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Free Software Foundation

#free #frei #libre #自由 #じゆう Are you bilingual and would you like to see the FSFs free software resources in more languages? Email and join the translations team. It's the most effective way to bring free software to the world.

Free Software Foundation

Technology is at the heart of what we do, and even though we see it used to encroach freedoms, we KNOW it can also set you free. Thanks to our tech team the FSF operates in freedom. Support #FreeSoftware


@fsf I am always been curios of what you use to be free, as in freedom of speech at work, could you share the blueprints of what your tech team does with us?


Free Software Foundation

We are in an epic fight for #UserFreedom and, right now, the FSF is in the midst of its spring fundraiser! If you are able, please donate before July 8 and help us reach our spring goal. Donate via: and please share the word! #GNU #freesoftware

Free Software Foundation

Free software, here to the rescue, in this month's *Free Software Supporter*. Read about GNU Taler, Conservancy's call to ditch GitHub, and an entire municipality in Turkey moving to GNU/Linux. Read it, share it, love it!

Free Software Foundation

Read the inspiring story of how Eyüpsultan, Turkey switched to free software, gained independence from proprietary software, and saved money ($$$) in the process! If they did it in their city, your city can do it too! | Read more at:

Free Software Foundation

What is software freedom? Watch and share the FSF's new video *Escape to Freedom* and see how our protagonist Zara finds freedom in her digital life. #UserFreedom #EscapetoFreedom

Free Software Foundation

Is your school forcing you to use Zoom, Skype, or other proprietary videoconferencing software to learn or teach? Freedom is important to education. Read about freedom-respecting choices at

Free Software Foundation

Assigning your copyright to the Free Software Foundation helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Jonathan Eskin, Ikumi Keita, and Justin Schell for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #GNU #Emacs Learn more at #CopyrightAssignments

Free Software Foundation

Flashback to this blog post from former campaigns intern Leonardo Vignini intern which details the history of #DRM: where did Digital Restrictions Management start, how did it get this bad, and what can we do about it?


@fsf: DRM is among the most vile things ever created.

Free Software Foundation

Birthday, graduation, or other celebration coming up? Give the techies in your life the gift of freedom. Gift an FSF membership! Learn more: #fsf #softwarefreedom #HappyHacking

Free Software Foundation

The FSF is one of the carefully selected charitable organizations across the US that federal, some state, and local employees can donate through payroll deductions, support #FreeSoftware by supporting the FSF in Combined Federal Campaign. #CFC

Free Software Foundation

Technology is at the heart of what we do, and even though we see it used to encroach freedoms, we KNOW it can also set you free. Thanks to our tech team the FSF operates in freedom. Support #FreeSoftware

Free Software Foundation

We are in an epic fight for #UserFreedom and, right now, the FSF is in the midst of its spring fundraiser! If you are able, please donate before July 8 and help us reach our spring goal. Donate via: and please share the word! #GNU #freesoftware

Free Software Foundation

Don't let proprietary software marketing dollars give you a false sense of security -- your devices are vulnerable. Understand the risks, and promote free software. Start the conversation in your community today! #FreeSoftware

Free Software Foundation

Zara was worried about her digital freedom, but found a way out. Follow her *Escape to Freedom* in a new animated video from the Free Software Foundation (FSF). #UserFreedom #EscapetoFreedom

Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Awards winners were announced during this year's #LibrePlanet. Paul Eggert was this year's winner of the Award for the Advancement of Free Software. Read the full announcement at

Free Software Foundation

Assigning your copyright to the Free Software Foundation helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Piotr Kwiecinski, Syrmia LLC, and Yuwei Tian for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #GNU #Emacs #GCC Learn more at #CopyrightAssignments

Free Software Foundation

Thank you! #ThankGNU to James Wilson, Edward Flick, Andrew Gaul, and Ethan Nelson for helping the FSF continue its goal of educating the public about #freesoftware

Free Software Foundation

Proprietary control over education is growing and it is affecting student's rights to information. Watch and share "The University of Costumed Heroes" and fight for young people's freedom.


@fsf it has had the same implications as designers being exposed solely and exclusively to proprietary tools while studying. Really a throwback.

Free Software Foundation

If you are enjoying the videos from this year's #LibrePlanet and would like to help make these videos accessible to more people, please consider transcribing the video and upload your subtitles. Instructions here:

Ade Malsasa Akbar

@fsf thank you, hope more subtitles come from my boost.

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