I got myself a new phone and am displeased to tell you that Android-to-Android migration is *still not good*.
How I imagine #Android works: There are files under `/storage/emulated/0`. Some folders, like ‘Pictures’ are writable by user. Also, each app has it’s ‘data’ lying *somewhere*. When migrating, three things are done: 1) Apps get pulled as APKs and re-installed; 2) Apps’ data gets placed where it belongs; 3) User’s folders get copied as-is.
It’s not how it works.
How it works instead:
1) Apps that are on the Google Play get re-installed. F-Droid? Russian banking apps? Unlucky!
2a) The half of the data gets copied, the other half doesn’t. You can’t figure out which is which. You need to open each app and look for yourself.
2b) It doesn’t matter if the app gets reinstalled or not; its data *may or may not* be there.
3) Only the ‘standard’ folders (‘Pictures’, ‘Downloads’) get transferred. Other folders that I’ve deliberately put in the root don’t.