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Matthias Pfefferle

@brembs @bjoern these are technically two accounts, so you can try to abandon one and send your followers to the other, but there is no way to use one ID for Mastodon and WordPress (if that is the question).

The Use-Case of the plugin: You do not have to have a Mastodon account to federate your posts and all reactions to your posts will be federated back to your blogs comment section. If this is not what you searched for, maybe you want to have a look at a cross-posting plugin instead?

Björn Brembs


Thanks, that's what I thought, I just wasn't sure I had understood it properly. I think I'll unistall the plug-in again and search for one that simply posts the links to Mastodon for me.
I'm also considering setting up my own instance as a subdomain and then migrate there from here, but I'm not sure it's worth the hassle.

Thanks again!

Luca Sironi

@pfefferle @brembs

i think all wordpress blog should have this enabled by default, as for the blogger perspective is just a way to be more connected.

Bloggers that got interested in fediverse, will always end up having multiple accounts, a microblogging one, one for sharing pictures, one for lemmy forums...

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