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I love listening to #podcasts, but it's not my number 1 source of entertainment. As such, I only get to listen to them when I can't watch videos or write code, which is usually my job commute. When I started working full-time, I finally got the opportunity to process my listening queue.

Well, 2024 hasn't been that productive, so far. I started working remotely, then I went on a holiday, and then I got sick, so I'm back to 100 episodes, 3+ days of listening 🙃

Joel :void: :casio:

@kytta lol. What kinda podcasts do u like? And I hope the app is @AntennaPod!!


@joel @AntennaPod it sure is!

99% of my podcasts are about programming. The remaining one is 99% Invisible 😁

I think I need a Podcastroll on my website 🤔


In a perfect world, this would be my to-do list:

- finish the 10+ open-source side projects I'm actively thinking about
- watch 185 YouTube videos
- listen to 100 podcast episodes
- read 274 blog posts

My days don't have enough hours in them :blobcatdizzy:


my days are long enough, I go to bed tired every night.
I need more days in the week, preferable between saturday and sunday. 😃

Simon Walters

@kytta I feel I'd enjoy getting into listening to podcasts but I've never put the effort in to find how to do it!

CactiChameleon9 (Daniel)

@kytta 94.6 hours for me so far this year... We share this minor addiction 😅

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