#DAKGesundheit ist so nervig, wenn es zu deren Apps kommt. Um eine App nutzen zu können, braucht es einen Code per Post. Das gleiche, wenn du dein Gerät verlierst oder es plötzlich kaputtgeht. Aber auch danach ist das nur nervig. (thread) 1. Eine E-Mail kommt: neue Nachricht im digitalen Postfach. Ich öffne die App 4. Meine Gesundheitskarte ist ja neu. Ich muss sie finden und die neue Kennungsnummer eingeben The Google Noto Emoji font has SVGs available, and there's something really beautiful about them up close
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@b0rk I recently implemented a db struct based on the sqlite article you referenced, and this is how it came out: https://gist.github.com/llimllib/2d03a8da46bbd3d247d2492849e3dc4e I'd love to see how other people have implemented it! @b0rk thanks, I'm using mux routing but my handlers can be a bit complex so this will help simplify them Gibt unter meinen deutschen Followers zufällig #SmartHome-Enthusiasten? :D Ich will mal in das ganze eintauchen, und am liebsten würde ich mir einen ConBee als #ZigBee-"Hub" holen. Als erstes Smart-Produkt will ich einen Heizungsthermostat, aber ich checke nicht, ob überhaupt irgendeine mit generischen ZigBee-Hubs funktioniert. Hat da jemand Erfahrung? Bosch und Hama sagen, die haben ZigBee, aber gleichzeitig auch, dass ihr Hub erforderlich ist. Ich will auf keinen Fall Ökosystem-Lock-In :/ @kytta Thermostate & Licht/Rolloschalter bin ich ein Freund von Homematic, da die Geräte für sich intelligenter sind. @kytta Ich bin zwar nicht dein Follower, antworte aber trotzdem 🙃 Ich benutze #Zigbee #Tuya Heizungsthermostate I am struggling to decide on what my email address strategy should be. More specifically, I can't decide which email to use for my IRL stuff (bank, insurance, etc.) I obviously don't want to use email on domains I don't control. I also don't want to use my main domain, because it links it to my "Internet/FOSS persona" too much. And using a domain with my last name in it also makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I don't know why lol What's your strategy for something like this?
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@kytta I also have the same inner debate always. Currently I use my main domain for both web activity and email. I dont think it is a bad idea. Regarding having linkage to internet persona, I use my name in most places, so that doesnt really affect me. But if you are giving this a fresh start, note that people might think of your new domain as spam too. If it doesnt relate to you, and has an arbitrary webmail landing page, feels kinda spam/phishing. I don't trust my email setup enough to use it for critical things like banks, and I still haven't set up sending from grishka.me, while at least one bank I use needs sending from one's "registered email" to work. So these things use gmail. For now. @kytta I like using two domains and subdomains. For personal/professional communication: For most accounts: For bank, etc: Replace word3 with a generic word and random digit. Consider using an email provider like mailbox.org that allows you to receive mail at any name on your domain so you can have topicX@yourdomain.com Me: How do I delete my account? :blobcatangery: Even worse: Many ticket portals are based on Zendesk, which does not allow easy account deletion. Screw every business who does not implement a big red "Delete me" button in user settings. Thoughts on the new iOS control centre https://manuelmoreale.com/thoughts-on-the-new-ios-control-centre "A quick note before this post goes off the rails: Apple recorded almost 100 billion in profit in 2023. They can afford to hire every single UX and UI designer on the face of the planet with that money. Keep that in mind as you read through this rant." This cracked me up: Little Known macOS Sequoia System Extensions: https://tyler.io/2024/09/little-known-macos-sequoia-system-extensions/ by @tylerhall One of the weirdest disconnects happened a few months ago when I received a Mozilla Foundation newsletter about the evils of big corporations building unethical AI. It was a donation appeal so they could gear up to "fight" against companies like OpenAI. This doesn't seem strange until you consider that Mozilla is currently paying a ChatGPT Enterprise license for all ~1000 of its employees. And encouraging them to use it for productivity, brainstorming, & code. Yea, it didn't sit well. At all. @killyourfm Roughly how much of their free $400 million from Google is going directly into ChatGPT?
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@deno_land am I the only one that doesn’t see any issue with this? From the page: > Unlike typical trademark holders who protect their trademarks by extracting licensing fees or enforcing usage restrictions, Oracle has allowed the JavaScript name to be used by anyone. Doesn’t that mean you should just ignore the trademark? Imagine the confusion that would arise if a random third party created "Javascript Conf". This incredible feeling of buying an incredible domain name. Short, cheap, hacky, obscure ccTLD, it's just perfect :blobcathappy: @ruhrscholz every project should have a page like this. Maybe a new slashpage, /cursed or something My @thunderbird has just been updated to 128 Nebula, and I am so disappointed by the redesign. I mean, look at this comparison and tell me you find it better, because I definitely don’t. All this unnecessary spacing (I now see 18 instead of 20 emails in the list without scrolling), flashy animations, weird highlights, poorly looking card layout… At “Compact” density, it’s just way too airy. I wish there was a way to turn the old style back on :( @kytta @thunderbird maybe if the words in whatever than language is weren't so long it wouldn't be a problem!!!! Ok maybe not I'm about to purchase a new domain name where I won't host anything. What is the most cursed combination of OS+HTTP server to put there as a dummy index page? Like Apache's "It works", but from 2006 or something :D
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My beliefs are simple, and hardly radical: Libraries are critical infrastructure. Access to information is a human right. When you buy a book you should truly own it. When a library buys a book, they should be able to lend it. Readers should be able to read without any third parties spying over their shoulders, or preventing them from accessing the materials they have legally obtained. Wie jedes Jahr am #Warntag könnt ihr an der #WarntagUmfrage teilnehmen, und erklären ob/wann/wie (gut) ihr gewarnt wurdet oder nicht: https://www.warntag-umfrage.de/ Das ganze fließt in die Verbesserung der Warninfrastruktur ein, also macht fleißig mit! 🚨🚨🚨 I'm working with someone who uses github copilot and a lot of my feedback boils down to "that's something that people used to do in #python but it's obsolete now" because *of course* that's the sort of feedback I'd give. Of the code that github stole, most of it is always going old because, like, more things happened in the past than in the present. So now we live in a very weird present-future where allegedly-cutting-edge "AI" is telling us to do Python 2.7 idioms like class ClassName(object) "More things happened in the past than the present" is an excellent quote and I'm probably going to steal it. |
@hugoeland I've it in the head THANK YOU
@hugoeland I didn't get this at first because I pronounce
like user@hugoeland it was a shame how he’d sudo chown