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@rolle bluesky is decentralized and full open source no ?

Roni Laukkarinen

@squaredot No it is not either. It's not even public. Or do you have other info? Let me know how I can install it on my home server? Did you manage to do it?

Raphael Wimmer

@rolle Whether posts are accessible without account and with any web browser is very important to me. I find it very problematic that intellectuals, politicians, scientists, and journalists move to #BlueSky or #Threads where the public cannot read or link to their posts.

Stefan Dumont

@RaphaelWimmer @rolle I think, that is an important point, which could be add to the table ...

Roni Laukkarinen

@stefandumont Hundreds of things could be added to the table but I wanted to keep it simple. @RaphaelWimmer


@lehtimaeki @rolle Next to Masto is Threads, I guess the other one must be bsky? Icon doesn’t really open up.

Roni Laukkarinen

@miiko @lehtimaeki Yeah, Threads is the white @ and Bluesky the @ with skies.


@rolle @miiko @lehtimaeki love how their icons are so "meh"

Great chart.


@rolle The problem with Mastodon is that "everything but the kitchen sink" is a solution with no vision nor purpose.


@juuso @rolle I think you're thinking of Fediverse...

73 million seconds

@krupo @rolle

Yeah but then I think saying that about the fediverse/AP is like saying HTTP has no vision or purpose… and it certainly doesn’t seem to apply to Mastodon or we would not have constant debates about features that have been deliberately left out and other people want… Maybe @juuso can clarify.


@rolle I think it’s deceptive to label #Mastodon as a “safe space”, there’s a right wing corner of the #Mastodon too

Aren’t people supposed to be able to self host #Bluesky, at least eventually?

It’d be nice to see quote posts on here, #Mastodon is supposed to be getting those


@rolle A lot of these features that distinguish Fedi are *worse* for most users. Opt-in search means it's hard to find what I'm looking for; it's way worse user experience than the global search available on Bluesky, and has been cited as one of the top reasons by people who chose not to use the Fediverse why they left.

Roni Laukkarinen

@Alon I’m pretty sure the search is not the most important feature for many.


@rolle Erin Kissane did a survey of former users and of non-users and they cited it as a top reason, alongside the difficulty of choosing an instance, janky interface for interacting across instances, and a combo of mods and early adopters haranguing them about norms that were alien to them (e.g. putting stories of other people being racist to them behind CWs).

Friedrich Hartmann

@rolle @Alon maybe not for 2017 fedi-users, but for all that look for a birdsite-replacement it is.
It’s the only search on any online platform that actually worked for getting relevant results for near-realtime events.


@rolle @SonofaGeorge it's a good thing most people appreciate on this platform. V2 of the graphic (which didn't take long to make, I note from an earlier comment) could celebrate that too :)

Doug Baker

@rolle Not listed as a feature- do the others have alt text?

Roni Laukkarinen

@SonofaGeorge Oh. Yeah all of these have it. I have not listed every single thing, otherwise the list would be 100 rows. I wanted to show the main points.


@rolle You can add a row for "Funding" which could be Ads, VC, Ads, and non-profit.

Roni Laukkarinen

@jan I could add 100 rows. But I wanted to keep it simple.


@bsm @rolle
I'm kinda sad that people assume the Fediverse as just Mastodon like in the picture.

Because knowing the difference gives you more freedom/agency over Mastodon itself. Which is even better and could bring one more argument to the comparison.

BSM (sw.s) 🇨🇭

@Zekovski @rolle he is comparing similar Microblogging-Services, so it’s not false. Not everything in the #Fediverse is #Microblogging, it‘s much more.


@bsm @rolle
I tend to see Mastodon as the tool you use to access the Fedi. So it's not the same for me.
But yeah, y'oure kinda right too. Fair.

Roni Laukkarinen

@Zekovski @bsm

"mAsT0DoN is nOT FedIvErsE!1111" is the most boring comment ever and I'm sick of it. It's like saying "Social media is not the Internet!", well d'uh? We know there's more to it, but Mastodon dominates (77% according to Fediverse) and I use it and it made to this compare table. So wtf?


@rolle @bsm
Many users do not know this. And my goal by saying this is for Mastodon to not dominate.

Also is it possible to talk about this calmly like we just did with @bsm without aggressively aping me from the start ?


Wow, Mastodon is democratic feature superhero!


@rolle okay, das mit dem "safe space" würde ich nicht zu 100% unterschreiben. Ich habe hier schon dinge gesehen, die hab sogar ich noch nicht gesehen. Gut im Play Store ist Mastodon mit 18 Jahren empfohlen und im App Store 17+ - für Kinder und Jugendliche würde ich es tatsächlich nicht empfehlen.


@rolle @seymour Und das mit der Sichtbarkeit pro Posting bezieht sich auch nur auf Accounts innerhalb von Mastodon. Da Mastodon aber Teil des Fediverse ist, können User, die einem Mastodon-Account von einem anderen Dienst aus folgen, auch deren Postings lesen, die eigtl auf eingeschränkte Sichtbarkeit eingestellt wurden. Weil dieses Feature nicht in allen Diensten einheitlich transportiert wird. Ich habe das am Anfang auch gedacht, ich könnte meine Postings einschränken, bis mir jemand von einem anderen Fedi-Dienst zeigte, dass die Person trotzdem meine Postings lesen konnte. 🤷‍♀️ Daher poste ich seitdem nur noch öffentlich, weil eine Einschränkung wenig Sinn ergibt.

@rolle @seymour Und das mit der Sichtbarkeit pro Posting bezieht sich auch nur auf Accounts innerhalb von Mastodon. Da Mastodon aber Teil des Fediverse ist, können User, die einem Mastodon-Account von einem anderen Dienst aus folgen, auch deren Postings lesen, die eigtl auf eingeschränkte Sichtbarkeit eingestellt wurden. Weil dieses Feature nicht in allen Diensten einheitlich transportiert wird. Ich habe das am Anfang auch gedacht, ich könnte meine Postings einschränken, bis mir jemand von einem...


@onlytina @rolle ja das konnte ich von Zeit zu Zeit auch beobachten, was in der Regel aber funktioniert ist die CW (Content Warning) Einstellung, dass Bilder erstmal verschwommen sind oder Texte eingeklappt. Das wird bei Porno in der Regel verwendet aber auch nicht immer. Klar wir sind alle(?) erwachsen aber nerven tut es trotzdem oft.

Roni Laukkarinen

@pixelcode It doesn’t matter and it doesn’t count as Twitter doesn’t exist :blob_wink: Even so, it is no way usable. I count open source as something that is fully so and you can try it yourself. The rest is just for show and a marketing gimmick.

Enara :potion_genderfluid:❔

@rolle the only way threads can get 130 million in so little time has to be counting Instagram users even if they do not use threads, right? Like, misclicking something and getting flagged as an active user. I had to be extra careful on the Instagram app.
I can't believe in that number after the rocky start. Am I out of touch with the cool kids? Are they all using Threads now?

Roni Laukkarinen

@EnaWasHere We can’t use it in here EU. And that’s a good thing.

Damage Control Blog

@EnaWasHere @rolle No. Usage on Threads has fallen off a cliff. Bluesky seems to be the chosen one for most of the "cool kids." BS's growth is kneecaped by being invite only, though.


@rolle Bluesky does have content warnings though

Roni Laukkarinen

@LexiSnep Yeah I noticed after making this BUT the column should say "Sort of". CWs are there only for media and only for adult content.


@rolle We need a return to txtmob😎. The code is still out there in the wild

Liaizon Wakest

@rolle this is well done, good job! only question I have is whats not open source about Bluesky? I thought they released everything

Roni Laukkarinen

@liaizon I thought so too, but it's like Twitter's open source. Can you install it on your server? Can you actually compile and use it yourself? Is it useful to you? If the answer is No, then it's not fully open source. Hell, it's not even public service.

Liaizon Wakest

@rolle you can install it on your server tho. is it useful since it the federated part isn't finalized? well not really, but thats not about whether its open source or not.



Perhaps the Fediverse is not always a safe space for everybody (I think of BIPOC) but here is the only one trying to do better.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@rolle also the "#NotYet" is misleading since those claims are unverified aka. "TrustMeBro"-Style promises.

Not to mention #BlueSky is run be the traitor that sold off #Twitter and #Threads is done by #NSAbook.

So all but tue :fediverse: suck!

Mensch, Marina

@rolle this table goes into my bookmark list :blobcathappy:

Gabriele Pollara

@rolle #Mastodon just needs more users. Hence why I see the #ActivityPub federation to #Threads as a good thing. It may actually then look like a very compelling rival - all those features AND the users!

Roni Laukkarinen

@gpollara Not necessarily. Who says so, John Mastodon? :blob_wink:

Many will block Threads if it ever federates. Glad we have a choice for NOT having more users.

Gabriele Pollara

@rolle fair enough. As long as there's choice and people can move between servers, that's fine. (shame can't move old posts between servers, but that's a separate issue)

Alexander Goeres

> Perhaps the Fediverse is not always a safe space for everybody

what do you expect for an always safe space for everybody? how should this look like?

@rolle mastodon only 14 million sounds impossible …that’s as close to saying no one, not a soul uses mastodon as it gets

OrX_Qx pirateradio
@Roni Laukkarinen Is Mastodon a service? I think it is a software. The "service" is and many others, some of them not being a service at all. It would be better called Activitypub provider network, technically speaking, or Fediverse, which is wider term and covers other protocols too.

@rolle 'safe space' come on, what does that even mean? Most of the fediverse is fediblocked?

Roni Laukkarinen

@paul General conduct and built-in anti-harassment features like extensive content warnings, opt-in search, per-post visibility, filtering options, defederating bunch of servers, etc.


@rolle Nicely done!
Small nitpick: I wonder if there would be a way to incorporate Fedi (vs Mastodon only) without compromising the clarity. Maybe in the alt text.
Only real difference is if the other software supports CW.
Then again I think Mastodon proper is 50-75% of the traffic...

Roni Laukkarinen

@wink That is not what I wanted. Mastodon is 77% of the Fedi and I wanted to make this comparison for Mastodon only.


@rolle FYI: Bluesky (or ATProto according to the diagram there) *can* be self-hosted. The thing is the instance of the Bluesky BGS doesn’t aggregate with other PDSs but Bluesky’s official one (for now). So while technically you can self-host it, it may not be as useful until your PDS can be connected to the main BGS.

Roni Laukkarinen

@linuxct Yada yada. It is not self hosting if I cannot fully install it right now on my own server.

Daydream Soundtrax

@rolle no ads on masto? what do you call this then?

Roni Laukkarinen

@DYSX Please kindly go elsewhere to nitpick, I don’t need it.

Denis Gilbert

@rolle That's an interesting chart! Thanks for taking the time of putting this together.

The Many Voices of Anne Ahlert


One criteria I would add to that chart would be "is it #AltText/Voiceover friendly?" I know Mastodon allows visually impaired users to hear text, and the culture here promotes lots of AltText inclusion. Technically, AltText is possible on the Bird Site, but I haven't checked to see if folks include it often.

Felix Urbasik

@rolle I wouldn't call #Mastodon or the #Fediverse a safe space, though.

Depending on where you look, you can definitely find the unfiltered and unrestricted variety™ of the internet. But I think that's a good thing. And there are plenty of tools to protect yourself. Maybe that's what you meant?

Martin Be

@rolle Safe space yes, untill you start using mastodons not encrypted private messaging. Then this whole "safe" turn out to be not so much safe or even not safe at all. 🙃

Gabriel Pettier

@rolle promising that mastodon is a safe space is dangerously overoptimistic, people have been burned believing that promise, is it better? Heck yes, but "safe"? no, not by a wide margin.

Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

@rolle under safe space I'd honestly say Masto is a "maybe"

Far more likely than in the other spots ofc



I'd like a row for whether posts can be viewed without an account / without logging in.

I think X/Twitter is "sort of" because now you can only see one post, but not all the replies, if someone posts a twitter link.

I don't know what the status is for Bluesky or Threads.

I think on Mastodon public posts w/ public replies can be seen without logging in, as long as no blocking or other federation issues?

Please correct if wrong!

#Twitter #X #Bluesky #Threads #Mastodon #SocialMedia

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