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Charlie Stross

It turns out cassowaries have been domesticated—as guard-fowl.

I figure some brave soul grabbed one of the GIANT LUMINOUS NEON MARKER GREEN eggs (the colour of "do not fuck with me for I am deadly" in nature) and ran away with it. Then it hatched, and they fed the giant murder chicken that kept following them around.

When I get my island volcano base the inland jungle will be patrolled by giant murder chickens LOYAL ONLY TO ME! Take that, laser-sharks!

A clutch of six giant neon-green eggs the size and shape of mangoes just lying on top of leaf detritus on a forest floor. They're close to the colour of lab safety signs, the kind that warn of radiation or biohazard, or maybe the colour of Death Cap mushrooms: a colour that says "go very far away from here RIGHT NOW".

The photographer sensibly used a telephoto lens.
Antonius Marie Hogebrandt ⚧

@cstross I feel this is something I either *should* or *shouldn't* share with one of my RPG groups.

- My character has bought guard geese
- Another character is planning on learning a craft that can create/manipulate living things

Charlie Stross

@Steveg58 That's blocked in the UK and EU due to GDPR regs making the amount of spyware they want to slap on their site illegal.


@cstross @Steveg58 It was strong enough to kill FLORIDA MAN!

A headline:  A cassowary, a rare emu-like bird, attacks and kills Florida man, officials say

@cstross @Steveg58 The owner was a breeder of the rare bird that is native to Australia and New Guinea, Alachua County Deputy Fire Chief Jeff Taylor said.

The death was an accident, officials said. It appears the man fell, and the cassowary attacked him after the fall, Taylor said.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission considers cassowaries Class II wildlife, meaning they pose a danger to humans and are subject to specific cage requirements.


@cstross @Steveg58 Owners must also have “substantial experience” with the animals, the commission says.

Class II is the same category as alligators, honey badgers and clouded leopards, while Class I includes more traditional predators such as a lions, tigers and bears.


@cstross @Steveg58 Well, I can open it with lynx (which of course does not run any javascript so it's not useful for spyware) from France.
Text starts:
A cassowary, a giant bird with long claws on each foot, killed its owner after he fell in the backyard of his Gainesville, Florida, home, officials told CNN.
The bird’s owner, Marvin Hajos – who is 75, according to CNN affiliate WCJB – made the initial call to 911 Friday about 10 a.m. ET.
I'd probably be able to get a cleaned up copy if I CBA.


@Uilebheist @cstross @Steveg58 You have to wait for the bird to load, but here’s the safer archive page.


@cstross Can you eat the eggs? Because then they are definitely superior to killer robots!

Infoseepage #StopGazaGenocide


Island Minion: Sir, we've been unable to acquire sufficient Velociraptor DNA from amber for the new inland jungle patrol project and our consultants say they're the size of beagles.

Villain: Well, that is a disappointment. The CIA agents would just kick them to death. Is that what you're telling me?

Minion: Sorry, sir.

Villain: Well, find me the modern equivalent, something we can get our hands on.

Eleven Casowary generations later...


@cstross kidding aside I think there might be an offhand reference to guard-cassowaries in Austin Grossman's Soon I Will Be Invincible. (Or that might be holdover from this morning's dreams. It's early, here.)

Angus McIntyre

@cstross Sure, at first the giant murder chickens are only for supervillains.

But then they become commonplace, and next thing you know, there are mall cassowaries everywhere, moodily stalking through the aisles at Sephora and H&M, clawed feet scuffing on the industrial nylon carpeting.

And sure, the occasional chihuahua or toddler goes missing from time to time, but shoplifting’s down 85%, and that’s really all that the bosses and the shareholders care about …

Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

@angusm @cstross

When I was a boy, we had a giant murder chicken on our farm. A solid white rooster named Whitey. One day, he attacked my sister and she hit him with a board and killed him.

She walked into the house, carrying his body, sobbing to our mother that she killed Whitey. Tears everywhere.

And then blood and feathers everywhere as Whitey woke up and attacked. We were all running around frantically, trying to get him out of the house.

All should fear the giant murder chickens.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

@angusm @cstross

There's an XKCD for everything 😜

Whitey was such a big, mean rooster with nasty spurs that I'm unsure I'd bet against him with that ostrich! 🐓


@angusm @cstross It's the Flesh-eating Flamingos though ... I don't want to talk about Them ...


@angusm @cstross

The nice thing about them is that they are more entry-level and low maintenance than most of your supervillian lair creatures.

I mean sharks require tanks and various aquatic adaptations to your lair, bears require constant baiting, and so on.

Cassowaries are only a few thousand dollars and a reinforced chicken coop. Great for the budget minded supervillian.


@angusm @cstross

It quickly gets out of hand. I was on a flight last week where a passenger was arguing loudly with a flight attendant about whether the one she brought on board really was an "emotional support animal".

#ServiceAnimal #MurderChicken

Vex Machina

@cstross the bright-green eggs are a bit on-the-nose tbh

Charlie Stross

@pikesley Bright green eggs and a TOTAL lack of protection, just lying around on the forest floor, broadcasting the message "if you mess with me YOU WILL DIE (and it will hurt all the time you're dying)"


@cstross @pikesley I imagine forest denizens use that egg picture as their ‘ITS A TRAP’ meme …

Piers Cawley

@cstross Frankly, I'm surprised @scalzi didn't use them in Starter Villain.

Maybe in the sequel?


@cstross I don't know enough about cassowaries to tell if that is a bad idea or a REALLY bad idea.

But if their social structure is anything like chickens... the only way to become the king is to kill (or subdue) the king.
Which means it is very bad if they start seeing you as just another, but larger, chicken.


@cstross About as sensible as breeding Daleks for protection (h/t to Power Of The)

Thomas Sturm

@cstross @tsturm “domesticated” == holding their “owner” hostage


@tsturm @cstross it's only a matter of time. I think "not actively killing the person holding them" is more accurate than "domesticated."

Paul Turnbull :CApride:

@cstross Now picturing them with support squads of Canadian murder chickens.


This is exactly why I need to start carrying googly eyes with me.

Trish E. Matson

@cstross certainly, if a giant murder chicken were following me around, I would make sure to feed it regularly, lest it prey on me!

Emily S

@cstross ok, but how has no one apperently suggested cassowaries with lasers?

donkey herder

@cstross boost if you, too, would adopt a murder chick


@donkeyherder @cstross
I'm in Canada. We don't have to adopt them: they impose themselves on us

Michael / Chgowiz 🎲🎲

@davecb Canadian geese are no joke! It's amazing how nasty they are. There's a reason we call them "murder-birds" here in the Midwest US.

@donkeyherder @cstross

Meme image showing the head and neck of a Canadian goose. The meme text simply reads "SOON".

Because Canadian geese are nature's murder-birds in disguise.

@donkeyherder @cstross a chicken in every pot is OK, but One Velociraptor Per Child is better.

(Why yes, I do have an authentic original-edition OVPC t-shirt. It got... interesting commentary from parents when I explained what it was about.)


@donkeyherder @cstross coming into the thread at this point without context, one would think that orphaned female assassins really need a family support network


@donkeyherder @cstross I already do that on discord and Tumblr!

Oh wait you mean, like, birds... Mine are mostly catgirls. Although if a cassowarygirl shows up, my money is on her. Cats are deadly murder machines, sure, but cassowaries have the size advantage.

Lauren Weinstein

@cstross Check with a Geiger counter before touching those babies!

Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈

@cstross We should encourage Zuckerberg to adopt these creatures and return him to the soil as is Nature's way.

Mark. Just Mark.

@cstross but have you considered ROBOT murder chicken?
(from Australia's murder chicken capital, Kuranda)

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