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E. Ernst eest9 Steinhammer

@davidrevoy Oof, this makes being named after him a rather grim topic from now on :c

David Revoy

@eest9 Oh no, I'm sorry for you. πŸ˜”

I don't think that information was publicly available until quite recently. I watch a lot of science videos and I've never heard of this.

A friend recently told me something about this kind of thing: when a band, a personality, a character has this thing, it's a new death for them. You were named when the clean and brilliant reputation was still alive and only info available. I hope you'll be able to keep the positive aspect of this name.

E. Ernst eest9 Steinhammer

@davidrevoy I hope so. I'll probably tell the origin story of my name far less in the future and exclusively with a note in regard to this.

Yes, it looks like the oldest mention is a biography from 1990, and it wasn't widely recognized until 2021, when more information about it came public?

David Revoy

@eest9 I don't know. Pages like the French one on Wikipedia doesn't even mention it...

[edit: Someone added the info to the FR wikipedia page 10min ago, thanks! πŸ‘ ]

Pablo Rrrrrrr

@eest9 @davidrevoy Well, you can always go with Rommel.


E. Ernst eest9 Steinhammer

@pablor I indeed share the same first name with him, but fortunately I wasn't named after him. @davidrevoy

Pablo Rrrrrrr

@eest9 @davidrevoy Just kidding, of course. You can always do like American Southern lawyers and call yourself E. Ernst.

Alex L πŸ•Š πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

@eest9 @davidrevoy

If it can help:

*Erwin* Chargaff was the one who made the most important contributions to the discovery of DNA (coincidentally, confirming SchrΓΆdinger's hypotesis that the genetic information must be stored as an aperiodic crystal). Chargaff was overshadowed by Watson, Crick and others because he was very cautious about genetics, he compared genetic engineering to nuclear physics and the atomic bomb: we shouldn't mess with Nature at its very hearth.


Alex L πŸ•Š πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

@eest9 @davidrevoy

A great scientist with strong ethics. Still today, most of his books are only available in German, just to stress how much he was boycotted, compared to the glorified Watson and Crick.


E. Ernst eest9 Steinhammer

@alxlg Doesn't really help since I'm not named after Erwin Chargaff πŸ˜… But it's good to know, that there are still probably good Erwins out there πŸ˜‚ @davidrevoy

kristen rapp

@eest9 @alxlg @davidrevoy why not tell people you were named for Steve Irwin? if anyone points out it's a different spelling, just look horrified and tell them you need to leave to call your parents immediately

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