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6,371 posts total
Dr. Quadragon ❌

Always remember that once you sign the dotted line, there’s no changing your mind later. That’s the advice I received in the Navy from my Chief. This is where doing your homework really pays off.

When buying a car, try to plan ahead ten to twenty years. Most people don’t buy a new car every couple of years, so you’ll need a car that suits your needs for a long time.

Are you planning on getting married and having kids one day? Maybe a minivan. Do you do a lot of trade work? Maybe a pickup truck. Are you just trying to get from point A to point B? Maybe just a regular four-seat car. Planning ahead will save you headaches in the future.

Get something that’s easy to repair yourself, the spare parts are cheap, and are easily obtainable. Some brands are extremely difficult to fix yourself and that’s by design.

As for car internet privacy, I don’t know what to tell you.

Always remember that once you sign the dotted line, there’s no changing your mind later. That’s the advice I received in the Navy from my Chief. This is where doing your homework really pays off.

When buying a car, try to plan ahead ten to twenty years. Most people don’t buy a new car every couple of years, so you’ll need a car that suits your needs for a long time.

Григорий Клюшников


As for car internet privacy, I don’t know what to tell you.

Just don't connect the car to the internet?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Picard management tip: Be willing to ask for help, even from people you dislike.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

You don't understand why everyone is mad at you, while you're just a chill guy who likes to make your .env files open source

You don't understand why everyone is mad at you, while you're just a chill guy who likes to make your .env files open source
AltTexter RU

🔍 Описание

Скриншот мема. Изображение представляет собой рисунок мультяшного персонажа, похожего на собаку или лису, с коричневой шерстью, серым свитером и голубыми джинсами. Персонаж стоит, руки в карманах. Фон однотонный, серо-зелёного цвета. Рисунок выполнен в стиле комикса. Изображение размещено в рамке, характерной для социальных сетей.

📝 Текст на картинке

git add .env

Posted in r/ProgrammerHumor by u/UnfilteredAyush

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Lou Thomas


As ceasarslegon probably knows, taking a large dose of sugar and caffeine may not be the most healthy of practices!

He might want to take a look at the supplement vinpocetine as a possible alternative. This is a phosphodiesterase type 1 inhibitor that dilates vasculature in the head area, resulting in more blood reaching the brain.

It's not for everyone, since among other side effects, it thins the blood somewhat, which can be dangerous if one has a tendency toward hemorrhagic stroke, or if one is being treated with blood thinners already. And although it is available over the counter in the U.S., in some other nations it requires a prescription (and is sold under the name Cavinton). So it is serious medicine and a doctor should definitely be consulted before one should consider its use, to be sure there are no negative interactions with current medications or a patient's specific conditions.

I have no medical training myself--just passing along what I've read about a supplement that I am currently using myself.

I would only add that a condition of low blood pressure to the point that it affects brain function might possibly cause subtle brain damage over time through temporary episodes of oxygen deprivation during those times when the brain is not getting enough blood.


As ceasarslegon probably knows, taking a large dose of sugar and caffeine may not be the most healthy of practices!

He might want to take a look at the supplement vinpocetine as a possible alternative. This is a phosphodiesterase type 1 inhibitor that dilates vasculature in the head area, resulting in more blood reaching the brain.


@georgetakei I used to bring pepsi and chocolate with me to take exams in the 90s, which I felt helped. I also have low blood pressure, but would never have connected the 2. Also, getting extra oxygen by running to your exam, gives your brain a boost.


@georgetakei Yes, that's exactly how superstition and esotericism work. It is generalized from one case to all. A look in a math book might help: Full-scale induction works differently.
Science ruls

Dr. Quadragon ❌

the fediverse now has a fast growing TikTok alternative:

While it remains in a pre-release beta state atm, we are testing federation and will be releasing full federation support, along with the source code once stable.

And we expect by this time next month, you will have a bright, shiny and easy to install TikTok alternative under your tree 🎄

Spread the word. Loops has arrived.


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Nad :imagination:

@dansup @uastronomer This looks interesting and promising. I wish you would've put in a way to be kept up to date via email or something because I fear I might forget to check it out again!

Marcos M. 🚲


mmm, I've tried to sign-up but says my user and mail is taken. But when I tried to enter, they do not recognize neither xD

Brother Soul

@dansup this is freaking OUTSTANDING!!!! On so many levels.

#labr #loveabrotherrado

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Спасибо всем, кто посмотрел со мной Гарри Поттера и Философский Камень. Не покупайте ничего у посторонних в зловещих капюшонах, закрывающих лицо, по возможности имейте богатых и знаменитых родителей, и будьте на хорошем счету у директора школы.

Следующий @fmn - в самом начале зимы! Делайте ставки, господа!


Fediverse Movie Night
Начинаем прием заявок на следующий вечерний киносеанс, запланированный на 01.12.2024 в 21:00 по Москве.

Напоминаем правила:
- Мы принимаем на просмотр полнометражные художественные фильмы;
- Прием варианта осуществляется путем публикации ссылки на этот фильм на IMDB или Кинопоиске в этом треде;
- Нам не подходят: сериалы, короткометражные и документальные фильмы;
- Максимальное количество вариантов, предложенных одним человеком не должно превышать 3;
- Всего может быть собрано до 60 фильмов;
- Заявки принимаются до крайнего срока, после чего будет объявлено голосование по собранным вариантам.

Крайний срок подачи заявки - 16:00 26.11.2024 по Москве.
Рекомендуем посетить список, чтобы случайно не предложить уже просмотренный фильм:

Желаем удачи.
Fediverse Movie Night Воскресен…
Начинаем прием заявок на следующий вечерний киносеанс, запланированный на 01.12.2024 в 21:00 по Москве.

Напоминаем правила:
- Мы принимаем на просмотр полнометражные художественные фильмы;
Fediverse Movie Night
Воскресенье, 21:00
LIVE ON XXIV Production
Dr. Quadragon ❌

Сегодня у нас на Fediverse Movie Night современная сказка о мальчике, отправившемся в волшебную школу, чтобы впервые встретиться со злом, намеренным жить вечно.

Ни фильм, ни его первоисточник, я уверен, в дальнейшем представлении не нуждается. Гарри Поттер и Философский Камень.

Поезд с платформы 9 3/4 отправляется в 21:00 по Москве



@drq через что Peertube на Android смотрите? Оригинальная веб-морда? NewPipe? А подкасты? (Мне просто NewPipe показался не очень удобным для просмотра в фоне, а сам сайт почему-то работает не слишком бодро (долго грузится).)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Готовим кошельки к покупке Chrome

Министерство юстиции США через суд потребовало от Google продать Chrome, чтобы решить проблему монополии Google на рынке поисковиков.

Ведомство также предложило дать Google выбор: продать Android или перестать принуждать сторонних разработчиков Android-устройств к установке сервисов Google.

Слушания по делу назначены на апрель 2025 года. Вынесение вердикта ожидается до конца лета 2025 года.

#chrome #google #android #usa #rozetked


@kir4ik52 Забавно, но на покупку chrome денег хватит только у крупных корп, так что шило на мыло.


@kir4ik52 так они, вроде, хотят его продать Alphabet'у.
Там идея в том, что им просто придётся отчитываться, как поисковая система и рекламный движок взаимодействует с браузером.

Тимур Сагденов
Они сейчас допиздятся до покупки китайцами, и тогда им всем вообще пизда.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

"Microsoft Office, like many companies in recent months, has slyly turned on an “opt-out” feature that scrapes your Word and Excel documents to train its internal AI systems. This setting is turned on by default, and you have to manually uncheck a box in order to opt out.

If you are a writer who uses MS Word to write any proprietary content (blog posts, novels, or any work you intend to protect with copyright and/or sell), you’re going to want to turn this feature off immediately.

I won’t beat around the bush. Microsoft Office doesn’t make it easy to opt out of this new AI privacy agreement, as the feature is hidden through a series of popup menus in your settings:

On a Windows computer, follow these steps to turn off “Connected Experiences”: File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Privacy Options > Privacy Settings > Optional Connected Experiences > Uncheck box: “Turn on optional connected experiences”"

#Microsoft #AI #GenerativeAI #AITraining #MSWord #Privacy #Word

"Microsoft Office, like many companies in recent months, has slyly turned on an “opt-out” feature that scrapes your Word and Excel documents to train its internal AI systems. This setting is turned on by default, and you have to manually uncheck a box in order to opt out.

If you are a writer who uses MS Word to write any proprietary content (blog posts, novels, or any work you intend to protect with copyright and/or sell), you’re going to want to turn this feature off immediately.

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Scotsbear 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🐻 There are dozens of alternative options for writers, and a healthy amount for Excel. There really is no need to be using MS product in the year of our lord 2024. Imagine actually paying to then spend your life dealing with their massive amounts of bullshit. Ludicrous.


@remixtures If you are a writer who uses MS Word to write any proprietary content (blog posts, novels, or any work you intend to protect with copyright and/or sell), you’re a fucking moron and you should leave this feature on so you'll keep poisoning Microsoft's data with your inane bullshit.

Tony Novak CPA

@remixtures FWIW, in contrast, I was formerly a professional business writer who had most content used without permit or license by offshore thieves decades ago. It no longer bothers me and I have no expectation of privacy or protection now. People who seek privacy seem to me to be fighting a losing battle. I use Microsoft 365 including Copilot daily in my work and personal life now.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I’ve no more fucks to give,
My fuck rations are depleted,
I’ve rallied my fuck army but
It’s been fucking defeated!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Chia Песня для важных переговоров

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Когда мне в очередной раз будут рассказывать про охренительные зарплаты в науке (да, еще остались люди, которые почему-то уверены, что все получают 200% и вообще купаются в золоте, как султан, засыпанный золотой антилопой монетами), я буду испаряться из разговора, оставив этот скрин своего аванса.

petez пересчитать с одной тысячной ставки на полную и норм. Не знаю на что жалуетесь.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I haven't realized how much Half-Life's plot is such an apologetically cheesy nerd power fantasy until now and I'm loving it even more for that now, not less.


@drq @rf они там шейдеры исправили? Или всё так же мерцает на не невидиях?

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@drq До какого этапа там все сделано?

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