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Scott Francis

surprising nobody, RTO mandates have nothing to do with productivity, and everything to do with a trillion dollars in zombie office towers:

Gilly Gunson

@darkuncle I like OKDoomer's stuff but I think she's forgetting that RTO is also about getting a percentage of your staff to quit without having to pay them severance. Which, again, is nothing to do about productivity, but still worth noting.

Scott Francis

@giflian 100% (alludes to that towards end of article, but I agree this should get more attention - it's really a two-headed motivation)


@giflian @darkuncle I didn’t quite follow the logic. Some rich people lose a lot of money if no one returns to office, therefore other rich people will force people back to office? I think if rich people can save loads of cash screwing over other rich people they will happily do that! A dodgy way to reduce and management concerns about effectiveness and visibility/control with remote working seem more plausible.

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