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Low Quality Facts

I bet my girlfriend that this picture of our cats could get 10 billion boosts on Mastodon.

She said she doesn't believe me. She said there's only 13 million accounts on Mastodon. She said there aren't even 10 billion people on Earth. She said it concerns her that I struggle so hard to comprehend large numbers.

Let's prove her wrong everyone. Boost away and show her just how awesome the Mastodon community is.


@lowqualityfacts She clearly hasn't factored in the "unboost/reboost" feature.

John O’Donnell

@fkamiah17 @lowqualityfacts
I think she hasn’t factored in that she is in a relationship with someone who hosts a thing called “Low Quality Facts.”

Alexander The 1st

@fkamiah17 @lowqualityfacts I was thinking more "Alt accounts could reach 10 Billion.".


@lowqualityfacts "There isn't enough people in the world for this!"

Sounds to me like there isn't enough ambition either. Live your dreams!


@thisisdys @lowqualityfacts Agreed. In the words of an esoteric early 2000's exploratory philosophy movement:

"Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your heart's desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true..."

Finley Ⓥ

@thisisdys @lowqualityfacts There aren't enough people in the world with THAT attitude!

Walter Thinman

@lowqualityfacts the solution to this is the same as the solution to the birthday candle problem as you get older. Just as you let each single candle represent x number of candles, each boost can be equal to x boosts.


@lowqualityfacts well boosting cats it’s my thing check profile

Judy Olo

I represent 5 billion people, so you are half done. Find another me and, voila, tell the g-friend you triumphed. 😊😊💕😊

John French

@lowqualityfacts Only playing along because your post is funny. Your GF is clearly smart. Sounds like she’s a keeper. Happy #caturday (because every day is Caturday for my felines).

Prof Kemi FG


If you get just 10 boosts a day, you'll be well on your way in no time. Rooting for you, bestie <3 <3 <3

John Toomey

@lowqualityfacts I love that this implies you have at least three kidneys, if you read it like a grammar nerd. :D

Ben :bc:

@lowqualityfacts Only nine billion nine hundred ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred seventy-four to go. We can do this!

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ⟁ɴxɪᴏᴜꜱ

@lowqualityfacts well isn't she the Petite Madame Know-it-all ! I'll take a few 1000 million boosts on myself for starters, just to show how us dudes do the mathemathix !

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ⟁ɴxɪᴏᴜꜱ

@lowqualityfacts look somebody already faved my contribution ! This thing is rolling !

Sloan Studio

@lowqualityfacts But how many bot accounts are there? Infinite!!!


I was going to help, but you're at 69 so I can't. Sorry, my hands are tied.


@lowqualityfacts so let approve the the time-travel signal boost pull-request that is going to be implemented any time soon (or past)

Zalasur 🐵

@lowqualityfacts 20 billion? Pfft, those are rookie numbers. Let's go for TREE(3) boosts.

Aaron A Brown 🌱

@zalasur @lowqualityfacts i love the big number game, tapped out around the BB(5) and logical symbol description languages

Zalasur 🐵

@engarneering @lowqualityfacts My only complaint about the Busy Beaver or Reyo numbers is that they are largely uncomputable. It's not that they are simply not known, but they cannot be known via any sort of algorithm. We can only know their lower bounds above a certain point.

That's why I like numbers derived from the fast-growing hierarchy. They might be unimaginably large but at least you know how to get to their true values computationally.


@lowqualityfacts Thankfully, you can have as many accounts as you're able to create, so there not being that many people on earth isn't a problem.

Also, the space nerd in me hastens to add: is she deliberately excluding people in space? Are people in space not allowed to boost? Harumph.


@lowqualityfacts Another point: there may only be 13m mastodon accounts, but how many accounts in the broader fediverse using different protocols, each of which is itself capable of boosting?

Clearly the "you can't" position is fatalist and defeatist.

David Hopeward

@lowqualityfacts Hey, don’t drag {the population of Earth} into your fights!


@lowqualityfacts So you are in fact Fishy, pretending you're human and Ruby is your girlfriend! You've been playing us the entire time! And this is just a pretext to show us how amazing you look together. Oh you! 😼

Jonathan Polley

@lowqualityfacts @flargh 2^214 is way over 10 billion. I think it’s called “the algorithm.”


@lowqualityfacts, was bout to boost but then realized me ain’t part of the mastodon community

Paul Schoonhoven 🍉

@lowqualityfacts excuse accepted!
:dancing_banana: :dancing_banana: :dancing_banana:


@lowqualityfacts These cats are good cats I am happy


@lowqualityfacts Is that a technique to federate all the instances through this toot ?

Coffee (CW all the things)

@lowqualityfacts Bold. So who gets your girlfriend should you lose this bet?

Visions of Napa


Our cat, Empress of the Universe, says "Thou shalt boost, unboost and reboost the cats of @lowqualityfacts. Go forth and be boostful."

#cat #CatsOfMastodon

@lowqualityfacts Are you *trying* to make me invent ten billion fake actors and crush by accident?
Krafty :arcolinux: :neovim:

@lowqualityfacts Based on the amount of boosts this post has gotten since you posted, it will take approximately 126.25 years at the current boosts/minute.

Krafty :arcolinux: :neovim:

@lowqualityfacts I believe in the power of the Fediverse though so I think we can cut it down to around 114.33 if we really try!

Thomas Herrmann

@lowqualityfacts People are so boostgeil. We should favorite more.

abracadabra holmes

@lowqualityfacts why wouldn't she believe you? Facts are facts...quality bedamned

Nihl L'Amas

@lowqualityfacts She doesn't believe in your dreams. Dump her.

Curtis Wilcox

There you go, all the proof you need. Congratulations!

MekkerMuis 👨‍🚀 ⛩️ 🏳️‍🌈 🪂

@lowqualityfacts Since I just now reboosted my boost, this post has gone once around the world and has thus seen 4 billion ppl.

Mary Austin

Awww, they deserve a hillion bajillion boosts!

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@lowqualityfacts its advised to add #catsofmastodon tag to this post, so more cat enjoyers see it

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

🥥 I'm going to quietly walk past all the valid reasons to boost this clever toot with its well-composed #AltText to simply say, "Fishy" is an absolutely wonderful name for a #TuxedoCat. Also I like how well the two cats are getting along with each other. 🥥


@lowqualityfacts You were crossing your fingers when you whispered 'cubed.' Right? Right?


We're great cause we don't do that brother.



Damn, you made me bite your bait this time...



While it's a very nice cat, maybe that doesn't kill birds, never wise to promise a girlfriend promises you can't keep.

Bob Jonkman


High Quality Boost for Low Quality Facts.

Gotta save that kidney.


@lowqualityfacts Given the current boost rate per hour it will take approximately 4150 years to accomplish that goal. Seems like you can make it!


@lowqualityfacts She doesn't know that cat pics are heavenly images which are to be cherished and can get not only 10 billion boosts but 10 trillion boosts! We'll prove her wrong

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

@lowqualityfacts 🥥 I, for one, miss the low-quality handwriting with which you usually craft your toots, Mr. Facts, but I will overlook its absence this one time. 🥥

David Brent 📚

@lowqualityfacts I don't even like cats, but the opportunity to prove someone wrong on the internet is too good to pass up. 🤣😎


@lowqualityfacts the journey of a billion boost starts with just one... 🧘



Whoa, whoa, whoa, I got to defend you here. From what a can tell your comprehension with numbers is the same not matter how big or small.


@lowqualityfacts Clearly your girlfriend doesn't comprehend Magic Numbers.

For example: by applying the quantum physics of string theory in multi-universes, I count for a billion views just by myself.

See #NeildeGrasseTyson 🌌


@lowqualityfacts You might reach that number on Twitter because so many users there have multiple fake accounts, and/or are trolls. 🤔

Eric S Burdon

@lowqualityfacts I was the 100th booster! That means I get something special right?



Plural peeps be all around 🤷‍♀️

Not me tho

Patty Kimura

@lowqualityfacts I read somewhere on the internets that there 48 billion Mastodon users. I have seen no compelling reason to believe otherwise. 👍


@lowqualityfacts one, two skip a few, ninety-nine, 10 billion. #done

Rob ☘️🎲

@lowqualityfacts I boosted then unboosted 3 times.

That works, right?


@lowqualityfacts doesn't it really depend on how the number of boosts is stored in the database that determines if it 'could' get 10 billion.


@lowqualityfacts I know this is a trap but do not care because that is a gorgeous cat

Paul Wilde
@lowqualityfacts I shall provide to you one boost. I have been asked to boost this by the kittycat civilisation of catopia by which the population is 1 billion. therefore this boost counts as 1 billion boosts.
Thomas Blechschmidt

@lowqualityfacts 🐱 😸 😺 😹 😻 😽 Internet storage capacity will get busted by just one picture


@lowqualityfacts Well, I see you are up to 27. What do you have to pay her if you lose?

Ben Aveling

@lowqualityfacts before I boost this 9 billion times, what’s The Bet? What happens if you lose?


Yeah whatever, why are you letting a cat sit on somebody's framed embroidery that took hours of work?

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