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Free Software Foundation

Can I have a GPL-covered program and an unrelated nonfree program on the same computer? "Yes." <-- That's it! That's the full answer. Read it on and check out other FAQ answers at

Free Software Foundation

Chromebooks foisted on students? Teachers monitoring what children do outside of the classroom via nonfree software? Surveillance of children is common, and it's at your child's school, too. Support #FreeSoftware

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smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)


Image #captions #a11y

Cartoon shows a production line of children where robot arms take off their head and replace it with 'smart' devices.

Devin Prater

@fsf If you want free software in schools, support accessibility for *all* students first.

Free Software Foundation

Birthday, graduation, or other celebration coming up? Give the techies in your life the gift of freedom. Gift an FSF membership! Learn more: #fsf #softwarefreedom #HappyHacking

Free Software Foundation

Our donors help the FSF remain proudly independent. #ThankGNU to Catalin Francu, Denis López, Stéphane Bortzmeyer, Patrick Balsiger, and Adam Oberbeck for helping us to build the resistance (and find replacements) to proprietary software!

Free Software Foundation

Our "Respects Your Freedom" (RYF) certification program helps you find hardware that doesn't violate your right to control the devices you own. Learn more, and shop while supporting companies that support your freedom: #RYF

Free Software Foundation

Assigning your copyright to the Free Software Foundation helps us defend the GPL and keep software free. #GNU Questions about copyright assignment? Check out the new FAQ:

Free Software Foundation

To truly have the right to collaborate, repair, and live more sustainably, we need freedom for computer users. If you are able, please donate before July 8 and help us reach our spring goal. Let's achieve #UserFreedom together! Donate via:

Free Software Foundation

Don't let #Apple's new products distract you from their global antitrust claims battle to maintain its subjugation over users globally. Fight for the right to install #freesoftware and put Apple Inc. in its place!

Free Software Foundation

Take a gander at the newly released recordings of LibrePlanet 2022 workshops, featuring tutorials on how to run your own IRC network, get started with free software translation tools, and more:

Free Software Foundation

"Escape to Freedom" is a new animated video from the Free Software Foundation (FSF), giving an introduction to the concepts behind software freedom: both what we gain by having it, and what rights are at stake. #UserFreedom #EscapetoFreedom

Free Software Foundation

The Freedom Ladder campaign aims to support those on a gradual journey to freedom and never resting until all their devices are freed. Share your story today and read others' stories via

Free Software Foundation

Why GPL? "Using the GNU GPL will require that all the released improved versions be free software. This means you can avoid the risk of having to compete with a proprietary modified version of your own work." More at

Free Software Foundation

Interested to know more about the history of the FSF and free software? Follow the FSF's thirty-five (plus!) years of advocating for software freedom with our timeline project: #UserFreedom

Free Software Foundation

A great way to fund the GNU Project, and promote computer user freedom at the same time, is by purchasing merchandise from the GNU Press shop. Beat the heat with GNU summer swag: #UserFreedom

Free Software Foundation

Did you know that the FSF has a PeerTube account? #PeerTube is a decentralized, federated video platform powered by ActivityPub and WebTorrent, and you'll find us on the Framatube instance:

Free Software Foundation

With your generous support we have reached the 32,069 mark (we love prime numbers) for our spring fundraiser. Our goal is 67k by July 8, and we have many ways to donate: Fight for total #UserFreedom Donate via:

Free Software Foundation

Did you hear the word? LibrePlanet 2022 videos have been published! Everything from command line graphic design to brain hacking. Read about their publication and check out the videos on #PeerTube.

Free Software Foundation

Unsure how to tell others about free software? Buttons are a great conversation starter. "Ask me about free software -- It's all about freedom."

Free Software Foundation

GPLv3 t-shirt: limited stock, available in select sizes. Check out your options via #GNUmerch #GNU

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