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I already have enough unfinished side projects, but I am freaking pissed by Logitech adding AI to their mice (and software). So, I hereby announce that I have started reverse engineering the Logi Options+ software.

My plan is to bypass the installer, re-implement the drivers and daemons and add simple text-based configuration (to begin with). I’ll focus MX Master 3 + macOS + Apple Silicon first (I’ve nothing else to debug on). The licence will be GPLv3-only.

PSA: This will take me ages (:


Hardest decision for a project like this: What language to use?

I really want to try out Zig, and it’s handy that it can compile C, too. I am also considering Swift, given that it would be easy to integrate it with macOS and easy to incorporate pieces from the original code for testing/experimenting. It might be that Protobuf will be used, and I only really know how to use it in Go. Rust is an obligatory option, but I don’t like it.

P. S. Don’t expect me to follow the poll results :)

Mark Derricutt (talios)

@kytta Zig + Swift for the UI parts maybe? which is the route the Ghostty terminal from @mitchellh has taken...


Priority 1: Use something that brings you joy
Priority 2: If you develop something that needs more features over time (and I would expect this project will), use something that a lot of other people use already, so they can help out.

Jan-Lukas Else

@kytta thanks for the info! I think I will just uninstall Options+, I don't use it anyway and am fine with the default settings.

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