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BSM (sw.s) 🇨🇭

@Zekovski @rolle he is comparing similar Microblogging-Services, so it’s not false. Not everything in the #Fediverse is #Microblogging, it‘s much more.


@bsm @rolle
I tend to see Mastodon as the tool you use to access the Fedi. So it's not the same for me.
But yeah, y'oure kinda right too. Fair.

Roni Laukkarinen

@Zekovski @bsm

"mAsT0DoN is nOT FedIvErsE!1111" is the most boring comment ever and I'm sick of it. It's like saying "Social media is not the Internet!", well d'uh? We know there's more to it, but Mastodon dominates (77% according to Fediverse) and I use it and it made to this compare table. So wtf?


@rolle @bsm
Many users do not know this. And my goal by saying this is for Mastodon to not dominate.

Also is it possible to talk about this calmly like we just did with @bsm without aggressively aping me from the start ?

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