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Google is too big to fail, and yet they seem to be failing at basic things they used to do well (like search) while removing useful features (like cache) and adding a bunch of crap nobody needs or wants.

Want to know if a given domain name shows up anywhere in search? Well screw you, we're not going to tell you that anymore, but here's 1,400 completely useless and irrelevant results that could possibly have some info (but don't). When the search engine could have done what it's done for years, and admit that it doesn't know WTF you're talking about and say "no results found." Now it just makes shit up if it doesn't know the answer.

Hey cool! My search result shows the term I was looking for is present on 7 websites. Shoot! None of them are online anymore. How about showing us your cached version of the site, you know the one that was used to create this search result? Oh wait, no, you can't see that anymore. Why? Here's Danny Sullivan's dismissive and mystifying explanation: "“It was meant for helping people access pages when way back, you often couldn’t depend on a page loading,” Sullivan wrote on X. “These days, things have greatly improved. So, it was decided to retire it.”

Want software? Great, Google will serve a malicious ad on top that looks a lot like an organic search result but which is paid for by scammers and installs malware.

Richard "RichiH" Hartmann

@briankrebs Today, I noticed that they have largely stopped giving you a "maps" button when searching for an address. They still show the small map thing to the right, but you can't click through to maps any more either.

Nothing happens when you click the mini-map.

I don't know how many layers have to fail for that to make it into prod...

Richard "RichiH" Hartmann

@briankrebs At a long-term 100% like rate to my replies, at some point you're legally/morally required to follow me back :p


@RichiH @briankrebs

Layoffs neeeever have anything to do with it.


@RichiH @briankrebs This is an example of why I stopped using google search but still use google maps, I just access it through DDG.

Typing the address into DDG with a "!gm" at the end takes it straight to google maps. A nice functionality, that I guess google never bothered to build into their own search 😂

Reinout van Schouwen

Did you know DDG has their own (Apple) maps? It's good enough for me - the only actual disadvantage is it only has directions for driving and walking, not for cycling or public transport.
@RichiH @briankrebs

Richard "RichiH" Hartmann

@reinouts @sidereal @briankrebs aye. It's not as good as Google routing sadly. For normal maps, I am trying to use OSM more again.


@reinouts @sidereal @RichiH @briankrebs I use OSMAnd , based on OpenStreetMap. It has cycling and public transport as options, and it works offline.

Reinout van Schouwen

I use that on my phone sometimes, as well as GraphHopper. Good suggestion.
@sidereal @RichiH @briankrebs


@reinouts I find it really hard to use. Like, literally, if I try and zoom or move around the map it makes crazy jumps and I end up 300km away. My fingers aren't that fat.

Roadskater, Ph.D.

@Iwillyeah @reinouts Or it jumps onto the sidewalk and then inside some store you have no interest in.


@reinouts @RichiH @briankrebs Weird, I remember back circa 2016 Apple Maps was actually really good for public transport, like, better than Google Maps when I was visiting NYC (it would even tell you what part of the platform/train to wait on for the smoothest transfers!). That might have been an NYC only feature I guess, though.

Overall I use Apple Maps, GMaps, Google Earth pro, and OSM (really OpenStreetBrowser is better than OSM) about equal, none are perfect but they all have their place.


@sidereal @RichiH @briankrebs same, I haven't used Google search in years, just DDG


@RichiH @briankrebs
That bit me a day or two ago too! I thought I was doing something wrong. I can often still get directions to it but that is less handy

Brian Campbell

@RichiH @briankrebs I have found that you can expand the mini map, and then find an "open in maps" button, but it's frustrating that it takes longer to get there now.

I can't guarantee that you see the same thing I do, because Google A/B tests stuff or rolls it out slowly, so maybe we see different things and maybe at some point one of us will still see the same thing as the other.

Noah Cook


I suspect it will disproportionately hurt people who aren't already familiar with sources. I'll just go to CMS's website, but G_d help people who don't already know where to look and aren't aware that Google thinks Medicare and Medicaid are the same program, for example.


@briankrebs This is one of those cases where the given explanation for removing a genuinely useful feature doesn't make any sense. I'd really like to know the /real/ reason. Was the cached version avoiding ads too much? showing that what Google crawlers see and you see is embarrassingly different? Taking up too much storage?

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️


I'd guess it's ad-related since we all /know/ the reason ultimately comes down to money.



@IAmDannyBoling @briankrebs It almost certainly does come down to money, some how, but it's the how that interests me. Does it reduce ad views significantly? Was it only used by 0.00001% of users, and so wasn't worth the return? Was it a smoking gun of all the copyrighted content they used to train their LMMs without compensation?

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️


"Was it only used by 0.00001% of users, and so wasn't worth the return?"

I think this has merit. Somewhere else in this thread, it's mentioned that this caching process was very old and "unmaintained" so apparently it wasn't used very often (otherwise the process would have been maintained more). But what if it wasn't used much because users didn't know about it or understand what the link did? OTOH, advertisers may have complained that people were using it to block ads.


Roger Sen

@IAmDannyBoling @hl @briankrebs long time I don’t use Google cache, but didn’t it allow to see news webpages without registering?

Roger Sen

@IAmDannyBoling @hl @briankrebs anyway Danny, I think you’re right. It was an old service used by a minority. Less code cruft to maintain.

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️


That was one way to use it. Those pages didn't have ads either, which may be the big reason they're going away. Nowadays I use to get around paywalls. It doesn't work in all cases but enough to make it worth bookmarking.

@hl @briankrebs

Oliver Lowe

@hl @IAmDannyBoling @briankrebs I can imagine a scenario where someone gets kudos for retiring a "legacy system" saving dollars and engineering time.


@hl @briankrebs
I strongly suspect the reason they took down cache was AI scrapers. Which is bullshit - like they could just require login and/or capcha for hitting cache, but yeah...

John Socks

@briankrebs I think Google has definitely lost their way, but I don't think we should underestimate the problem of malicious counterparties.

Any search engine that attempts "rank" is going to be gamed, and the biggest search engine is going to face the most games.

This makes challenging Google on search doubly impossible. It would take an incredible investment to catalog the 'net, and then another incredible and ongoing investment to keep out the scammers. They are tryin' every day.


@John I'll grant you that on the ads side of things. But it's a tough case to make that somehow Google becoming a lot less useful as a search engine is the fault of scammers.

John Socks

@briankrebs but don't we know a specific ways that this happens?

I think it is a common strategy now to set up a page for high search rank, and then to swap it, hot swap it, for a worse site?

Given dynamic page creation this could be a very hard thing for Google to track. Essentially how many kinds of users does Google have to be as they crawl the web to detect all of the subterfuge?

What if a "good" site is actually putting out "bad" pages for old Android phones?

John Socks

@briankrebs btw, as I've mentioned I think the dynamic nature of the new web is the reason Google has given up on caching.

A cache would only contain an image of the page given to the robot.

It would increasingly *not* look like what we see when we visit the same place.


@John That's interesting. But even a static image can be very useful, esp. if the alternative if you don't get to see anything at all.

I think this is probably the correct explanation for why this feature is being killed, from the Verge story I cited above:

"Although the cache links are only now being discontinued, the writing’s been on the wall for a while. In early 2021, Google developer relations engineer Martin Splitt said the cached view was a “basically unmaintained legacy feature.”

@John That's interesting. But even a static image can be very useful, esp. if the alternative if you don't get to see anything at all.

I think this is probably the correct explanation for why this feature is being killed, from the Verge story I cited above:

"Although the cache links are only now being discontinued, the writing’s been on the wall for a while. In early 2021, Google developer relations engineer Martin Splitt said the cached view was a “basically unmaintained legacy feature.”

Nicole Parsons

@briankrebs @John

Google's strategy changed when Mohammed bin Salman invested in tech starting in 2018.

The fossil fuel industry recognizes to keep its wealth, it needs to thwart democracies from enacting penalties for frying the planet.

Funding Trump and anti-democracy billionaires' #enshittification is how.

MooMoo the Cat

@Npars01 @briankrebs @John I did not realize he was a big investor, but it makes sense. This visit (April 2018) was just a few months prior to Jamal Khashoggi being killed (October 2018).


@John @briankrebs That dynamic nature is exactly why they should retain the cache. There are SO MANY times where I search for something, click a promising result, and find none of my search terms are present on the I go back, grab a snippet of the summary from the result, do a CTRL-F on that, and still find nothing!

If the search result is the homepage of a news site for example I clearly don't want to see the new current headlines, I want to see the headlines from whatever day the page was indexed where it actually matched my search query!

@John @briankrebs That dynamic nature is exactly why they should retain the cache. There are SO MANY times where I search for something, click a promising result, and find none of my search terms are present on the I go back, grab a snippet of the summary from the result, do a CTRL-F on that, and still find nothing!

don't be an evil dick 🌈

@John @briankrebs When they've also removed boolean ops and exact text match options from search, they're definitely making it worse on purpose.

It used to be possible to chip away at things, to narrow on what you were looking for. Not anymore.

don't be an evil dick 🌈

@John @briankrebs Google is well positioned to punish site swappers, but they don't.

I still believe they started the avanlache to breaking search by first getting everyone on Google Reader and then taking it away.

When blogs died, unrelated human maintained sites stopped providing high-quality links to each other, eventually losing the key sense-making mechanism of the web.

(Granted, prople moving to FB is part of the same problem, but Google has also been active in making it worse.)


@briankrebs THANK YOU.

Google is trying way too hard to avoid any responsibility in their enshittification.

John Socks

@briankrebs but yes, part of Google's specific problem is one of incentives. They *can't* down-rank pages for excessive advertising. It would be cutting their own throat.

Martin @briankrebs And not to forget they are now in the business of providing the tools to flood the web with cheaply created SEO'd trash themselves.

Loren Kohnfelder

@briankrebs I'm interested but would like to ask that you share an example of how you are searching so I can see this myself. Here, Google web search of [] returns zero results with the weird monster ice fishing as expected.
I agree the lack of transparency is frustrating.



originally, google did care about doing useful stuff. over time, making money became more important but they at least tried to keep the illusion that the "customer" was the user of their software/services.

at this point, they are giving up any pretense of being in service to anyone other than stockholders and advertisers. being of use to end users doesn't exist for them as a concept.

Oliver Lowe

@paul_ipv6 @briankrebs

> over time, making money became more important ...

It was just too tempting.

"Search is too important to leave to one company – even Google" - article by @pluralistic from 2009(!):


@briankrebs I'm still kinda burned about them killing Google Reader and now they're killing the Google Podcasts app and trying to convince customers that YouTube Music is a legitimate replacement. It's definitely not about the user experience.

8r3nt gu14n0w5k1

@briankrebs Ads ruin mostly everything, but especially when you can't tell where products end and ads start.

Why can't we partition the Internet, at least for indexing and search? What if I don't want any corporate sales garbage in my results? What if I only want to search federated social media? Or academia? Or blogs? Mixing it all together is gross.

Why can't we have a non-profit search company? Or bespoke B corps? How about some diversity?


@brent @briankrebs if you start a non profit search engine, I'd like to help. I'm just afraid I wo}ld not be of much help.

8r3nt gu14n0w5k1


"Put up or shut up" is what you're saying, right? ;-)

I'll get back to you…



@brent @briankrebs I never said "shut up", I really like the idea

8r3nt gu14n0w5k1


Sorry that was a form of self-effacing humour. I was mocking myself, for being like so many people who wish that someone else would do a thing for them. Luckily, someone already did it!


KBSez ✅


LOL! Too big to fail?

Let me remind everyone of the global ruling DEC:

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) was the most successful minicomputer firm in history. At its high point, it had multiple large campuses and amazing facilities, and even ran helicopters between them and to Logan Airport in Boston where they had their own gate. Their PDP and VAX series computers were crucial to the development of ARPANET and its evolution into the Internet.

KBSez ✅


It seemed impossible for DEC to vanish. But due to a series of market changes and poor decisions by management, they are now only a memory. Their productive period was about 30 years, from 1960 to 1990. This 30 year period is a not uncommon one for corporate arcs.

#Google is now 25 years old

Google and Facebook might be ruling to roost today but that’s not going to last no matter what anyone says

Colin Dellow

@briankrebs I'm building a hobbyist site that documents hiking trails, HikerAtlas. I know it's indexed in Google.

And yet, when I search "hikeratlas" (in quotes, no less!), Google shows me page after page of results, confidently assuring me that I must have somehow had a stroke and typoed `po` into `hi`.

It's bizarre.

Christopher Kyba

@cldellow I had some very similar issues recently, although I can't remember what the search term was.

I also was looking recently looking for visa information, and if I remember right the google snippet at the top was from a quora page that was an (incorrect) answer from Bing 🤦🏼‍♂️

S Vermin Rose

@briankrebs There could be an upside to Google enshitification. Previously, competing with them didn't make business sense because it would cost fat stacks to create a service that could at best be about as good. Now the same fat stacks could yield a service enough better to motivate users to switch. The remaining risk is that Google would retwist the knobs at low expense to restore the user experience just enough to make the investment be a fail.

Still, remember when twitter was unassailable?

🌅 Ben Soule ⛱️:coffefied:

It's giving us garbage with sponsored links that will start leeching on us, our time, our patience, our wallet.


@briankrebs, I switched to Kagi last year. Worth every penny.

Lauren Weinstein

@briankrebs Follow the money. Unfortunately, that's the key to understanding Google under current management, to a degree far more intense than it used to be. Sure, Google has been about making money since the early days, but now that appears to be their ONLY focus. Very sad.


@briankrebs Google used search to collect data to sell ads. Now, Google has plenty of other ways to collect data (Gmail, and so on). No surprise it’s ignoring a resource it no longer needs, but that does leave all of us in the shit.

Matthew Merkovich :clippy:

@briankrebs Sold all my Google stock last year because of stuff like this.


@briankrebs It’s enshittification in action. Google will slowly get worse and worse until at some point, it just becomes useless to most people. At which point the possibility of real competition opens up.

Anꞇóin Ó B.


Google are a company that both wants to decide the direction the web takes and enshitify anything they have made at their discretion.

Google are a malware company. They're just not recognised as a malware company because they operate at a different scale to all others. They're the malware Superman in a web of cardboard.

Wayne Werner

@briankrebs the other day I did a search on my phone for something. I don't even remember what the term was, but zero of the results that Google showed me were what I was looking for. Instead, they opted for AI results. Something like, "Hey, I see you're looking for a lower control arm bushing for a '57 Chevy. I bet you would be interested in catalytic converters for a Tesla semi"

Like... zero percent of what you suggested was even remotely relevant for what I was asking. ZERO.

Wayne Werner

@briankrebs and it wasn't just that there wasn't any results, it was showing me things that were in an entirely alternative universe.

I was *so mad* I nearly threw my phone across the room.

Absolutely furious.


dodgy theories


Man... it's about time that someone started a Google alternative.....

Low hanging fruit..... it's worse than Yahoo was when Google started....


@briankrebs Getting rid of the cache is definitely a bad move but also I find I don't need to use the google cache as much these days since we have and


@briankrebs Could it be that they are intentionally making their search less useful so they can sell a subscription to the AI, e.g. spicy search engine?



It is not the same, but some browser at some point had a feature that if you got a 404 page, it offered to try and find the page on Is that you @Vivaldi ?

Agreed that google search is getting worse by the day.

Shady Lane

@briankrebs so if someone was to takedown Google, global-cyber- security might be better?

Are Google putting themselves in a position where the threat actors want to keep them around? Or, am I imagining corporate strategy where there isn't any?

JacobRPG+ 🫘

@briankrebs seems like an opportunity to launch a great search engine to supplant Google.

Peter Kovář

@briankrebs Decade ago. Delete Analphabet Incorporated. Now!


@briankrebs This is intentional. They want you using Bard/Gemini since despite the inaccuracies it has, it's still more accurate than traditional Google search.

I have no doubt they intentionally tanked traditional search to subtly nudge people into training their product.

Worse yet, if I want any actual information without scouring for hours, I have to do this.

I miss when free search engines actually worked.


@allenstenhaus @briankrebs I’ve been futzing about with Perplexity. It hasn’t lied or hallucinated yet. Yet… ;)


@briankrebs this is why I have a few dozen search engines in my bookmarks, everything from more eastern stuff like Startpage, Alhea, Lycos, Presearch, Ekoru, LinkCenter USA, Dogpile and Mojeek all the way to stuff like the Czech search engine Seznam, Slovenia's Najdi, Korea's NAVER or Russia's Yandex and Rambler, and even some internet directories ranging from the US all the way to obscure Belarus ones.


@autumnine @briankrebs Belarus produces usable software? That’s a surprise.

I was under the impression that this country was good only for spetsnaz units that doubled as acrobatic troops.


@llywrch @briankrebs Lol I found some web directory there that looks good on first glance, although I have yet to have time to explore it but it feels like something from the good ol' 90s LOL. Also Belarus is home to the hacker and priate site owner who's VKontakte video demonstrating an app crack got me into the hobby of software reverse engineering.


@briankrebs if the banking bullshit from 2008 told us anything, it’s nothing should be too big to fail. Stopping failing fails fails us, not them.

With a bit of light a much better search might crop up.


No, no, goofle doesn't make things up.
They hired some guy who's a hacker named The Bard.
He's the one they should fire.
But I agree. I have been getting better search results elsewhere. Goofle has become an Ad Egine rather than a Search Engine.
Sad, we had such great hopes for them. They are not "too big [or important] to fail" and they will come a fallin' down someday.

FirefighterGeek :masto:

@briankrebs I predict the next attempt to further monetize Google will be a paid subscription access level without ads.

Ben from CDS

@briankrebs Google offered me free credit to restart an advertising campaign, but unluckily for them last time I tried using their advertising tools it didn't work at all. There's no amount of credit that will make a useless tool work for me.

DavidV.TV ® Christ RAW 101


#BOYCOTT_CNBC! News Alert! 2 #ZIONIST #SNAKE_OIL_SALESMAN SELLING MORE #FAKE_TECHNOLOGY AGAIN! #Google is #Poisoning their OWN DATA Rendering #AD_WORDS #ADVERTISING #Targeting #OBSOLETE! And they don’t even know it… see below.

What happened to #DEEP_MIND? and/or #LaMDA? Etc. etc. #TastingTraffic LLC #SHUT_DOWN BOTH!;) Overnight!

#TastingTraffic LLC debunked #Google Long ago--many times. btw.. Google still under #ANTI_TRUST investigation by the #CROOKED #Biden_Administration--that will Never Be Finalized?? PROOF of more #Israeli_Terrorists Meddling #behind_the_scenes.

We have 100% #Proof and #Evidence that the #State of #ISRAEL has Stolen your #Personal_Data as well as your #Intellectual_Property Worldwide. (#Oracle a #Jewish_Owned #Fortune 500 Company)

But know one asks us ever for the evidence or Proof.. NO ONE?? Confirmation of an #Illegal Major #Concealment & COVER-UP #CRIME(s) over the last 7,300 days / 2 decades / 20 years??

Do not use #USPTO #Patent_office for anything. #Trade_Secret_Everything (SECURE CODE BEHIND PRYING EYES IN-HOUSE SERVER SIDE) or lose everything--your choice?

..and these are Blatant LIES and more HYPE by #Israeli Controlled Mainstream News Outlets in our USA #Homeland NO LESS? Called #CNBC..

GET OUT of OUR Country NOW! You are Terrorist and Murders of 26,000 innocent civilians in Gaza >>> and are not welcomed in the USA anymore!

Don’t be Fooled folks you are listening to #ISRAELI #Propaganda via Proxy Propaganda Machine out of CNBC (#WAR_PROXY) = aka #Israeli_ZIONISTS.

There is #NO #AI; its all #FAKE! Google’s #BARD >> Renamed to #Gemini #DEMO was also #FAKED! They don’t know what to call themselves since all are #failures. Like Elon Musk everything the #JEWS #touch will #FAIL!

All they know how to do IS CHANGE THE NAME and RE-BRAND the same TECH through HYPE under a different name over and over again (LIKE #PARROTS) to cover their #UNENDING_FAILURES! And that my friends is the REAL TRUTH behind Israeli #AI_TECH. They sacrificed 1200 (WALL BEACHED SECURITY WAS 100% ALGORITHMS w/o Human assistance Is Proof of MAJOR #IN_COMPETENCIES) of their own Citizens for Software tech that was easily #COMPROMISED.

#ANYONE could have #BREACHED that #WALL--NOT just #HAMAS!

After-all #Colonial_Pipeline was Using a Compromised (WEAK) #Password. Any #UNETHICAL_HACKER could get in. Why? Because there is no code (AI is a Fantasy) >> on the planet that can operate and/or function as intended UNSUPERVISED >> WITHOUT 24/7 #HUMAN_SUPERVISION. Proof Israeli's Engineers #GRANDIOSE_CLAIMS Murdered their own Citizens! (DavidV exp. 200K Project management hours under belt since 1999)

They #MURDERED their own people--if the #TRUTH BE #TOLD! And the Jewish Citizens TRUSTED them and many unfortunately were Killed >> then tried to place the #FLACCID_INCOMPETENCY ON #HAMAS AND PUNISHMENT w/ Vengeance against the #palestinian people—like as if they had something to do with it... UGH!

At the cost of 26,500 murdered innocent Victims (Civilians NO LESS)?? How much does the Israeli/s Zionist Value an American Life?? I will answer it for you.. $0.00 USD!

But they need our #Tax_Dollars to Survive?? Who wants to pay taxes now to FUND GENOCIDE of Children!?

After #NETAN_YAHOO! Incited the Murder of his last running mate; calling him and #NAZI when in-fact #NETAN_YAHOO! is the murdering #Nazi_Hitler! Responsible. In charge of the United States of America??

You are all LUNATICS! Sexual immorality >> Murder >> Mental Illness. The path you have chosen.

~Reverse Software Engineer 27 Years~

This could be MORE #Fake_Propaganda--as well, for all we know??.. You See folks how can you #TRUST anything or anyone when Israel and #USA has just committed #Genocide while the #WORLD TURNS A #BLIND EYE. When Instead, our Military should of went into #ISRAEL and #ARRESTED ALL OF THEM. Instead of Military Support! Starting with Biden’s Cabinet!


Google’s new #Gemini_AI_model (aka #FAKED!) is getting a mixed reception after its big debut last month, but users may have #less_confidence in the company’s #tech or #integrity after #finding_out that the most impressive #demo of #Gemini WAS PRETTY MUCH #FAKED!

Static Page: Google’s best Gemini demo was faked

ACTUAL #FAKED_VIDEO HERE: Hands-on with #Gemini: #Interacting?? ( #BULLSH*T! ) with #FAKE_COPYCAT AI..??

Just 2 #BIG problems:

1. The #video isn’t #real. “We created the demo by capturing footage in order to test #Gemini’s capabilities on a wide range of challenges. Then we prompted Gemini using still image frames from the footage, and prompting via text.” (#Parmy_Olson was the first to #report the #discrepancy.)

2. #Google is #Poisoning their #OWN_DATA Rendering #AD_WORDS #ADVERTISING Targeting #OBSOLETE! Aka USELESS ..And they don’t even know it...


📛 DISCLAIMER: We Don't Cover the News | We Cover the 'Way' the #News is #COVERED_UP! 👿


* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (#International_Tech_News); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);


#BOYCOTT_CNBC! News Alert! 2 #ZIONIST #SNAKE_OIL_SALESMAN SELLING MORE #FAKE_TECHNOLOGY AGAIN! #Google is #Poisoning their OWN DATA Rendering #AD_WORDS #ADVERTISING #Targeting #OBSOLETE! And they don’t even know it… see below.

What happened to #DEEP_MIND? and/or #LaMDA? Etc. etc. #TastingTraffic LLC #SHUT_DOWN BOTH!;) Overnight!

Irenes (many)

@briankrebs we have no inside information on this topic, so we're free to speculate

this is what it means to do such aggressive layoffs: features go away because there's no team for them anymore. institutional knowledge is lost. this is the choice management knew it was making.


@briankrebs that's a premium example of Cory Dotorows @pluralistic #enshittification - and it is one that we all can feel each and every day.



Not using gogole anymore for years 🤮

Dan McDonald


Google is the Ma Bell of the 21st Century: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.


Lycos is still here. And it's not bad at all! Yeah, i know it sound strange, but seeing is believing:

(((Jann Gobble)))🏳️‍🌈

@briankrebs ONLY on ONE of these points: Google removing cache COULD BE SEEN as being worried about not just pointing people to sites, but holding AND disseminating the content of those sites - and thus be in contravention of several laws.

I KNOW this is NOT why they did it, but nonetheless, it is true. indexing the web and storing the documents is a diff issue than storing the web's contents and furnishing them in full from your own servers.

Falcon Darkstar

@briankrebs Google's search operations previously seemed to view breaking "black hat SEO" techniques and suppressing meaningless generated content as core work required to maintain their product. But ever since their management decided they should be an AI company, search results have definitely been dominated by the vapid generated trash that used to be down-ranked to hell.

Marcel Bischoff

@briankrebs At this point, Google search has become so bad that I've had to switch to paid search engine Kagi. The results are of better quality and I can actually de-rank or block certain sites I know to be crap. Google will eventually implode, there's no way around that. It will be dragged out though. With that much money in the system, the path of #enshittification is a long one.

Kierkegaanks, π/🦴

@briankrebs Not too big to have its back Bane’d by antitrust laws


@briankrebs Add to that: Google want you to think that only way to find a simple fact or procedure, is to watch a Youtube video.


@briankrebs #fgoogle we don’t have free markets we have effective monopoly after monopoly

4TH3I57 EV L0V3R/ / /


there's digital " .. access to say images dot google com and wikipedia ..

and then there's real world shi..

AND WHO WHAT WHERE wtf? <- idiots imho


@briankrebs but i think it's just getting better! #google #AI

(But not for linux user version of me :) )



agree. don't even get me started on Microsoft Copilot. it's like the annoying paperclip turned into a high-voltage forceps twisting my brain. why are sado-masochists the ones who invent this shit?

Musta dawned on me thusly

@briankrebs I can name a dozen other ways their search engine has become crap, plus ways they’ve screwed me over.

All that free stuff in the beginning was just to lock us in as their data.

From “do no evil” to “Evil is how we increase stockholder value”


@briankrebs Surely giving YouTube back its sovereignty could help them refocus on their roots.

Santiago Lema :amiga:

@briankrebs Google is still the world’s largest advertising company.

All the rest, including all useful technology, was always just a huge honeypot.


@briankrebs Google do be Googling (derogatory)

For what it's worth, DuckDuckGo is great.

Dirk Hohndel

It so often feels like Google is trying too hard to win the race to the bottom...

Randy Lea

@briankrebs Several months ago, I asked Google for help with missing data on Google Drive. After hours of talking, I never even got an acknowledgment that there was an issue, much less a fix. Later, news came out that this was a common problem. I'm pretty much done with them, following the Google Drive fiasco, all the services I had invested time or money into, etc. They don't even try to create new products or services.


@briankrebs Bing/DDG does the same crap: "Here are 5 results about the genocide in Gaza and also a link to a discount tire company 15 miles from your approximate location."

Ciencia Al Poder

@briankrebs Sometimes I was using the cached page when the term I was searching for didn't appear on the page, and it was useful to see if it was actually present in the past but now removed. That would give somewhat confidence that Google wasn't cheating you with the results. I guess that this would play against them at this time when more and more irrelevant results are being delivered.

💡𝚂𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗇 𝙰𝗉𝗉𝗌📱

What they say: too big to fail
What I hear: we have a financial interest

Curious Boy


Not only google search
The same thing applied to YouTube

Rupert Reynolds

@briankrebs Cory Doctorow has a word fot that for that :-)

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