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Aurélien Gâteau 🇺🇦

@davidrevoy Ah, I too, missed the part where you said your Mastodon instance deletes older comments 🤦🏻

David Revoy

@agateau Thanks. No problem and I just added a little '[1]' update: I got news from my instance, Framapiaf isn't removing automatically the comments after 30 days. I assumed it was like that because of a bias: 30 days ago they flushed accidentally it during an upgrade. it's not planned for it to happen again in the future.
So, maybe adding a masto ID in my admin panel and writing a link in the footer to invite to read comments is probably something I'll do.

David Revoy

@carlschwan @agateau It's what I did last week 🙂 (fully php, with a cache that catches the API json file once every 4h to not overload my instance with all my visitors and your code was inspiring, I had the bookmark open all the time during integration Carl 💜 (thanks for the recent update).
I abandoned it because I thought my instance was trashing all comments after 30 days.

Maybe I'll digg back in my git history to find it and reinstall it. It was like 100% ready: screenshots:

A screenshot of Mastodon on left, and the thread mirrored on my blog on right. I used my cat avatar.
A screenshot of the footer of the blog post with instruction about synchronisation of comments.
Carl Schwan :kde:

@davidrevoy @agateau Once you find it back from your git history, I could probably mention your solution on my blog post since a few readers asked me for a php /server side solution

David Revoy

@carlschwan Right. I'll try to publish the core of the code on the post, an easy version without all the catavatar, integration to PluXML , etc... just a core. I'll take example from your blog post.


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