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2,031 posts total
Free Software Foundation

We did it! Thanks to everyone's contributions, we achieved our fundraising goal of $70k! Well, we do have five more days of the fundraiser, and every dollar helps us advocate for #SoftwareFreedom, so let's continue to push forward until July 18 for #UserFreedom

Free Software Foundation

We are within dollars of reaching our ambitious goal of raising $70k this spring!!! You can be the one to put us over the edge! Here's your chance! Thank you to all who have contributed thus far. Let's see how far we can go! Every dollar helps us achieve broad $UserFreedom

Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Awards winners were announced during this year's #LibrePlanet. SecuRepairs was this year's winner of the Award for Projects of Social Benefit. Read the full announcement at

Free Software Foundation

Are you still stuck using proprietary software to talk to your coworkers and loved ones? Jitsi Meet respects your freedom and privacy, and FSF associate members can spread that freedom by using the new FSF instance: Join today:

Ade Malsasa Akbar

@fsf thanks, I use Jitsi Meet everyday to teach computing using GNU/Linux since 2019.


@fsf i especially like that Jitsi Meet allows quick ad-hoc meetings just by hand crafting a url and sending it out. my union has a zoom license, and we end up having to make an appointment with the admin for those meetings.

Free Software Foundation

"If someone steals a CD containing a version of a GPL-covered program, does the GPL give the thief the right to redistribute that version?" The answer is somewhat complicated. Read the full answer at


@fsf Interesting question.
I would think based my understanding, that a license is an agreement between two parties. If someone steals a CD, that would mean that regardless what the "LICENSE" file on that CD says, there was no license agreement between the parties in a legal sense.
And in that regard, the thief would have no right to do anything that the license agreement enables.

Is my assessment wrong?
#gpl #freesoftware #law

@fsf Interesting question.
I would think based my understanding, that a license is an agreement between two parties. If someone steals a CD, that would mean that regardless what the "LICENSE" file on that CD says, there was no license agreement between the parties in a legal sense.
And in that regard, the thief would have no right to do anything that the license agreement enables.

Free Software Foundation

Zara was worried about her digital freedom, but found a way out. Follow her *Escape to Freedom* in a new animated video from the Free Software Foundation (FSF). #UserFreedom #EscapetoFreedom

Free Software Foundation

We love freedom 1, the freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Boost this post to share this freedom! And, if you are able, please participate in our biannual appeal for #UserFreedom via:

Free Software Foundation

Our Giving Guide is updated once a year, and we need your help to find freedom-respecting devices and retailers to add to it -- especially given the advertising budgets of companies like Amazon. Boycott #PrimeDay

Free Software Foundation

Here's a thought: instead of splurging for another freedom-trampling device, why not repurpose an old one to run GNU/Linux? Do the same for a friend, if you have a few laying around. #PrimeDay

Free Software Foundation

There's plenty of reasons to avoid shopping at Amazon on #PrimeDay. Their "smart" assistants that are smart enough to spy, yet cannot respect your privacy. Instead they peddle nonfree software and DRM. Help us improve our Giving Guide by suggesting devices that respect your freedom:

Free Software Foundation

GNU Guix hackers have announced a preliminary program for the Ten Years of GNU Guix event that will take place in Paris, France, Sept. 16 - 18! Check it out their announcement at: #guix

Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Awards winners were announced during this year's #LibrePlanet. Paul Eggert was this year's winner of the Award for the Advancement of Free Software. Read the full announcement at

Free Software Foundation

Read our latest update about the Freedom Ladder campaign, and how we plan to create introductory free software resources that keep people moving forward on their journey to freedom.

Free Software Foundation

Did you hear? We are extending and stretching our goal! We are challenging ourselves in this important fight for #UserFreedom by stretching the goal to $70k by July 18. If you haven't yet, there is still time to participate. Read more:

Free Software Foundation

The right to repair is crucial for a free future, this is illustrated in our animated video "Fight to Repair." Join our campaign and inform others on the state of #RightToRepair in your country. #FightToRepair

Free Software Foundation

From the preamble of the GNU GPL: "[T]he GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. [...]"

Free Software Foundation

The Freedom Ladder campaign aims to support those on a gradual journey to freedom and never resting until all their devices are freed. Share your story today and read others' stories via

Free Software Foundation

Don't let proprietary software marketing dollars give you a false sense of security -- your devices are vulnerable. Understand the risks, and promote free software. Start the conversation in your community today! #FreeSoftware

Free Software Foundation

We love freedom 2, the freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others. Boost this post if you LOVE this freedom, and want others to know about it, too! And, if you are able, please participate in our biannual appeal for #UserFreedom via:

Free Software Foundation

Are you still stuck using proprietary software to talk to your coworkers and loved ones? Jitsi Meet respects your freedom and privacy, and FSF associate members can spread that freedom by using the new FSF instance: Join today:

Claudio Segovia

¿Sigues atascado usando software propietario para hablar con tus compañeros de trabajo y seres queridos? Jitsi Meet respeta su libertad y privacidad, y los miembros asociados de la FSF pueden difundir esa libertad utilizando la nueva instancia de la FSF: Únase hoy:

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