me two hours ago: "i just wanna casually play Minecraft and continue building my factory" me now: "ok, next I have to send this data to Prometheus and make a Grafana dashboard for my factory" Hey fedi, need your help. I'm looking for an open source Android note-taking app. There are a lot of them on F-Droid, but they all are about text notes. I need something for a tablet with a stylus. Support of stylus pressure levels is a must for me. Do you know any? Even if you know a proprietary one, but a really good one (with an option to export data to common formats) you can recommend, I will appreciate it too. Boosts appreciated. на ум только OneNote от MS приходит в голову. I have some cursed pictures in my Pictures folder that I shared on fedi before, but that instance is long gone. So I will share them again. Let's start with this one, 45deg screen rotation support.
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@inex I distinctly remember a post where someone did this with some odd angle on an ultrawide (getting its diagonal to be horizontal) and someone (maybe even the author) joked that finally the screen is wide enough for C++ compilation errors to fit without wrapping :blobcatheadache: It was either on Reddit or on Habr, I don't recall. what do you mean I don't have to code stuff from scratch what do you mean we have an open source firebase alternative that handles databases, auth, real-time sync, media and edge functions (wtf is that) what do you mean we have an open source admin dashboard framework that integrates with the thing in a previous paragraph how long have I been asleep (at lest one thing never changes in this cursed world of web frameworks: security is an "enterprise" function) > see an artist on a booru oh heeey look at this Penpot got release candidates for 2.3, where they finally added support for plugins!! (now only component variations support is left to do for feature parity required by my use cases) И снова я пару часов пытался найти причину и решить паранормальную проблему с сетью, когда причиной на самом деле оказался РКН. Я устал.
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Даже не знаю, что в таких ситуациях утомляет больше - когда причиной опять оказывается РКН или те редкие случаи, когда всё же нет. arguably it's not the payment processors that fucked you but the government in said spot. > Use-after-free zeroday in Firefox Every day I want more and more for Servo to succeed. Update your firefoxes btw, CVE-2024-9680. I have an UPS in my room that protects all my electronics and my homelab now. But at what cost... (it is a double conversion UPS and it has to be loud all the time because inverter always works. it is harder to sleep now) Decided to return it. Lesson learned: double conversion is the best choice for your equipment, but gets really annoying if it's in the same area where you work or sleep.
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@inex We shouldn't have to repost TCP jokes, as they would have been reliably received already. Получил письмо с заголовком "Стань Яндексоидом и переезжай в Айтиобщагу 😎 💻 ". Это типа подтверждение того, что рынку недвижимости настолько плохо, что ты теперь и на зарплату Яндекса квартиру не снимешь? @inex вроде Яндекс и платит ниже рынка. Зато строчка в резюме, большая честь и кровать в айтиобщаге с подпиской Яндекс плюс "Вагон без кондиционера" теперь "вагон с естественной вентиляцией", и принцип работы форточки объясняется как какая-то высокотехнологичная фича, лол.
Show previous comments то есть вагон не герметичен??? А как он тогда путешествует по гиперпространству между станциями, и экзотическая материя не заливается в салон? Oh wow, this semester I will be leading seminars on networking basics. In a room with a projector!! Can't even imagine all the Innovations I can bring to the educational process (memes) Also I license all my educational presentations under creative commons, but never released them to public. Should I? |
Turns out, these codes are still valid until you login anywhere with them :neofox_think_woozy:
So if you post them online, you can invalidate them by using for example.