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David Revoy

Today, I've decided to give up on my blog's commenting system.

I've been blogging for almost 20 years. I have received 13,007 comments on 978 of my posts. So why am I stopping now?

Blog post:

#blog #selfhosting #pluxml #moderation

A digital pencil drawing of Pepper, a young witch, with a pose of 'feeling sorry'.

License: CC-BY 4.0

@davidrevoy a tough choice but it's nice that you are placing your mental health first!

Jaime Herazo


Understandable, at those scales you need a moderators team, even smaller Discord servers tend to have at least a few


@davidrevoy C'est triste de devoir en arriver là à propos des commentaires à tes billets de blog.
Dans tous les cas, je ne peux que te remercier pour les magnifiques dessins que tu réalises et que tu partages ! Je suis fan de ton coup de crayon ! Bravo !!!

Leah (Cloudstylistin)

@davidrevoy sad but totally understandable. I've no comment system for the exact same reason, and asked to disable it if possible on some other occasions.

And you got death threads... wow? Didn't see that coming... so sorry to hear that but I hope you still get nice feedback on your posts here.


@davidrevoy I don't know if you'd be interested but it's possible to replace them with comments coming from the fediverse:

Probably needs a lot of elbow grease to adapt to other blogging platforms, but maybe it's worth knowing about. :)

David Revoy

@mariusor Hey, I mention in the article I tried. Thank you.

See the screenshot under for my comments system integration (on right) in-sync with my Mastodon account (on left).

It was cached, used PHP and API, and was working nicely. I made it from scratch.

Except for a single big issue: my mastodon instance flushes all the external messages after 30 days. I realized it after 2 days of dev... ... It's pointless to just show comments doomed to disappear after a month on a blog.

A side by side column of Mastodon comments; and on right the integration of the same comments (with cat avatars) on my blog. It was made in PHP with the Mastodon API and it used a cache.

@davidrevoy :D sorry, I guess I didn't pay proper attention to the text.

David Revoy

@mariusor No problem, that was a good excuse for me to share proudly a screenshot result of the code I took 2 days on it and never used 😆

F4GRX Sébastien

@davidrevoy @mariusor Why not copy the incoming fediverse comments locally to avoid deletion?

Olivier Saraja ☕️📚🦖🛸👻

@davidrevoy Non... Des menaces de mort, sérieusement? T'es un des types les plus chics que je connaisse, toujours simple et bienveillant, et qui donne et partage sans rechercher de retour. Je suis atterré par ce que j'ai lu et appris là... #soutien

David Revoy

@oliviersaraja Merci, oui. Et tu imagines le niveau de harcèlement qu'il faut pour que je me décide à faire tout un dossier et aller faire une déposition. C'est comme ça, certains s'amuse.

Tiens, j'ai guardé une fois ce vieux screenshot:

Une copie d'écran avec des insultes et des menaces de mort.
Olivier Saraja ☕️📚🦖🛸👻

@davidrevoy Atterré n'est finalement pas un mot assez fort. Je suis en train de me remplir de colère... Courage, mon ami.

Le Gnou

Écœurant, flippant, désespérant...

Courage à toi @davidrevoy



@davidrevoy @oliviersaraja

😖 Oh my...some people definitely need medication or jail time if it doesn't work...or maybe both.
Be safe.


@davidrevoy Wow, that screenshot showing the death message... That is horrifying and very disappointing. I'm so sorry that is something you've had to deal with.

jRm 𝕏]


Oula mais y'a des gens qui s'ennuient sévèrement la :blobthinkingeyes:


Karyl :godot: :procreate:

@davidrevoy It's a bit tough as none of the alternatives are as "directly connected" to the work as comments are, but at the same time... It's not like people can't connect with you if they want to.

I made a piddly little blog "system" a couple years back and I didn't even bother with comments, I just put a little colophon after each post that said "email me" hehe.

Kudos to you for making it this long, and with a much more popular blog than I've ever had to moderate 😊

Space Catitude 🚀

That's sad. I do hope that the alternatives, like this Fedi account, work out for you.

Also... I'm horrified to hear you got death threats in comments. I didn't expect that *you* would get those. What you do is so positive, it's hard to imagine anyone getting angry about it.

Spam, I expected, of course.

David Revoy

@TerryHancock Thanks! Yes, Mastodon is fine. I get sometime attacks here also, and hate things, but blocking/reporting can be done on the phone with a single click.

The blog required like an access to a sFTP to edit a PHP file to enter a custom array of IP address .... Oh my... I remember doing that this year in the middle of a tropical forest at Reunion, interrupting a short hike with my wife. Crazy...


@davidrevoy Tout d'abord merci pour ce retour d'expérience et pour avoir tenu bon pendant ces nombreuses années.
Je dois avouer que j'ai été surpris d'apprendre qu'il y ait autant de modération à faire (menaces de mort, sérieux ?) pour un blog qui n'évoque pas vraiment des sujets polémiques.
Est-ce que connais globalement quels sont tes contenus ou prises de positions qui inciterait à autant de haine de la part des rageux ?

David Revoy

@roipoussiere Merci. Oh, j'ai pas mal de pro NFT, les pro AI generative art (un peu), l'affaire Stallman aussi m'a envoyé une bonne vague de toxique dans le monde du FLOSS. Le CoC aussi. Oh, et le bisous lesbien dans Pepper&Carrot, cette case 'imposé aux enfants' n'a pas plu dans certains pays et parmis certaines communeauté. Aussi, je me moque souvent de Meta, Twitter, et les soutients inconditionels de Muskito ont souvent un bingo gagnant dans plusieurs catégories opposé à ma philosophie.


@roipoussiere @davidrevoy je pense que ne pas utiliser photoshop est très polémique et politique... Dans le milieu de la création digitale du moins.
Mettre son travail graphique sous licence libre aussi.


@davidrevoy Totalement compréhensible. Et pour avoir essayé pas mal de chose pour pousser les commentaires côté fediverse, c'est que ces plugins se comportent comme des instances à part entière (pour la plupart) et donc avec les mêmes problèmes que tu as en temps normal.

David Revoy

@tradjincal Merci. Oui, j'ai eu les même conclusions après quelques test (et aussi une bonne lecture lente et approfondi de ).

A la fois, je commençais aussi à voir parmis tous les blog statique genre Hugo/Pelican la disparition des espaces commentaires sur site.


Haters ? Death threats ? It doesn't make sense ! You're one of the nicest person i've met ! 😱

Cyber-Fox 🏴‍☠️🐙


Soutient et plein de :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart:


@davidrevoy Oh, wow... it's sad, but understandable why that is necessary.

I'll just move to commenting, congratulating and cheering you on here, then!

:blobcatheart: 🧙‍♀️ 🎨 🖌️

David Revoy

@Moini Hey Moini! Yay, good to see you here!

Marco Bresciani

I was following you on Twitter and when I moved here I decided to keep only your RSS, but now it's time to follow you back also here.
And my first comment/feedback is: good choice. Unfortunate, but good choice.
Keep up! 🖖🏻

phαη†⊕m :fedora: 🎸 🏳️‍🌈 ⏚

@davidrevoy Je viens juste de lire, j'hallucine.
Tout mon soutien.
Ce monde me fait...

David Revoy

@Steve12L Merci. Oui pour le monde. Parfois, souvent même recemment. 😔

phαη†⊕m :fedora: 🎸 🏳️‍🌈 ⏚

@davidrevoy Ça pue les chemises brunes, que je n'aime pas cette odeur.
Et tu vois, hasard ou pas, avant de te répondre, j'écoutais "Ma France' et 'Nuit et Brouillard' de Jean Ferrat.
Ceci étant, quand à toi, ne lâche rien.
"Les chiens aboient, la caravene passe."


What a adorable little drawing.
I'm following you since a few months ago , but I totally understand your situation regarding spam and hate mail.
What I'm surprised is with the death threats... Then again the www as we know it is becoming more and more agressive.
Anyway do share your blog posts around here. 💜🎩

David Revoy

@Jour Thank you 💜
Yes, more and more aggressive but on Mastodon less and less; they are excluded by moderation doing its amazing work at a federation level. It's building a bubble of good human interaction and that's nice. Twitter was a big driver of negative comments on my blog, IMO, and also obscure Fediverse instances when they could still federate with my account. I hope the coming days will be easier on this side. Thanks for following my art!

D. Moonfire

@davidrevoy I'm saddened that it came down to that; you've gone through much of the same reasons I dropped comments from my system, from the trying to find a service to help, folks bypassing it, and trying to write my own.


2023 was the first year I had to make a deposit to the police for the many death threats I received.

That breaks my heart, not only that people continually make the threats because they don't ever suffer the consequences but also because you have to pay to deal with them because of frequency.

@davidrevoy I'm saddened that it came down to that; you've gone through much of the same reasons I dropped comments from my system, from the trying to find a service to help, folks bypassing it, and trying to write my own.


2023 was the first year I had to make a deposit to the police for the many death threats I received.

David Revoy

@dmoonfire Thanks for your nice words.

And sorry about my bad usage of the word "Deposit", it's because in French do a statement/report to the police is named "une Déposition". I fixed the article, police didn't asked me any money. But I spent time, a lot of time on making my dossier.


@davidrevoy Well, Time has changed and Humans have forgotten on the other end the creators are (mostly) humans, too. BTW: Wanna buy something? New Pencils or glossy Paper sheets? 🤔 🤭

fsnk :NeonCat:

honestly can't conceive of how broken someone has to be to send death threats to the creator of Pepper & Carrot, which is quite possibly the most wholesome thing on the entire internet

I'm sorry that happened to you

David Revoy

@fsnk :blobcatheart: Thank you for your kind words.


@davidrevoy kudos for holding out for so long. i feel like we have seen the decline of comment systems for a good long while now, with how increasingly more involved it becomes to manage one to a degree that you’re not opening yourself to legal problems, or just a completely bad time.

David Revoy

@gekitsu Thanks. Oh yes, you are right: the GDPR made also things a bit more complex from a legal point of view. I took this change for granted, but it was a work to add the ToS to my blog to explain how the post are stored, how they can be edited, how user can ask for deletion, etc..


C'est vraiment triste que même pour un artiste comme toi (dans les convictions que tu portes, et surtout dans le dessin, magnifique 💎) tu puisses te faire emmerder.

Se dire qu'à cause d'idiots, tu dois te "censurer" dans tes interactions, c'est chiant.
Mais l'important, c'est ton bien être pour continuer à proposer ce que tu souhaites.

Soutien incompressible @davidrevoy, parce que ton contenu, c'est vraiment stylé (pour moi :D)


@davidrevoy C'est vraiment fou que des gens envoient de tels commentaires, je n'en reviens pas! Tout mon soutien!!!

gee Ⓐ⚑

@davidrevoy je te comprends tellement... Perso j'ai pris cette décision il y a 8 ans et j'ai jamais regretté. Tellement plus de sérénité quand je publie un truc !

Your Autistic Life That is sad.

I did have a blog that I eventually killed for a lot of reasons. It did have a commenting system on it, but I was never very popular, and I was able to keep the idiots at bay.

I've been writing on Medium and substack... and my presences is growing in the fediverse. I now have a Firefish instance, from which I post my thoughts into the fediverse. I've been thinking of opening up registrations, but I'm almost certainly going to require payment, to turn away the jackasses that would like to ruin everybody's experience.

It sucks when people can't behave. That is sad.

I did have a blog that I eventually killed for a lot of reasons. It did have a commenting system on it, but I was never very popular, and I was able to keep the idiots at bay.

I've been writing on Medium and substack... and my presences is growing in the fediverse. I now have a Firefish instance, from which I post my thoughts into the fediverse. I've been thinking of opening up registrations, but I'm almost certainly going to require payment, to turn away the...

David Revoy

@yourautisticlife Thank you and yes.

Off topic: but do you know where I could read why FireFish split from Misskey? I couldn't find a lot of info about it. ( nothing , or )


@davidrevoy @yourautisticlife All I know is FireFish is a renamed CalcKey. I know basically nothing about it other than that it exists and uses ActivityPub, so I couldn't tell you why it split from Misskey or why it changed its name. The official site doesn't shed any light either. Chris Trottier/Atomic Poet would know; I've seen him posting about it. But if he's publicly given the specific reasons, I either didn't see it (likely, as I don't follow him) or forgot (likely...I don't remember why).

David Revoy

@linebyline Thank you. I'm interested to know if it the project has a interesting ethic and values, and if they need a mascot 😺


At Mind

@davidrevoy That is sad to hear, a hard but well understood decision. We give you a warm hug and heart from the both of us! Keep up your amazing art and comics.

Aurélien Gâteau 🇺🇦

@davidrevoy That is really sad, but not surprising :(.

An alternative I am playing with (but I am very far from having your audience size) is to add a link "Discuss this article on Mastodon" at the end of my posts. With just a link (not inlined Mastodon comments), you give readers a place to comment but the moderation stays on Mastodon side.

Aurélien Gâteau 🇺🇦

@davidrevoy Ah, I too, missed the part where you said your Mastodon instance deletes older comments 🤦🏻

David Revoy

@agateau Thanks. No problem and I just added a little '[1]' update: I got news from my instance, Framapiaf isn't removing automatically the comments after 30 days. I assumed it was like that because of a bias: 30 days ago they flushed accidentally it during an upgrade. it's not planned for it to happen again in the future.
So, maybe adding a masto ID in my admin panel and writing a link in the footer to invite to read comments is probably something I'll do.

David Revoy

@carlschwan @agateau It's what I did last week 🙂 (fully php, with a cache that catches the API json file once every 4h to not overload my instance with all my visitors and your code was inspiring, I had the bookmark open all the time during integration Carl 💜 (thanks for the recent update).
I abandoned it because I thought my instance was trashing all comments after 30 days.

Maybe I'll digg back in my git history to find it and reinstall it. It was like 100% ready: screenshots:

A screenshot of Mastodon on left, and the thread mirrored on my blog on right. I used my cat avatar.
A screenshot of the footer of the blog post with instruction about synchronisation of comments.
Carl Schwan :kde:

@davidrevoy @agateau Once you find it back from your git history, I could probably mention your solution on my blog post since a few readers asked me for a php /server side solution

Aemarielle aux Pinceaux Dorés

@davidrevoy C'est absolument incroyable de lire ce qui t'arrive. Désolée que tu aies dû prendre ces mesures, ta sécurité avant tout.



Glad to be a follower here in the fediverse.

Thank you for the great work you do, and don't beat yourself up about cutting off the commenting system. Mean-spirited bozos are too much drain on a person to endure.

Bon chance!


@davidrevoy it's sad that in this internet era, spam continues to grow up and filling the bits with its garbage and waste resources...
sad to lost the battle in front of that big sh*t...
and sad to read about that dark death threats... really there's people with empty brains wasting their time in that?? really sad...
From my side only can say: keep doing your great work, and really thanks for share with everyone...
time to add your RSS to my Akregator!

Poroto Sórdido

That's reasonable and understandable, yet it's still a bit sad. At least we still have spaces like this one.

Fred le bel

Je suis désolé d'apprendre ça, mais t'as eu raison. Priorité à la santé.
Courage à toi.

Mx Jookia

@davidrevoy If anything this will allow you to migrate to a static system eventually.

David Revoy

@jookia Hey Jookia! 👋 Yes, I think it is on the way.

Xuan-Xabier Huynh

@davidrevoy Je me connecte très rarement à mastodon, et aujourd'hui que j'y passe en coup de vent j'apprends la triste nouvelle, et ce alors que je n'ai commenté que deux ou trois fois sur le blog :( C'est dommage, mais assez compréhensible vu ce que tu décris, le pire étant les menaces de morts pour un rien. T'es quelqu'un de super sympa et attentionné, t'as toujours répondu à mes questions quand je t'ai contacté : ça m'attriste et enrage que tu ais dû subir tout ça. :( Hug de soutient.

David Revoy

@YudranArt Merci, c'est sympa ! Ca reste une petite minorité, mais une assez active pour que j'ai toujours la charge mentale que le blog pouvait être dégueulassé à tout moment. Du coup, j'emportait une machine partout avec moi, même en vacance pour réagir vite. J'ai compris de passage à Lyon au Framacamp en discutant que c'était plus tenable. J'avais déjà eu la tentation durant les Geekfaeries en début Juin ou j'avais eu de la modo à faire en plein festival...

Bjørn Jagnow

@davidrevoy I am curious about this line: "I had to make a deposit to the police for the many death threats I received."
Sad to here you receive death threats. But why make a deposit to the police? Shouldn't they act without a fee? I'm not trolling, just a bit naive maybe.

David Revoy

@BjoernJagnow Hey, thanks for pointing this: I think I used a bad word or false friend to get 'deposit'. In French: "Déposition" is very near to Deposit word, my brain made a shortcut. But Deposit in English is for money, I forgot about this. It should be "Make a statement to the police" or "a Report". I'll fix the article. Thanks!


@davidrevoy @BjoernJagnow Ah, so more closely related to (but still not the same as) "deposition" in English. Definition 4 at Wiktionary: "The process of taking sworn testimony out of court; the testimony so taken."

David Revoy

@linebyline Yes, it looks like this "deposition" meaning is close, but exclusively in English for court/law language. Good to know.

Words that are close like that between my native language and English are painful. I do many mistakes of meaning because of them 😅

Err.503 Democratie Unavailable

Ça ne sera sûrement pas suffisant pour contrebalancer toutes ces horreurs, mais tiens, prends ça :
:blobcatheart: :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart:

Et merci pour tout tes magnifiques dessins et BD 😍


Vraiment triste pour toi que tu doives en arriver là.

Soutien et courage pour la suite, j'espère que ces gens haineux prendront un jour conscience de leur bêtise et du mal qu'ils font.


Désolé d'apprendre ça.
J'espère que ça va te libérer d'un poids mentalement et que tu pourras te sentir plus tranquille.


Bon sang ! Mais qu'est devenu internet pour en arriver là ?

Je comprends ta décision et de soutiens dans ce sens.

Bon courage et surtout continue de nous ravir avec tes merveilleuses créations !



You make people smile and I am glad I found you - and Pepper and Carrot - here.

You need to look after yourself - so you are doing the right thing.

Be well ! And thank you.

Jerry Wham

@davidrevoy je dirais "et merde! Encore un" 😞 Comme de nombreux autres bloggers (Timo, sebsauvage, Gee...) les espaces de commentaires disparaissent les 1 après les autres. Je n'ai pas bien compris pourquoi tu ne parviens pas à faire une copie des commentaires de masto. Déporter les commentaires n'est pas une bonne idée ? Tu ne peux pas profiter de la modération de l'instance que tu utilises ? En tous cas, tu as mon humble soutien et mes remerciements pour tout ce que tu partages

David Revoy

@jerry_wham Merci!

Pour les commentaires de Masto; j'ai eu plus d'infos après la publication de mon article.
Il y a eu un accident de manip côté mon instance et les réponses à tous mes toots sont parties à la poubelle. Ne le savant pas, j'avais déduit à tord que le serveur mettait à la poubelle toutes réponses de plus d'un mois. Du coup j'avais abandonné mon code qui synchronisait mon blog et mon Masto. J'ai mis à jour une note dans l'article. Je vais reétudier ça.


@davidrevoy C'est horrible ce qu'il t'arrive.
Courage, on est tous derrière toi !


@davidrevoy It takes so much more work and energy to to build up and to maintain than to destroy. It's a shame that a handful of cranks can ruin something good for so many. But that's certainly not your fault, and I fully support your decision. I'm just sad it came to that.

ktanner :gentoo: :openbsd:

@davidrevoy 😲 Yikes! It's terrible to have to put up with that. You've convinced me to never add a commenting system to anything I put online. But, seriously - thanks for sharing your wonderful talent and art work with the world.

Nour Agha :popos:

@davidrevoy In case this might help anyone, I use giscus ( Works really well since my blog repo is hosted on GitHub and no self-hosting required. Commentors would at least need a GitHub account, so would mainly be a dev demographic. Can always lock people from creating GitHub Discussions or ban them if necessary. Absolutely no tolerance for non-constructive comments either; no one has any time for that.



My mastodon comments are displayed on my Hugo blog. But, I'm on my own mastodon instance...

I have to think about a way to display them in case my instance has to disappear at some point...


@davidrevoy I'm sorry you are losing something that you find so valuable.

I personally continue to follow the Slashdot-era rule: "Never, ever read the comments." But I'm a visitor, not the owner seeking feedback.

Klebs (Les Ateliers PHV)

@davidrevoy Désolé que tu aies eu à gérer toute cette énergie négative. J'ai retiré les commentaires de mon site aussi mais c'était uniquement à cause des spams. Dis-toi au moins que si quelqu'un prend du temps dans sa journée pour t'agacer alors que vous ne vous connaissez même pas, c'est que tu as eu un effet sur sa vie même si ce n'est pas positif. D'une certaine façon, c'est peut-être mieux que de créer et publier du contenu qui ne suscite aucune réaction.

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy Triste, mais j'imagine que cela devait arriver : tu avais déjà parlé des spams et de la menace de mort (dans un article ou sur Masto, je ne sais plus), et j'imagine un peu la charge mentale technique que cela a dû être pour coder des filtres antispam :/ La charge mentale émotionnelle, elle, je ne l'imagine pas (soutien)


@davidrevoy Understandable. Hope all nice people will still be in touch with you.


@davidrevoy Sad, but understandable. Moderation is one of the challenges of our times and maybe something that can only work in communities where we can help each other.

FWIW, if you ever revisit this there's a thing called cactus comments which basically implements comments via the matrix chat protocol, so your comment section is like a matrix room (and AFAIK you can moderate it in a similar way to matrix rooms, so others could help you).

JuTaRo :emacs: ☕

@davidrevoy I haven't visited your blog, but I think I've seen your artwork floating around. I'm sorry to hear what caused you to stop comments and I'm shocked to hear the reasons... Why does it happen? For what?

Hope disabling comments helps indeed.

Matt Gemmell

@davidrevoy @ctietze I did that almost twelve years ago, and have never looked back.


@davidrevoy It’s a shame to see the end of this system, but I understand why. It’s a shame that I won’t be able to read the comments after every blog post anymore, which is something that I found almost as interesting as the posts themselves. Maybe you could implement links to the posts you made on your socials where people can comment at the bottom of the blog posts, but I can understand why you wouldn’t.


@davidrevoy I'm sorry to hear that, though I think people have found using WebMentions and/or federated responses to be a pretty sufficient alternative.

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