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Colin Dellow

@briankrebs I'm building a hobbyist site that documents hiking trails, HikerAtlas. I know it's indexed in Google.

And yet, when I search "hikeratlas" (in quotes, no less!), Google shows me page after page of results, confidently assuring me that I must have somehow had a stroke and typoed `po` into `hi`.

It's bizarre.

Christopher Kyba

@cldellow I had some very similar issues recently, although I can't remember what the search term was.

I also was looking recently looking for visa information, and if I remember right the google snippet at the top was from a quora page that was an (incorrect) answer from Bing 🤦🏼‍♂️


@cldellow @briankrebs

Can confirm I see the same thing. I wonder if Poker Atlas pays for ads. I recall an article from ~last year that Google invisibly rewrites some queries in the background to better match their advertisers. Some of Google’s “corrections” don’t make much sense in any other context.


@cldellow @briankrebs Seems pretty hard to find. Lycos found a github for hikeratlas, but not sure that's your actual website!

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