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Darius Kazemi

Is there a recentish list of interactive fiction games (broadly construed) that use "storylets" as their primary architecture? Or just recommendations for storylet games you've played and liked?

(Emily Short's definition of storylets, for those who have no idea what I'm talking about: )

vx. size_t queen grace :qvp:

@darius I'm a fan of Fallen London, which is probably an obvious choice, but I'm quite fond of it.

Darius Kazemi

@BestGirlGrace yeah that's one I'm aware of but bounced off. Totally ticks the storylet box (and I enjoy reading your posts about it)

Darius Kazemi

(This isn't research for a project btw, I'm just looking for cool games.)


@darius I didn't know that was the word for that thing I love. Book of Hours and Cultist Simulator, obviously.

Andrew Plotkin

@darius My list is “all Inkle” and “all Failbetter” (just finished Mask of the Rose, which definitely counts.)

Reigns isn’t recent but it’s on the list.

Out There. (Storylets aren’t a big component but they’re there.)

Opus: Echo of Stsrsong. Kind of? Really, the whole current generation of indie CRPGs like Citizen Sleeper, Teenage Exocolonist, Roadwarden are organized in small scenes with preconditions. It’s storylet-ish as an approach.

Hugo Labrande

@darius I mean, King of Dragon Pass is probably on your list already...
This article names a few
There was also
I thought there would be more, not sure where the storylet-based games all went? Emily Short's blog post was so interesting I thought everyone was suddenly getting in on it... Hm.


@darius Did you see Kastel’s thread discussing storylets in Japanese visual novels?

David Dunham

@darius My Six Ages and the upcoming Six Ages 2 are storylets that can interact with a time element and can connect via the political and economic systems

Darius Kazemi

@radiofreelunch oh yes I need to play both! (King of Dragon Pass is one of my all-time favorites, btw, thank you for that)

Jon Ingold

@deepentertains @darius @radiofreelunch I don’t really think so, no; for me storylets come with an inherent desire to allow the system to deliver the narrative in an unpredictable way: and while we do incorporate systemic non-fixed narrative progression it’s more like an algorithm to approximate the linear version we would have chosen in the instance if we had authored every instance

Autumn Chen :verified:

@darius Is it okay to recommend games that I made? Most of my games are storylet-based, and The Archivist and the Revolution is the most recent.

Also Bee by Emily Short is one of my favorites

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