 I’m really enjoying working here 😊

Jan-Lukas Else

@kytta Nice CV page! I might take some inspiration next time 😏 But I have the impression that all that counts is LinkedIn/Xing anyway.

Nikita @ THE MERGE

Can anyone recommend a lightweight, bare-bones status page? I am running Uptime Kuma at the moment, but it takes up a ton of RAM, which my RasPi does not like :D

All I need is periodical HTTP GET and/or IP Ping and check for the response as well as a status page for the public


@kytta found this list the other day. Maybe it has something you're looking for.

Nikita @ THE MERGE

Fuck websites that do this.

P.S. I didn't have DevTools open, I just have an ad blocker.

Floppy 💾

@kytta Curious how DevTools detection works. (And consequently how it can be broken.)


@kytta I know this is mean, but I feel the need to laugh at the idea that to have a shitty user experience with a web site, one doesn't always need to use it over Tor (like I do) 😂

r҉ustic cy͠be̸rpu̵nk🤠🤖

@kytta If any site does this, the domain gets blocked permanently

Nikita @ THE MERGE

@kev is way too productive today, makes me feel bad for chilling on a Sunday :P

Kev Quirk

@kytta don’t feel bad, chill out time is really important. I’m ask done and chilling with a beer now. 👌

Nikita @ THE MERGE

#Shareon v2.2.0 is out! This version added a share button for Microsoft Teams, as well as an overall “Share” button that uses Web Share API under the hood. Also, there now is the `data-hashtags` attribute that lets you set a hashtag for Twitter or Facebook.

Huge thanks to Edward and Dimitrios, who made these changes happen!

Nikita @ THE MERGE

The only thing that irritates me about @thunderbird ‘Supernova’ is that the subjects of emails in the new list view have a slightly bolder-than-normal font weight (500 instead of 400), and now I always think I have a bunch of unread emails. Since the subject line is already bigger than the sender's name, there is no need for a separate weight.

Nikita @ THE MERGE

@thunderbird I hope the team will take this into consideration, but for now it's nothing a userChrome can't fix 😉

Nikita @ THE MERGE

You know how some podcast players can cut silence from audio? I need this, but for voice messages 😏

Jordan Erickson

@kytta I see the benefit of this, though it can also take away from the conversational aspect of it. Think intentional silence as part of communicating a thought or idea. This is used a lot in audio books and general storytelling. Edit: Of course maybe not as important for voicemail messages ;)

Nikita @ THE MERGE

(the owner of the server thinks Fosstodon is ‘a haven for extreme toxicity and followbots’, so I can't boost this properly)

Paramdeo Singh 🇬🇾

@kytta It's really a shame that the Achille's heel of the Fediverse is feudalism, but it's a very accurate post that sums up the unseen forces shaping the web ecosystem and driving a lot of the churn.

As expected, the comments descended into a JavaScript flamewar!

Nikita @ THE MERGE

The thing that many naysayers fail to understand is that *we* are the ones in the bubble. We, a small portion of the Web, who hates centralisation and big corps. The rest of the world, the normies, do not care and will never care. For them, ease and clarity of use is of much bigger importance than privacy and public good. Why think about the complicated technical caveats of Fedi, when there's an app "all my friends and idols are on".

mercurial idiot

@kytta I think we need to have a specific way of getting into Fedi where all you need to do is click and read, plus quick previews of the UIs and posts all in one website.

Otherwise, lazy people wont get in here.

Nikita @ THE MERGE

I almost don't have any problems with Threads.

It's data privacy policy is nothing new, it's data hoarding at its finest (classic Meta). Time will show whether it will kill Twitter (maybe even sooner, than we expect) or ActivityPub (I don't think it's possible).

But why, WHY did they have to name it "Threads"? It's now impossible to filter it out or search for threads online. Poor parallel programmers / sewers 🧵

Nikita @ THE MERGE

What? You want to know what my DNS blocklist looks like? Oh, I'm glad you asked!

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