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As someone who has no idea about high-end audio equipment — do these kinds of microphones not work equally in all directions? them: mathematics and art have nothing to do with each other me: *laughs in Renaissance perspective drawing techniques* a surprising number of users will also report people if they're losing a heated debate, as a form of revenge, and if the admin sides with the reporting user on the issue, this often results in a block. i personally object to this kind of mentality where a debate on a topic is only permitted if you take the side that the admin takes. that's not real debate. that's just "tralala i only hear what i want to hear, you're blocked now" nobody mocked James Cameron for visiting the Titanic in a sub, because it was the 90s and they were making a movie, so everybody just thought it was cool. oh, how the zeitgeist has changed. @thor Self driving trains and planes exist, the reason they aren't super common place is due to unions, regulations, etc.
Self driving public transports costs people jobs, the technology is all there @thor it’s honestly surprising to me that I haven’t heard of such a project being at least planned yet, controlling something like a subway is already 99% automated, add a system to detect people on tracks and properly close doors and job’s done pretty much. I assume there’s some union shenanigans going on though, since the train drivers don’t want to be out of a job.
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