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Thorwegian ❄️

a surprising number of users will also report people if they're losing a heated debate, as a form of revenge, and if the admin sides with the reporting user on the issue, this often results in a block. i personally object to this kind of mentality where a debate on a topic is only permitted if you take the side that the admin takes. that's not real debate. that's just "tralala i only hear what i want to hear, you're blocked now"

Thorwegian ❄️

@El_Jefe what you sing when you plug your ears to avoid hearing something

Flight of the NA ✒️


I don’t remember all the words…

When my mother and my father make a visit to the fair, allá, allá,

If they haven’t any money and there’s …

Tralalá, Tralalá, Tralalalalalala…

Tralalá, Tralalá, Tralalalálalala

Thorwegian ❄️

a lot of the more prominent Mastodon instances operate on a principle where they moderate more heavily than their rules would suggest, because they have redefined words to have a broader or different meaning. it's a tactic that the far left routinely employs, often together with holier-than-thou shaming tactics. i've noticed that some of my moderate and conservative friends shy away from the Fediverse because it's so hostile to other perspectives, even when expressed in the most civil of ways. and sometimes, my users can get a little rough, which is basically a death sentence in terms of federation. you were struck off the "good" list the moment you dared to have the wrong perspective in the first place. expressing it a bit bluntly and being willing to debate it extensively? no chance, straight to the block list you go.

a lot of the more prominent Mastodon instances operate on a principle where they moderate more heavily than their rules would suggest, because they have redefined words to have a broader or different meaning. it's a tactic that the far left routinely employs, often together with holier-than-thou shaming tactics. i've noticed that some of my moderate and conservative friends shy away from the Fediverse because it's so hostile to other perspectives, even when expressed in the most civil of ways. and...

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