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Free Software Foundation

FAQ: (NOT LEGAL ADVICE) "You can legally use the GPL terms (possibly modified) in another license provided that you call your license by another name and do not include the GPL preamble[...]" Read full answer at

Free Software Foundation

Have you ever considered the work that goes into sending an email to The FSF tech team makes sure millions of emails get delivered each year, and has taken the time to explain the road your email travels in freedom.

Free Software Foundation

As long as the code behind "smart" home devices is proprietary, these companies are free to spy on us as much as they like. Help us fight back: tell your friends about free software and urge then to join the FSF! Support #FreeSoftware.

THOPAN :mastodon:

@fsf Help *us* fight back by maybe directly linking to a list of free software for smart home devices?


@fsf I really like that you are pushing graphic content with positive messages! Keep going, evolve the style!

Free Software Foundation

"The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom[...]"

Free Software Foundation

Save the date: GNU Radio is having their conference in Washington, DC this year, September 26-30, 2022. Check out for more information.

Free Software Foundation

Every journey begins with that first step. The FSF Licensing and Compliance Lab can help users along that path, while also clearing the way ahead. Read our licensing roundup, and support paving a way for free software

Free Software Foundation

In our latest update on the Freedom Ladder campaign, we're sharing what we learned in our mission to create introductory free software resources that keep people moving forward to full software freedom.

Thiago Cavalcanti

@fsf the link is timing out here for me, could you provide a direct link?

Free Software Foundation

Escape to Freedom, the FSF's latest video to raise awareness of the critical issue of software freedom, is now available in French, thanks to our wonderful volunteer team of translators! #UserFreedom Merci!

Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters


May you please post the videos direct to Fediverse?


Free Software Foundation

The Free Software Awards winners were announced during this year's #LibrePlanet. SecuRepairs was this year's winner of the Award for Projects of Social Benefit. Read the full announcement at

Free Software Foundation

We love freedom 0, the freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose. Boost this post to share the message with others! And, if you are able, please participate in our biannual appeal for #UserFreedom via:

Free Software Foundation

Interested in helping us help others to make their first steps toward freedom? Collaborate with us on the freedom ladder, our new guide to help people take their first steps in software freedom: #userfreedom

Free Software Foundation

The Freedom Ladder campaign aims to support those on a gradual journey to freedom and never resting until all their devices are freed. Share your story today and read others' stories via

Free Software Foundation

Our supporter base keeps growing and growing! Let's give a big #ThankGNU to Jason Self, Stefan Kuhnert, Arthur Gleckler, and Martin Jässing for helping us grow this month! Check out for a full list of 2022 donors.

Free Software Foundation

Thanks to the support, encouragement, and contributions of many, the FSF is proud to announce that we not only achieved our spring fundraiser goal of 70k, we far surpassed it! Thanks for keeping #UserFreedom strong!

Free Software Foundation

*Escape to Freedom* is a new animated video from the Free Software Foundation (FSF), giving an introduction to the concepts behind software freedom: both what we gain by having it, and what rights are at stake. #UserFreedom #EscapetoFreedom


@fsf Google pays for every Person every hour online working from home. I have received $23K this month easily and I earn $5K to 8$K on the internet. Every Person joins this work easily by just opening this website and following instructions…

Free Software Foundation

Fighting for freedom isn’t gratis, and we depend on the generosity of donors like the Mark Harris, Brad Flaugher, František Kučera, and Adarsh Melethil to fuel the FSF. #ThankGNU! Check out for a full list of 2022 donors.


@fsf Google is paying $27485 to $29658 consistently for taking a shot at the web from home. I joined this action 2 months back and I have earned $31547 in my first month from this action. I can say my life has improved completely! Take a gander at what I

Free Software Foundation

Thank you! #ThankGNU to James Wilson, Edward Flick, Andrew Gaul, and Ethan Nelson for helping the FSF continue its goal of educating the public about #freesoftware

Free Software Foundation

Every journey begins with that first step. The FSF Licensing and Compliance Lab can help users along that path, while also clearing the way ahead. Read our licensing roundup, and support paving a way for free software

Free Software Foundation

In a world where technology can mean the difference between life and death, can we afford the restrictions proprietary software places on progress? Watch and share "Rewind" (Spoiler alert: the answer is "no".)

Free Software Foundation

A great way to fund the GNU Project, and promote computer user freedom at the same time, is by purchasing merchandise from the GNU Press shop. Beat the heat with GNU summer swag: #UserFreedom

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