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Eugen Rochko

So, weekend tally: The number of active users across Mastodon rose by 294K, and posting activity roughly tripled. Lots of new sign-ups, but also many returning users. Fun times!

Zac Crellin

@Gargron returning user here reporting for duty 🫡

Meet Patel

@f4grx @Gargron I mean UI of this platform is absolutely nice compare to others

F4GRX Sébastien

@meetpateltech @Gargron it's a bit more than the ui! Which is pretty similar to twitter btw, or not different enough to be a prime feature. The foundations of these infrastructure are the thing that count. No corporate ownership of your data. Interoperability with several other systems, like peertube, kbin and lemmy (reddit replacements), and calckey (another microblogging). Etc etc.

But whatever. You are welcome here and we hope you enjoy the place. Just remember it's not a twitter clone.

F4GRX Sébastien

@meetpateltech @Gargron for information, the UI you see can vary a bit according to the client apo. There is an official mastodon , tusky on android, but also ivory on ios and several alternatives. You are by no means forced to use an official client like discord or twitter.


@obscuretenet @Gargron @metacurity how big can a cockload be? Surely no more than a level teaspoon.

An Obscure Tenet

@Confuzzled @Gargron @metacurity A cockload is a non-SI unit roughly equivalent to 72.235 fucktons.


@obscuretenet @Confuzzled @Gargron @metacurity Cockload specialist here: I can confirm that this does indeed translate to 72.235 fucktons, or for Europeans that would be 9 gargles.

An Obscure Tenet

@Sector9 @nop @Confuzzled @Gargron @metacurity Depends on the size of the stone really. It's a LOT of pebbles, but not many boulders.


@Gargron my feed just keeps getting busier and busier lately even though I’ve only added a few new follows. It’s excellent. I just wish I could find more local people. I’m in NYC, which is obviously full of all kinds of activity, but I’m trying to find my New Yorkers here!


@bruce yes, thank you, they’re kind of random though. I have the various hashtags as a list. I’m trying to piece together more of a community. #newyork #newyorker #nyc


@Chimaera @bruce I’m hoping we get an influx of bikeNYC folks — already a good core group, if rather smallish for a city of 8.5 million.

Jeff Grigg

@osc @Gargron

Elon Musk has been doing such *great work* ... at promoting the alternatives!!! 🤣

Ed Suominen

@Gargron A lot of them are going to wonder why there is no way to quote what someone else is saying. The #QT is an essential feature I really wish you’d seriously consider including, with appropriate controls.

Kristoffer Lawson

@edsuom I believe @Gargron has stated that is planned. Also many app clients (like @IceCubesApp) already provide mechanisms to do that.


@edsuom Is that "boosting with a comment" / e-mail's "forwarding inline with a comment at the top"?

There are some things I wish I could do on Mastodon (or perhaps the limitation is in the web ui?) but I keep fearing that, if I tried to write down a list of these features, I'd end up with MIME... reminds me of Greenspun's tenth rule, although I guess jwz's law might be a bigger concern :-P

(Jokes aside, MIME allows me to interleave images with plain text, for example. Can that be done here?)

Antifa Warlord

@edsuom @Gargron You can log into with any account to get a QT ui. It's a custom fork of with QT and many other features added.


@Gargron FYI: on high user times error 503 and sometimes 504 appeared.
By clicking Fav oder sending toots. Or by the search typing usernames.
I guess you know and monitored the events. Instance App Metatext.

F4GRX Sébastien

@Dokape @Gargron there are too many people on mastodon social. The fediverse is made for decentealized load sharing. Are you aware that you can go on a smaller less crowded instance? You will get the same service and better reactivity.

Mad A. Argon :qurio:

@Dokape @Gargron this is one of the largest servers and has probably biggest influx as it is set as default in official app.


@Gargron it’s getting more and more interesting here. Lots of users stay here.
Discussion is much better and friendly.


@Gargron хлопці, налітай, з'явився натхненник мастодонта, підписуйтесь!

Ujun Jeong

@Gargron How do you check if a user returned to other social media (e.g. Twitter)?

Adil Arif

@Gargron The biggest gap for Twitter users is the weak initial experience when it comes to finding content. Lowering the bar will help here. Things like seeing popular posts and recommending similar liked accounts will do far.


@adilarif @Gargron It already contains the ability to see trending posts and hashtags


@Gargron returning user here. I never used Twitter, but with Reddit dead I find Lemmy and Mastodon together fill the gap well. Surprisingly active!

CIA Fortnite Fund Program

@Gargron searching for posts seems bugged but so far im enjoying the app

Sco :progress: :flag_mm:

@CozartMonopoly Do you know about the particular role hashtags play in Masto?


@Gargron Is there a public site that shows general statistics about the whole network?



Mastodon increasing its active users population by the size of Belfast every week? This can only be a good thing.

Michael Bishop ☕

@Gargron I am taking Mastodon more seriously since the bird site has become full of sludge and its leader is showing support of white supremacists.


@Gargron Mastodon as phenomenon caused the series of glitches in the Matrix.
Will it be just another one Matrix reboot or complete destruction?

#mastodon #matrix


@Gargron a returning point toward the social of social networks?


@Gargron Returning user here and screw those rate limits


@Gargron Tradıng hasn't been easy due to the fluntuatıon of the sıgnals lately and wıthout an expert or professıonal who's understand or have an experıence on tradıng۔ You eventually encounter losses whıle tradıng۔ Wıth the help of Nelly James fx on Instagram l could secure my trade and earn more profıt۔Am forever grateful to you for your guidance.


@Gargron elon makes users crazy on twitter, no wonder why

Ilya Danilkin

@Gargron btw new 2.0 client looks and feels very good, well done! Considering even swapping from Fedilab now

Ari [APz] Sovijärvi

@Gargron Makes me wonder how evenly they have spread around or if some servers are getting hammered.


@shamana @Gargron They hang around the discovery feed for a minute, discovery the spam and advertising is worse than Twitter ever was, and then they go away forever without realizing .social is a kind of trap.

Andrew Pappas

@Gargron got to start putting my posting energy here 🫡🫡

nadin brzezinski

@Gargron @JosephMenn well, it seems Mr Musk is your best promoter <sarcasm>

Sharon Machlis

@Gargron Also some active users posting more to try to welcome the newcomers


@Gargron congratulations to all who are making this platform grow and making it better. Gracias


@Gargron Is a tenor integration on the roadmap of the native iOS app?


@Gargron well, twitter deserves a great competitor


@Gargron I'm new here. Fed up of Musk's experiments, he fucked up twitter



Mastodon is dying, it is proclaimed by self serving entities who are jealous, I Musk say.

Elias Mårtenson

@Piousunyn @Gargron I've been here since 2017 and I've always heard it's dead.


@Gargron i think the reddit api ruling did take a big part in that, thats also why i joined :D

Ekor Ibor

@Gargron How much did you pay Elon Musk for the wonderful job?
It is fine, tell us

Ali Ramono

@Gargron I just created an account to try it out. I’m here from Twitter.


@DataDrivenMD @Gargron Even if he won’t implement, client apps could. We need at least one client app that seeks to recreate the Twitter experience. I know that’s hard for some to hear, but if we want these visitors to remain, it’s necessary.

Eugenia L

@omegaman @DataDrivenMD @Gargron I don't get the need for web apps, client apps, and phone apps. I use mastodon on a web browser, and it works great! Both on the desktop and on a mobile phone browser!

wet forest moon folklorist

@DataDrivenMD from your lips to @Gargron’s ears, the choice on whether or not they stay is his



I dont have numbers, but I am seeing a massive overnight uptake on reddit for links especially in Worldnews' Ukraine Threads. With many downvoring Twitter links and upvoting Mstdn.

Heres an interesting article for The Verge about our Interesting digital times:


@Gargron 294 thousand people who did not bow to the Elon pimp. don't do us wrong

Recep Suluker "Uzaycı"

@Gargron thanks of @Elon ahah
To be here

The question is to be or not to be ! 😎


@Gargron You just buried Twitter in your iOS release notes. Love it 😍

Nick ♨️

@Gargron where is most of the growth happening? My server/users seems to have fallen off a cliff.


#Mastodon is still quite rough around the edges, but that's okay: so were #Twitter, #Facebook, #MySpace, and all the others during their early stages of mass adoption.

People just don't remember, either because it's been so long or because they only joined when those platforms had already become popular, and as a result, polished.


@ridp This is exactly it. It didn't take me long to figure it out, and thanks to 3rd party apps like @ivory it made the transition less painful!

Gavin Lux Enjoyer

@ridp remember the first RT version where every RT was just a tweet that started as “RT:(at)username: blah blah…?”
That was terrible.


@Gargron yep. New here... Flew directly here non stop via the blue bird brah...

Luis Carlos

@Gargron Once Meta releases Threads, the fediverse will grow more and more! Fuck all of those who say defederate, they are all conspiracy theorists


@Gargron new @IceCubesApp user here. Great app, love the icon, the UI. Almost perfect. But loads threads (and replies particularly) with a certain delay, like 7 seconds every single time. iPhone XR iOS 16.5.1 user here. Is there anything I should try? Maybe its because I’m in Brazil? I’m new to fediverse, not sure if federated servers may cause this because of long distances.

Braw ☕🏳️‍🌈

@soundwarriorBR I might assume that due to influx of users there might be performance issues on

You can wait until it's fixed or you can try migrating to a different server that's hopefully less loaded, you will *not* lose your ability to communicate with anyone else on the network!

Check out this guide by @feditips for more info:


Fedi.Tips 🎄

@brawaru @soundwarriorBR

Yeah, is far too overcrowded. Try moving to a different server, you can find good ones at or


@Gargron Twitter was ruined by the business genius

Thursday, the German one

@Gargron yes, am one of the new users, helo owo

It's kinda funny, though, how I've never used and were hardly ever interested in Twitter, yet all the bullshit that happened over there resulted in me being aware of Mastodon and, well, here I am now, lol


@Gargron Just signed up. I must say, this has the look and feel of the Discord app.

Saher Iskandar

@Gargron I just joined myself just now. Hello there ! 😎


@Gargron I'm still getting used to the way mastodon does stuff, will be interesting to see how it develops.


@Gargron Yes well Twitter has been dead in totality since Saturday. Can't view tweets, can't retrieve error, the support page is dead. So people will go somewhere else.


@Gargron for the love of god, please allow seeing followers and following from other servers. It's a dealbreaker for some


@Gargron new signee here just joining all the way from Twitter


@Gargron And without search and better discovery, many will move on to whatever comes next. A lot of very serious and influential people had a terrible experience here, and unless we fix those problems that drove them off, they will just urge others to follow them somewhere else that promises them what they had before.

防空識別區 Unironically good. They should go to Meta's Threads or whatever.

Laura Steiner

@Gargron I'm liking it here. I definitely tweet less..


@Gargron 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Way more to come.

Angel :verified: :AquaBaka:

@Gargron I really love this place, its like home :nnezukolove56:

Pavlo Komisarov

@Gargron But if it's gonna stay forever? Well, as a new user such as myself gonna try to stay here as much long as possible🤭


Ex-Redditor of 11 years checking in. Granted just learning.


@Gargron nice work on the app update! Much more usable now


@Gargron it's me, i'm the returning user :D

James Prisk

@Gargron so happy to be here 😉 hopefully my YouTube channel can grow with you guys & gals 👌


@Gargron I know I had a brief attempt at familiarizing myself with the Fediverse that I just dropped without meaning to in the grind of day to day life, this recent fuckery on the heels of having Tucker Carlson shoved in my face and Reddit bleeding itself at the same time has been something of a second round wakeup call.

Sometimes you just hit snooze once or twice, you still get up to go to work.

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