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E. Ernst eest9 Steinhammer

@davidrevoy I hope so. I'll probably tell the origin story of my name far less in the future and exclusively with a note in regard to this.

Yes, it looks like the oldest mention is a biography from 1990, and it wasn't widely recognized until 2021, when more information about it came public?

David Revoy

@eest9 I don't know. Pages like the French one on Wikipedia doesn't even mention it...

[edit: Someone added the info to the FR wikipedia page 10min ago, thanks! 👍 ]

E. Ernst eest9 Steinhammer

@pablor I indeed share the same first name with him, but fortunately I wasn't named after him. @davidrevoy

Pablo Rrrrrrr

@eest9 @davidrevoy Just kidding, of course. You can always do like American Southern lawyers and call yourself E. Ernst.

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