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Matthias Pfefferle

We just released version 2.0.0 of the #ActivityPub plugin for #WordPress ( release is planned for tomorrow).

Main feature: Full bedirectional/threaded comment federation 🎉

Full Changelog:

Thanks #Automattic @mattwiebe @kanru @linos @mediaformat @mat @webrocker @sentynel and @janboddez for your contributions

Laurens Hof

@pfefferle congratulations!

Would you mind giving an example of what is bidirectional comments means in this case? Does that mean that originate from the wordpress blog itself?

Matthias Pfefferle

@laurenshof if When you respond to comments from the fediverse on your blog, they will now be federated. This allows you to finally engage in (threaded) communication back and forth directly from the comment section of your blog!

(Limitation: you have to have an account on the blog)


@pfefferle @laurenshof That is wonderful, so you don't need an extra ActivityPub account to reply to your blog post's comment.

I bet it will be easier to track the comment with this feature.

But I wonder for blog visitor that do not have ActivityPub account how it will handled?

Matthias Pfefferle

@aku @laurenshof

> That is wonderful, so you don't need an extra ActivityPub account to reply to your blog post's comment.


Matthias Pfefferle

@aku @laurenshof

> But I wonder for blog visitor that do not have ActivityPub account how it will handled?

That's a tricky one, because they have no real profile... we can try to give them a temporary, but we have to get sure that we do not run into a GDPR issue here.


@pfefferle @laurenshof I think the default WP comment also retains some information about the visitor who commented on the blog, so it should be no problem, right?

Or, to make everything easier, you have to make an announcement on the blog that if the visitor wants to comment, they must have an ActivityPub account. So you don't need to care about the visitor information at all

The only problem now is the old comments on the blog, it is the only thing that hinders me from installing to old blog

Matthias Pfefferle

@aku @laurenshof

> Or, to make everything easier, you have to make an announcement on the blog that if the visitor wants to comment, they must have an ActivityPub account. So you don't need to care about the visitor information at all

that's not that easy, because even if they have a fediverse account, I can not post something in favour of someone from the blog, so I have to direct them to there platform to comment and that might be a bad UX.


@pfefferle aha, I thought you already implemented the "remote comment" like on the Mastodon.

Now I am really curious and want to test it myself on my test blog.

But thank you for your work, it progressed a lot from the last time I tested the plugin.


remote comment on mastodon
Matthias Pfefferle

@aku oh nice! this (the ` URL) is also working for post URLs, I thought this is limited to profiles!

thanks for mentioning it, this should be a really nice and simple extension!

Matthias Pfefferle

@aku @laurenshof

> I think the default WP comment also retains some information about the visitor who commented on the blog, so it should be no problem, right?

Yes, but I have to make sure that the user can either opt-in/opt-out from federation or at least create the awareness that all comments will be federated... otherwise I have a GDPR problem...

Laurens Hof

@pfefferle awesome, thanks for the explanation. This is super helpful for me in how I use the plugin


@pfefferle Thank you very much Matthias! VERY good news 🤩

Beko Pharm

@pfefferle seriously one of the best feature upgrades since the first release 🤓

Björn Brembs


I have a question: I have a WP blog with the plug-in:

Somehow, I managed to create two Mastodon users that post different posts:


How can I adjust it such that these posts all shw up under this account instead? The way I understand it, it is not possible? If so then what would be the use case for the plug-in?

Matthias Pfefferle

@brembs @bjoern these are technically two accounts, so you can try to abandon one and send your followers to the other, but there is no way to use one ID for Mastodon and WordPress (if that is the question).

The Use-Case of the plugin: You do not have to have a Mastodon account to federate your posts and all reactions to your posts will be federated back to your blogs comment section. If this is not what you searched for, maybe you want to have a look at a cross-posting plugin instead?

Björn Brembs


Thanks, that's what I thought, I just wasn't sure I had understood it properly. I think I'll unistall the plug-in again and search for one that simply posts the links to Mastodon for me.
I'm also considering setting up my own instance as a subdomain and then migrate there from here, but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle.

Thanks again!

Luca Sironi

@pfefferle @brembs

i think all wordpress blog should have this enabled by default, as for the blogger perspective is just a way to be more connected.

Bloggers that got interested in fediverse, will always end up having multiple accounts, a microblogging one, one for sharing pictures, one for lemmy forums...

Dan York

@pfefferle Excellent news! Thank you for all the work on this.

Are the Blocks new? (Follow me on Fediverse, and Fediverse Followers) Those are a nice addition.

If they have been there before, then I guess I just missed them.

DJM (freelance for hire)

@danyork Yes, they've been available for some time.

Matthias Pfefferle

@danyork the blocks are available since 1.0.0 I think :)

Dan York

@pfefferle Cool! Clearly I just missed that. 🤦‍♂️


@pfefferle How long does it normally take before a site is accessible over ActivityPub? I've just set up a new Wordpress install on a new domain with the ActivityPub plugin, and when I search on here I get "503 Remote SSL certificate could not be verified". SSL appears to work fine in Firefox. Hoping it works in a couple of days


@pfefferle @mattwiebe @kanru @linos @mediaformat @mat @webrocker @sentynel @janboddez

I installed the old version on my self-hosted yesterday, waited a bit, published a new post, waited a bit, and still can't find my blog searching for the Mastodon user URL.

Going to try the troubleshooting steps today surrounding subdirectories 🤷‍♂️

Mitex Leo

@pfefferle @mattwiebe @kanru @linos @mediaformat @mat @webrocker @sentynel @janboddez Not working on my blog🤔 .. Do I need to make any changes other than updating to the latest version?

Matthias Pfefferle

@mitexleo not really... have it worked before? can you share your user id?

Mitex Leo

@pfefferle Sorry for not explaining earlier. Comments from WP is not being federated. @techbites

Mitex Leo

@pfefferle @techbites 😬
... Didn't receive any notification... Sorry for this. Maybe we should automatically add the handle on comment like Mastodon?

Matthias Pfefferle

@mitexleo @techbites no problem... the missing notification is a known issue and we are working on that.

happy federated commenting :)

André Menrath

@pfefferle @mitexleo @techbites

First above all: Congratulations!!!

I think one thing might be missing: Being able to reply on a "comment from WordPress" that is not known to your Mastodon instance yet.

My instance does not know of the reply "Is it working" yet. There is no clear way of getting the (ActivityPub) URI/URI/id of that comment. Even when trying to fetch it from another Mastodon instance which knows the comments I can't search for it using the search field:

@pfefferle @mitexleo @techbites

First above all: Congratulations!!!

I think one thing might be missing: Being able to reply on a "comment from WordPress" that is not known to your Mastodon instance yet.

My instance does not know of the reply "Is it working" yet. There is no clear way of getting the (ActivityPub) URI/URI/id of that comment. Even when trying to fetch it from another Mastodon instance which knows the comments I can't search for it using the search field:

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