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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Эу, @zatelecom, что с лицом?

Ténno Seremélʹ

@drq А у него его и нет :blobcatcoffee:

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@drq Ему норм, судя по последним постам в его канале.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Alright, here is my #introduction :abunhd:

Hi, I'm Mochikovski, aka mochi.

I like listening to people chatting in streaming and podcasts, so I'm making a federated chat platform called Hamabē. Yes, it's FOSS.

Hamabē is a successor of Audon, but a new platform speaking ActivityPub and independent of Mastodon API.
(Thank you @namekuji for letting me take the project over and kindly hosting my infra!)

You can follow Hamabē accounts from AP platforms and can receive notifications when a space starts (if your platform supports Event activity)

Right now Hamabē only has voice chat (along with simple text chat) to cover Audon's use cases, but there's a plan to add text-based group chat later.

Some basic features have been implemented, but it's still in very early stage and documentations are not ready yet. Issues and PRs are also closed for now, but I'll open them once it reaches first alpha release. :abunhdhappyhop:

(btw, Hamabē is a bun fairy in Flying Witch.)

#hamabe #audon

Alright, here is my #introduction :abunhd:

Hi, I'm Mochikovski, aka mochi.

I like listening to people chatting in streaming and podcasts, so I'm making a federated chat platform called Hamabē. Yes, it's FOSS.

Hamabē is a successor of Audon, but a new platform speaking ActivityPub and independent of Mastodon API.
(Thank you @namekuji for letting me take the project over and kindly hosting my infra!)

The left panel and the right panel are different accounts of Hamabē on different servers. They are chatting in the same room.
The notifications from Hamabē federate to Mitra on the right panel.
The notifications from Hamabē federate to Mastodon on the right panel.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

Ёб твою мать, они опять ебучих синих китов воскрешают? Сколько можно?

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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Если кто не в курсе, что это *на самом деле* такое, к вашим услугам видео с расследованием от FFT:

Да, 2016 год.

Digitual :ablobcatwave:

@drq ну вот а чем ещё депутатам заниматься прикажете? Все проблемы и задачи решены. :blobcatgooglyshrug:


@drq давайте спамить плакаты с ебалами этих умников с подписями вроде "рожай, страна нуждается в нищих"

AltTexter RU

🔍 Описание

Интернет-мем. На изображении изображен хомяк, стоящий с скрещенными руками. Он выглядит недовольным и хмурым. Хомяк находится в круге, который выделен на фоне темно-синего цвета.

📝 Текст на картинке




@volandevsrat давно ждал таких мемов, а что там нынче происходит? Есть ссылка на инфоповод?

Анатолий Богомолов

@volandevsrat вообще удивительно что хоть какие-то деньги будут выплачены

Dr. Quadragon ❌

В связи последними новостями о флибусте, я вас активно призываю делать резервные копии книг


@kafazen есть идеи как это использовать вне винды? В раздаче какая-то программа чисто под Винду, хз есть ли что-то похожее для гну+линукса конкретно для этой раздачи

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Launch of Social Web Foundation

Leaders of the open social networking movement have formed the Social Web Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to making connections between social platforms with the open standard protocol ActivityPub.

The “social web”, also called the “Fediverse”, is a network of independent social platforms connected with the open standard protocol ActivityPub. Users on any platform can follow their friends, family, influencers, or brands on any other participating network.

ActivityPub was standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 2018. It has attracted over 100 software implementations, tens of thousands of supporting web sites, and tens of millions of users.

Advocates of this increased platform choice say it will bring more individual control, more innovation, and a healthier social media experience. But there is work to do: journalism, activism, and the public square remain in a state of uncertain dissonance and privacy, safety and agency remain important concerns for anyone participating in a social network.


The founding team of SWF merges knowledge of the Fediverse with a user-centric mindset.

- Evan Prodromou, current editor of the ActivityPub specification and author of the book “ActivityPub: Programming for the Social Web” from O’Reilly Media, is Research Director.
- Mallory Knodel, previously CTO of the Center for Democracy and Technology and human rights and internet standards researcher, will act as Executive Director.
- Tom Coates, product designer and entrepreneur, will serve as the organization’s Product Director.

Mallory Knodel ( says, “To fight inequality, participate in democracy, build an equitable society and economy, we can’t rely on a few corporate-owned, profit-driven spaces. The Social Web Foundation is our best chance to establish the conditions in which the new social media operates with zero harm.”


The foundation’s program will concentrate on:

- educating general and targeted audiences about the social web
- informing policy-makers about issues on the social web
- enhancing and extending the ActivityPub protocol
- building tools and plumbing to make the social web easier and more engaging to use

“With this program, The Social Web Foundation can catalyze more growth on the Fediverse while improving user experience and safety,” says founder Prodromou ( “Our goal is to unblock users, developers and communities so they can get the most out of their social web experience.”

Industry support

The founders are supported by advisors from the social networking world including Chris Messina, Kaliya (Identity Woman) Young and Johannes Ernst, as well as companies and Open Source projects that have implemented ActivityPub:

- Mastodon
- Flipboard
- Automattic
- Meta
- Ghost
- Pixelfed
- Medium
- Fastly
- Vivaldi
- The BLVD

“Mastodon is committed to the Fediverse and proud to back the Social Web Foundation’s efforts to build a stronger, more open, and dynamic social web for all,” says Eugen Rochko, Founder and CEO, Mastodon (

“Our vision for Threads has always been to make it the place for public conversation, and interoperability is an important part of that. That’s why we integrated Threads with the Fediverse through ActivityPub,” says Rob Sherman, VP and Deputy Chief of Privacy Officer at Meta (  “We believe that the Fediverse helps create a more diverse ecosystem that empowers users to connect, share, and learn from each other in new and innovative ways.”

“Automattic is excited about the launch of the Social Web Foundation and its mission,” says Matthias Pfefferle, Open Web Lead at Automattic, makers of ( “We’re eager to collaborate with the Foundation to expand platform diversity and enhance the support for various content types—especially long-form content—within the Fediverse, fostering greater interoperability across the ecosystem.”

“We’ve been inspired by the products being developed across the Fediverse and the people we’ve had the pleasure to work with,” said Mike McCue, Flipboard CEO ( “And now, with the Social Web Foundation established, there will be a dedicated organization to foster even greater awareness, collaboration and innovation. We’re excited to be a part of this next wave of the web, using open standards to advance how we connect with each other every day.”

The Foundation will collaborate with other non-profit organizations in the space. “IFTAS wholeheartedly welcomes the launch of the Social Web Foundation and its commitment to a healthy Fediverse,” says Jaz-Michael King, executive director ( “We anticipate great opportunities for collaboration in our efforts to enhance trust and safety, and we look forward to working with the Foundation to strengthen the Fediverse for the benefit of all its communities.”

“The Fediverse reminds us of the early days of the Web. We are competing against silos and corporate interests, using a W3C-based open standard and a distributed solution,” says Jon Von Tetzchner, CEO of Vivaldi ( “It’s great that social networking companies are supporting the Fediverse, and Vivaldi is pleased to support the Social Web Foundation so that we can once again have a town square free of algorithms and corporate control.”

“We’re really excited about the launch of the Social Web Foundation,” says Bart Decrem, founder, The BLVD (, Mammoth) ( “This will help accelerate the growth of the Fediverse, which is so important for the future of the open web!”

“It’s time to bring back the open web we were promised, rather than the closed networks we got. We’re very excited to support the Social Web Foundation and collaborate on building a more transparent and constructive future for the internet,” says John O’Nolan, CEO of Ghost Foundation (

“As a long-time ActivityPub implementer, is thrilled to support the launch of the Social Web Foundation,” says Matt Baer, Founder and CEO ( “With our shared mission of fostering a diverse and thriving social web, we look forward to collaborating with the Foundation, its partners, and community to realize the full potential of publishing on the Fediverse.”

Learn more

The Social Web Foundation can be found on the web at and on the social web at Email

Launch of Social Web Foundation

Leaders of the open social networking movement have formed the Social Web Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to making connections between social platforms with the open standard protocol ActivityPub.

The “social web”, also called the “Fediverse”, is a network of independent social platforms connected with the open standard protocol ActivityPub. Users on any platform can follow their friends, family, influencers, or brands on any other participating network.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Съездил за KVM'кой, пришедшей с Алика. На улице так хорошо. Еще б не болеть, блин...

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Kir4ik52 :blobfoxsanta:

@drq Ждём обзор от Дока :blobfox3c:

🏳️‍🌈 Vitalik 🏖️

@drq привет, как думаешь, почему через Firefox ютуб работает нормально, а через brave не грузится или грузится с трудом?

1vanger 🎙️

@drq выздоравливай, босс

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Дорогие все, мы с коллегой сделали штуку, наш магнум опус: небольшой бесплатный курс по некоторым основам открытой науки.

Мы сделали его в первую очередь для библиотекарей, как курс повышения квалификации. Поэтому, разумеется, там большой упор на деятельность библиотек. Но, кроме этого, есть и общие темы: в целом про научное волонтерство, аналитико-синтетическую переработку информации, ресурсы открытого доступа, научные коммуникации немного. Может быть, вам тоже будет интересно?

И, на самом деле, я прошу помощи: чтобы курс был доступен, нужно, чтобы его некоторое количество человек прошло. Или протыкало. И поставило оценку. Если у вас будет желание нам помочь - или послушать, что мы там наговорили - пожалуйста, полюбопытствуйте. ​:nacho_hug:​

Дорогие все, мы с коллегой сделали штуку, наш магнум опус: небольшой бесплатный курс по некоторым основам открытой науки.

Мы сделали его в первую очередь для библиотекарей, как курс повышения квалификации. Поэтому, разумеется, там большой упор на деятельность библиотек. Но, кроме этого, есть и общие темы: в целом про научное волонтерство, аналитико-синтетическую переработку информации, ресурсы открытого...

Клипарт в первой лекции няшный.
Ламотриджиновая Ломка :tsf:

@Chia а что есть аббревиатура "АСПИ" из описания курса?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Насколько я понимаю, архивы на трекерах, но очень жаль, что у Флибусты нет наследника.

И Stiver'а жаль.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Chia Пусть только, блять, попробует.

Давай, сука, Хатаба нам мало, давай еще ты, Стивер.

Мы ж, блять, миллионеры, нового купим... :(

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Хотите немного экзистенциального, космического ужаса на сон грядущий?

Их есть у меня!


Dr. Quadragon ❌

surprising nobody, RTO mandates have nothing to do with productivity, and everything to do with a trillion dollars in zombie office towers:

Gilly Gunson

@darkuncle I like OKDoomer's stuff but I think she's forgetting that RTO is also about getting a percentage of your staff to quit without having to pay them severance. Which, again, is nothing to do about productivity, but still worth noting.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Seems like both the governments AND the corporations don't want the Internet to be a thing anymore. It turned out to be altogether too liberating and uncontrollable for their liking.

I dread the day they figure out how to put this genie back in the bottle.


@drq с каких пор ты по английски писать начал

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I mean, the Internet has always been a product of some kind of Nash equilibrium. It has been since its inception as a part of the nuclear project - when maintaining atomic warfare parity between states was crucial.

Since the Internet opened up, it has been revolving around parity between the states, corporations and general public.

We don't necessarily *like* each other, in fact, all three sides hate each others' guts. But, without clear path to victory over another, for each of our own sakes, the Internet must exist, neutrally and equitably.

I think, that equilibrium is slowly eroding, and us comon folk are basically stuck between a hammer and a hard place here.

The only hope I see here, is that it's ultimately us who build this network. All the other parties just claim ownership of what we've built. Talk about labour alienation. It's all they can.

I mean, the Internet has always been a product of some kind of Nash equilibrium. It has been since its inception as a part of the nuclear project - when maintaining atomic warfare parity between states was crucial.

Since the Internet opened up, it has been revolving around parity between the states, corporations and general public.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I know that old adage that the Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. For now, it still holds true.

But how much more damage can we sustain before we can't route around it any more?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Ха, я когда-то придумал этот термин, а он, оказывается, уже есть.

Yastreb :verifiedpolyam:

@drq Once upon a time I invented term "junk news".

Dr. Quadragon ❌

#StopKillingGames Lost track of this one for a while, but we're down to one country that's not past threshold yet.

I wonder, who shall it be?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Одно из лучших событий в Белграде за последнее время - ночной фестиваль анимации под открытым небом

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Linux Network Performance Ultimate Guide - очень подробно о работе сети в Linux.

The complete network data flow in Linux

Linux queue

Linux network packet reception

#linux #network #performance

The complete network data flow in Linux
Linux queue
Linux network packet reception
AltTexter RU

🖼️ 1 изображение 🖼️

🔍 Описание

Диаграмма. Диаграмма представляет собой сложную сеть взаимосвязанных блоков, соединенных линиями. Блоки имеют разные формы и цвета. Вверху диаграммы есть легенда, которая описывает значение каждого цвета и формы блока.

📝 Текст на картинке

Kernel entry point
Function call
File at which function appears
Driver specific function
Data of type T
Data copying entries to or from I/O
Virtual copy
Efficient function through position 1
Thread scheduling levels up or down
Immediate thread
Не обнаружен.

🖼️ 2 изображение 🖼️

🔍 Описание

Схема, представляющая собой диаграмму с текстовыми блоками и графическими элементами. Вверху схемы изображены три прямоугольника с текстом, расположенные вертикально. Ниже расположены четыре прямоугольника с текстом, расположенные горизонтально. В правой части схемы изображена вертикальная полоса, разделенная на три секции, в каждой из которых расположены графические элементы. Внутри полосы расположены стрелки, указывающие на графические элементы.

📝 Текст на картинке

rx/tx buffer ring
$ ethtool -g eth0
$ ethtool -G eth0 tx value tx value
IN $ sysctl net.core.netdev_max_backlog
OUT $ ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 10000
ALGO $ sysctl net.core.default_qdisc
send/rcv buffer
IN $ sysctl net.ipv4.tcp.rmem
OUT $ sysctl net.ipv4.tcp.wmem
sk_buff DMA'ed by NIC

🖼️ 3 изображение 🖼️

🔍 Описание

Схема. На схеме изображен процесс приема данных по TCP/IP. Схема состоит из прямоугольников и кругов, соединенных стрелками. В прямоугольниках написаны названия элементов процесса, а в кругах - названия слоев.

📝 Текст на картинке

tcp_mem: min default max
tcp_mem: min pressure max
TCP Recv Buffer
TCP Process
IP Layer
Kernel memory
Packet data
Interrupt Handler
Link Layer
Interrupt Generator
NIC Memory

🖼️ 1 изображение 🖼️

🔍 Описание

Диаграмма. Диаграмма представляет собой сложную сеть взаимосвязанных блоков, соединенных линиями. Блоки имеют разные формы и цвета. Вверху диаграммы есть легенда, которая описывает значение каждого цвета и формы блока.

📝 Текст на картинке

Kernel entry point
Function call
File at which function appears
Driver specific function


@ashed пиздец какой-то.

Т.е. представим, что я - начинающий. Открываю я гайд, вижу: It’s a getting started. О, думаю я, как здорово, как раз для меня, сейчас всё подробно разжуют.

Ага, щаз. Хуяк, блядь, картинка:

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