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108 posts total
Thorwegian ❄️

in the United States, Mickey Mouse is the most popular Disney character.

in the Nordic countries, it's Donald.

the hothead with bad luck.

Thorwegian ❄️

for some reason, despite our calm demeanour, we identify with a duck who loses his temper.

and despite having money, we identify with someone who is always broke.

Thorwegian ❄️

i'n not feeling too encouraged by the response to the animal welfare Blizzard post.

i hope you're caring for your animals. i'm not feeling very reassured though. they're not for show.

@thor Did something happen to Blizzard? I only saw the one post.
Thorwegian ❄️

have you tried not caring about Harry Potter


@thor I don't. Nor do I care about Ms Rowling. Nor participating in 'pile-ons' on social media.

Thorwegian ❄️

americans will use anything but the metric system

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@thor To be fair I'm not as convinced that using metric such of a big deal as I used to be. I think the strongest argument that there would a uniform measurement system across the world.

Thorwegian ❄️

the ability to talk yourself out of anything also incurs the ability to talk yourself into anything, so it's as much of a curse as it is a blessing.


@thor I would have done way better in school with these new fangled study aids. What will they think of next? Android students?


@thor modern problems require modern solutions :blobfoxthinksmart:

Thorwegian ❄️

in Norwegian, "gi katta" - give the cat - means to not give a damn

Thorwegian ❄️

i'd say something amusing about eggs but i don't think you guys could stomach the yoke

Thorwegian ❄️

cats are small, cute, soft and vulnerable until you touch their bellies.

hello murder mittens and goodbye forearm skin.

Thorwegian ❄️

i just had the first weekly lunch of the year with my friend, the medium-sized business CEO. after lunch, i went and shopped fruit for his office and sent an invoice for that.

it's snowy and icy outside and i slipped and fell. i must've been quite a sight, 6'4" tall, in a black coat and a big backpack full of fruit. a lady came up and asked me if i was all right. i told her i didn't know. it takes a minute before the pain sets in, after all. my knee took the impact, as usual.

i'm sitting in the lobby of the office to cool down and dry up before i head out into the blizzard again to go back home.

i just had the first weekly lunch of the year with my friend, the medium-sized business CEO. after lunch, i went and shopped fruit for his office and sent an invoice for that.

it's snowy and icy outside and i slipped and fell. i must've been quite a sight, 6'4" tall, in a black coat and a big backpack full of fruit. a lady came up and asked me if i was all right. i told her i didn't know. it takes a minute before the pain sets in, after all. my knee took the impact, as usual.

Thorwegian ❄️

central Oslo right now
it's been snowing a lot

Thorwegian ❄️

on the Internet, no one knows you're a bog


@thor Damn it. Will they discover that I'm really a bayou?

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