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Free Software Foundation

Today's the day! Pre-order your GNU head shirt by today (July 8, EOD) to receive it in August. Read more about how to help fund the GNU Project, and promote computer user freedom at the same time at: #GNUPress #UserFreedom

Free Software Foundation

It is the **final day** of the biannual fundraiser. We are currently at $57,829 (prime number!), which brings our goal within reach! If you have been waiting to give but just haven't found the time, now is your time! **You** could help us achieve our goal

Free Software Foundation

Today's the day! Today, July 8 at 16:00 EDT (20:00 UTC), we are hosting a "Mastodon Hour," where the campaigns team will be making ourselves available to discuss certain topics in real time. Read more at: Please boost this post to help spread the word!

Free Software Foundation

"The FSF's role is to bring every conversation back to this logic of user freedom, to remind us that the tools we use are not benign."- Zoë Kooyman, executive director | Read more at: @osdc

Free Software Foundation

"If someone steals a CD containing a version of a GPL-covered program, does the GPL give the thief the right to redistribute that version?" The answer is somewhat complicated. Read the full answer at

Pixelcode 🇺🇦

@fsf Your answer to that question is quite misleading. First, if one's acquisition of the licence (text) is illegal, then one is not a legal licensee in the first place, regardless of where the source code has been published.

Second, whether the thief is allowed to re-distribute the work does not depend on whether he is imprisoned or not. He either is allowed or he isn't, but a prison sentence doesn't change that.

Free Software Foundation

Have you visited our LibrePlanet wiki page lately? It's filled with free software information -- and it's an important tool for connecting with your fellow free software supporters. Check it out and **get involved!**

Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Awards winners were announced during this year's #LibrePlanet. SecuRepairs was this year's winner of the Award for Projects of Social Benefit. Read the full announcement at

Free Software Foundation

GPLv3 t-shirt: limited stock, available in select sizes. Check out your options via #GNUmerch #GNU

Free Software Foundation

Interested in discussion how to "help others find their reason to support free software?" Interested in discussion "decentralization and federation?" Mastodon Hour is tomorrow, July 8 at 16:00 EDT (20:00 UTC) and we will be discussing those topics. Read more at:

Free Software Foundation

It's tomorrow! Tomorrow, July 8 at 16:00 EDT (20:00 UTC), we are hosting a "Mastodon Hour," where the campaigns team will be making ourselves available to discuss certain topics in real time. Read more at: Please boost this post to help spread the word!

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Shifty Skip

@fsf Still find it weird that the name is based on the specific platform you're on, rather than the name of the network.

Like, people from Pleroma, Misskey, etc... aren't going to see anything related to Mastodon.

Classic James P.

@fsf That is in exactly (minus 5 minutes because of this post) 1 day from today! I'll be there as I always am!


> Using the term Mastodon instead of fediverse

For an organisation who's known for being very picky when it comes to using the correct terms, I honestly expect better. Please don't do this.
Free Software Foundation

We are precisely 76.8686567 percent of the way to our goal! (Go ahead and do the math yourself to double-check -- hehe.) But seriously, the fundraiser ends tomorrow, July 8. Now's your time to make your contribution to #UserFreedom Donate via:

Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Awards winners were announced during this year's #LibrePlanet. Protesilaos Stavrou was this year's winner of the Award for Outstanding New Free Software Contributor. Read the full announcement at

Free Software Foundation

Nonfree JavaScript may be taking away your freedom without your realizing it! Many Web sites require proprietary JavaScript. Nonfree JavaScript subjugates users in the same way as any piece of proprietary software. Learn more:

Free Software Foundation

In a world where technology can mean the difference between life and death, can we afford the restrictions proprietary software places on progress? Watch and share "Rewind" (Spoiler alert: the answer is "no".)

Free Software Foundation

A great way to fund the GNU Project, and promote computer user freedom at the same time, is by purchasing merchandise from the GNU Press shop. Beat the heat with GNU summer swag: #UserFreedom

Free Software Foundation

Help us give a big #ThankGNU to Steven Hay, Antoine Mercadal, Deborah Jackson, Hideki Igarashi, and John Rakestraw for their generous donation. Contributions such as these help the #fsf fight for freedom! Check out for a full list of 2022 donors.

Free Software Foundation

Verifying free software licenses, free software in education, the legendary Lemote Yeelong, and more! All in this season's Bulletin. Check out the announcement at: #UserFreedom

Free Software Foundation

Zara was worried about her digital freedom, but found a way out. Follow her Escape to Freedom in a new animated video from the Free Software Foundation (FSF). #UserFreedom #EscapetoFreedom

Free Software Foundation

Did you hear? This Friday at 16:00 EDT (20:00 UTC), we are doing something different -- we are hosting a "Mastodon Hour," where the campaigns team will be making ourselves available to discuss certain topics in real time. Read more at:

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