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Given how popular Logitech MX mice are, also amongst developers, how come nobody has still made a *usable* version of the ‘Options’ software? Reverse-engineer the drivers, make a lightweight daemon and native UI. Are the projects that currently are or have tried tackling this?

Ian Wagner 🦀 :freebsd: :osm:

@kytta the awful Options software seemed like an increasing security risk and the quality of the mice has gotten worse. That led me to ultimately discontinue my use of Logitech mice about two years ago. The problem is real.


I already have enough unfinished side projects, but I am freaking pissed by Logitech adding AI to their mice (and software). So, I hereby announce that I have started reverse engineering the Logi Options+ software.

My plan is to bypass the installer, re-implement the drivers and daemons and add simple text-based configuration (to begin with). I’ll focus MX Master 3 + macOS + Apple Silicon first (I’ve nothing else to debug on). The licence will be GPLv3-only.

PSA: This will take me ages (:


Hardest decision for a project like this: What language to use?

I really want to try out Zig, and it’s handy that it can compile C, too. I am also considering Swift, given that it would be easy to integrate it with macOS and easy to incorporate pieces from the original code for testing/experimenting. It might be that Protobuf will be used, and I only really know how to use it in Go. Rust is an obligatory option, but I don’t like it.

P. S. Don’t expect me to follow the poll results :)

Mark Derricutt (talios)

@kytta Zig + Swift for the UI parts maybe? which is the route the Ghostty terminal from @mitchellh has taken...


Priority 1: Use something that brings you joy
Priority 2: If you develop something that needs more features over time (and I would expect this project will), use something that a lot of other people use already, so they can help out.

Jan-Lukas Else

@kytta thanks for the info! I think I will just uninstall Options+, I don't use it anyway and am fine with the default settings.

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