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Dr. Quadragon ❌

#ТоЧувствоКогда во время своего обычного времяпрепровождения вспомнил, что сегодня #РегВыр и надо потихоньку собирать темы.

Не будьте как ворона из Oglaf'а, кидайте сюда актуальные темы этого двухнеделья.

Отрывок из вебкомикса Oglaf. Спящая ворона внезапно просыпается с криком "FUCK!", начинает лихорадочно собирать листья, после чего бежит с охапкой листьев до здания суда, повторяя при этом в панике слово "FUCK".

@th3rdsergeevich поехали!
Дайджест по космическим и около того новостям, но их в этот раз мало:
— Starliner перенесли, потом ещё раз перенесли, а потом решили не переносить, запуск обещают 1 июня (завтра):
— Также с 1 на 2 июня ожидается прилунение Chang-6 на обратную сторону Луны. Была трансляция запуска, может будет и трансляция прилунения, но надеяться особо не стоит

— Успешно протестирован первый полностью монолитный двигатель (напечатанный на 3D принтере). Это просто вау.

— Быстрый спутниковый интернет теперь и в самолётах:

— Вояджер-1 возобновил отправку научных данных на Землю!

— Телескоп Евклид поделился новыми снимками, льющими свет на проблему тёмной материи (напомню, что ТМ — это проблема/вопрос, а не теория, хотя теории использующие ТМ тоже существуют):

— Ответы на вопросы из предыдущих #РегВыр:

@th3rdsergeevich поехали!
Дайджест по космическим и около того новостям, но их в этот раз мало:
— Starliner перенесли, потом ещё раз перенесли, а потом решили не переносить, запуск обещают 1 июня (завтра):
— Также с 1 на 2 июня ожидается прилунение Chang-6 на обратную сторону Луны. Была трансляция запуска, может будет и трансляция прилунения, но надеяться особо не стоит

Dr. Quadragon ❌

False Nationalism False Internationalism: Class Contradictions in the Armed Struggle is an investigation of the struggle for solidarity between the left in an oppressor nation and rebellions against that nation from the oppressed.

The research explores political questions of pro-capitalist classes and opportunism, of euro-centrism and settler colonial privilege amongst groups and entities striving to steer revolutionary resistance.

#socialism #theory

False Nationalism False Internationalism: Class Contradictions in the Armed Struggle is an investigation of the struggle for solidarity between the left in an oppressor nation and rebellions against that nation from the oppressed.

The research explores political questions of pro-capitalist classes and opportunism, of euro-centrism and settler colonial privilege amongst groups and entities striving to steer revolutionary resistance.

Dr. Quadragon ❌
How to deal with agressive conversations.
number of options. "mute conversation" is highlighted
number of options. "mute conversation" is highlighted
Dr. Quadragon ❌

#docker hub is now banned in #russia, surely that would help to fight putin and would not make propaganda use this fact

they were so lazy they didn't even updated the block message, there is only a mention of crimea in there, not russia


“Since Docker is a US company, we must comply with US export control regulations. In an effort to comply with these, we now block all IP addresses that are located in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Republic of Crimea, Sudan, and Syria. If you are not in one of these cities, countries, or regions and are blocked, please reach out to

would you guess, support is banned as well
also absolutely certainly no russian IT companies have local mirrors or VPNs to download docker images

and I don't remember the whole russia getting under export restrictions since otherwise they would ban it much sooner

#docker #russia

“Since Docker is a US company, we must comply with US export control regulations. In an effort to comply with these, we now block all IP addresses that are located in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Republic of Crimea, Sudan, and Syria. If you are not in one of these cities, countries, or regions and are blocked, please reach out to

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@dave @davew You are right.

The guy you replied to is also right.

Thing is, GenAI is just a method. It's a technique. It's a brush. It's way more accessible and forgiving than brushes of old (which I try as I might, fail to see as a bad thing in the grand scheme of things), but still - a brush is only as good as a person holding it. If you don't have a creative side, if you are not an artist, if you have no ideas, you *will* suck, and your art will ring hollow, AI or not.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

the nice thing about C is that if you want to shoot yourself in the foot, it will enthusiastically let you do so and then ask for the next appendage to shoot

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@ariadne I do appreciate that C just does it.. C++ always makes you ask nicely to shoot yourself in the foot.


@ariadne It won't so much ask as just assume you want it to and do so unless you tell it not to.


@ariadne conveniently, you can just leave the next appendage right there on the stack!

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Rob Hoeijmakers

@stux The photograph went viral and its authenticity was heavily debated 😀

As a web strategist it was fascinating to be in the middle of so much energy.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Trent Reznor's picture on Wikipedia looks like a playable character in a game

Trent Reznor on Wikipedia

[Picture of Trent Reznor, a white guy with dark hair in a black leather jacket]

Reznor in February 2008

	Michael Trent Reznor

May 17, 1965 (age 59)
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@derwinmcgeary I’d be really surprised if that’s not touched up thirty ways from Sunday.


@derwinmcgeary they jammed so many polygons into that rendering but idk kind of uncanny valley

Dr. Quadragon ❌

#УвиделТут смотрящий в лицо трансгуманизм.

Какие сообщения они там слышат?

Знак "зона индукционной петли" приглашает киборгов к приёму сигналов параллельного мира.
Мя :sparkles_lesbian:

@shuro ого, это типо технология чтобы вместо неразборчивого бубнежа динамика передавать объявления напрямую в слуховой аппарат??

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Alright, I've been thinking. As we know, the default model of conversation on the Fediverse is a tree. Threads are directed graphs, each node is allowed multiple children and *only one* parent. Kinda like a filesystem. There are also (hash-)tags, but they are a bit meta and work across all conversations.

What if we upgrade it a little bit? What if we allow **multiple parents** to each node? What if you can reply to multiple posts? I miss this feature because sometimes, when I post something, I get similar replies from different people, and I'm forced to either answer both of them (which sucks, because duplication of effort) or reply to only one and leave all others unanswered, which spawns an offshoot conversation that is basically already over. This way, conversation may feel more like putting out little fires at times. So, instead I can just add all of those in one reply, and add more as they appear.

And it's not that hard to do. Just make in-reply-to a list, not a string.

Alright, I've been thinking. As we know, the default model of conversation on the Fediverse is a tree. Threads are directed graphs, each node is allowed multiple children and *only one* parent. Kinda like a filesystem. There are also (hash-)tags, but they are a bit meta and work across all conversations.

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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Even right fucking now... @BigFoxBoss and @mittorn are asking the same things from me, and I have to answer separately, and they don't see each other's messages while posting them, and I make mistakes, and I am getting angry and GAAAHHH

This sucks!!!


@drq I've yet to see a good UI to read such "reply-to-multiple-people" conversations

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@mittorn Another crazy idea: FediFS. Mount a Fediverse thread as a filesystem.

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