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2,031 posts total
Free Software Foundation

"Repair is not a crime: An update from the front line of the Right to Repair fight" by Kyle Wiens will be starting soon in the Jupiter room. Check this talk out and more via: #LibrePlanet

Free Software Foundation

New versions of Windows might change the UI or underlying components, but they don't change the only thing important to know about Windows: it's nonfree software. Choose software that actually respects its users instead.

Free Software Foundation

What is defective by design? This is: "RTX 3060 software drivers are designed to detect specific attributes of the Ethereum cryptocurrency mining algorithm, and limit the hash rate, or cryptocurrency mining efficiency, by around 50 percent." @nvidia

Free Software Foundation

NVIDIA's graphics drivers include telemetry and artificially slow the execution of algorithms they don't like. In other words, they're defective by design.

Free Software Foundation

Malicious websites can identify you through fingerprinting or use other tactics for tracking your activity. #JShelter aims to improve the privacy and security of your web browsing. #FreeJS

Free Software Foundation

We love free software. With much thanks to the talented @SachaChua for illustrating the reasons.

Free Software Foundation

#DRM isn't just an annoyance -- it's a violation of your right to use the items you own as you see fit. Learn more about our Defective by Design campaign at, and follow our campaign account at @endDRM

Free Software Foundation

Protect developer freedom. Abolish software patents. Learn why software patents are unjust by checking out the new design of our #endsoftwarepatents initiative.

Free Software Foundation

Everyone's cool enough for free software! Help us build the movement with 500 FSF associate members by December 31:

Free Software Foundation

As long as the code behind "smart" home devices is proprietary, these companies are free to spy on us as much as they like. Help us fight back: urge your friends to join the FSF! Support #FreeSoftware.

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