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Rabbit Cohen

@stavvers Honestly, that was just a lot of totally new information for me just now.

Another Angry Woman

@BathysphereHat I apologise, it must be a lot to digest. this is why the british are like this, this is how we live

Leon Bambrick

@devxvda @stavvers @BathysphereHat

- Indigenous person waves angrily at English ships captain.
- English ships captain mimes energetically: "Do You Have ANY Pigs I Can Fuck?"
- Indigenous person says "screw this, I'm off to the other side of the island, you pig fucking weirdos"


@devxvda @stavvers @BathysphereHat because we’re willing to do what it takes, up to and including fucking pigs. And probably beyond that, frankly.

Leon Bambrick

@BathysphereHat @stavvers It is a lot, but come on... you were shocked but not completely surprised?

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