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8r3nt gu14n0w5k1

@briankrebs Ads ruin mostly everything, but especially when you can't tell where products end and ads start.

Why can't we partition the Internet, at least for indexing and search? What if I don't want any corporate sales garbage in my results? What if I only want to search federated social media? Or academia? Or blogs? Mixing it all together is gross.

Why can't we have a non-profit search company? Or bespoke B corps? How about some diversity?


@brent @briankrebs if you start a non profit search engine, I'd like to help. I'm just afraid I wo}ld not be of much help.

8r3nt gu14n0w5k1


"Put up or shut up" is what you're saying, right? ;-)

I'll get back to you…



@brent @briankrebs I never said "shut up", I really like the idea

8r3nt gu14n0w5k1


Sorry that was a form of self-effacing humour. I was mocking myself, for being like so many people who wish that someone else would do a thing for them. Luckily, someone already did it!


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