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Both Twitter and BlueSky - backed by untold amounts of money and white tech bros - are down.

Mastodon - run by trans furries and femboys high on anxiety - is running just fine.

Honihan Snawl

@thomholwerda i would revise “just fine” to “not particularly worse than usual”

Kote Isaev

@Richboy50 I want "reasonable perfection".
For example, I want a social media that has all benefits of Mastodon, and these posts editor perks:
* posts with basic slack-like (Markdown?!) formatting,
* easy gifs adding
Oh, like tumblr post editor.
These UI perks:
* "Follow author" on toot "..." menu.
And Sentinel API integration with aggressive bots detection for all languages, not just English, but for e. g, ქართული ენა (Georgian Language), and other Caucasian and Eastern-European languages.

Lett Osprey (they/he)

@thomholwerda That's because most of that demographic work with IT-security, right?


social networks are outdated, it's time for anxious networks.


@thomholwerda Can't tell if it's down or not. F*cebook login wall prevents me from viewing anything. Nothing of value lost, apparently

Dawn Tåke 🌙:sparkletrans:

@aatheus @thomholwerda
There is an extension on Firefox for that. I use it at work.

ThePrimo :verified:

@thomholwerda I’ve tried so many times to get a BlueSky invite. Just want to know what it’s like.

Lazarus 🕸️

@thomholwerda This is as it should be. If my time on the internet has taught me anything, it's that you should never fuck with furries.

DeepBlue V7.X

@intoner @thomholwerda The last part depends a bit, I guess, but otherwise yes.

Fran :clapidi: :tux:

@thomholwerda I know at least one server that runs on Ritalin and allergy to meetings ;)


@thomholwerda @sebsauvage : So #bluesky is a decentralised platform that:

1. Belong to one company

2. Which you can access with invite-only

3. Can be completely down

"Decentralized". You keep using that words but I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Natanael ⚠️

@ploum @thomholwerda @sebsauvage they have a federation test network up. There's independent reimplementations of the protocol taking part. So it's getting there.


@Natanael_L @ploum @thomholwerda @sebsauvage but it's not, because everyone that wants a decentralized network is here

Natanael ⚠️

@simonbp @ploum @thomholwerda @sebsauvage except the ones who want to see content addressing put in use


@ploum @thomholwerda @sebsauvage

Nailed it.

It doesn't 100% apply, but it's close enough to say "Jack is trying to be the emperor of his own federation".


@thomholwerda to be fair most of our instances did close the door behind us which is how it still works

Helle (@ CCC Camp 📞 4355)

@thomholwerda though Fediverse, it is more then just Mastodon, don't give website boy that much honour.


@thomholwerda I mean that's the thing, this app is never going to replace them, but I don't need them to. As long as SWers have a safe place to work, and we have a way to find out on-the-ground news in repressive regimes, I don't really care beyond that. (It is nice to see all the trans ppl on the cloud app, but that's a "nice to have")

Kote Isaev

@pinjontall Living in Georgia country where regime becomes more and more repressive, closing to what was in Russia in 2012, I have to admit that users in most of countries survived Soviet occupation sit at FB (like 95%) and some (like 5-10% including those who at both platforms). Users from there at Twitter constantly cry "where to go", they heard about Mastodon, but they don't make the step, don't go away from Twitter & FB.

chaos catgirl artic ❤️she/her

@thomholwerda meow meow :QueerCatHeart_Trans: :QueerCatHeart_Trans: :QueerCatHeart_Lesbian: :QueerCat_Trans: :QueerCat_Pride:


@thomholwerda I do wonder why people are talking about Bluesky and get excited about joining a waiting list, when Mastodon is right here and works fine.

Daniel Tuttle 🌵🤘

@kilorat @thomholwerda the consensus seems to be that 1) the culture here is too rigid about things like alt tags etc 2) the onboard is complicated, most people didn't know how to choose a server etc. Supposedly Bluesky intends to address that but idk how. That's what I read over and over.

autumn star

Dont forget about the instances running smoothly on the income of a single mom


@thomholwerda Three hours laterand just fine is pushing it slightly.

none gender with left politics

@thomholwerda @isatis unfortunately cohost, which is definitely run by a similar crowd, is also down. Turns out an unexpected influx of users can lead to this sort of hell. Meanwhile, the efficacy of a federated system shines here.

lucasmz ∞

@thomholwerda Isnt blue sky from that one anti IPv6 guy


@thomholwerda I've heard of a grand total of one (1) instance which supposedly is having issues currently. you can guess which one

:trans: QueerPaladin :wlw:

@thomholwerda yeah makes me so relieved my instance run by trans women like me and how much she has done to improve this instance, including increasing character limit <3.

mattowski :verified:

@thomholwerda I almost spilled my coffee while reading that. Beautiful

wesleyote (yip yap)

@thomholwerda i like my instance admins how i like my linux distros



@thomholwerda more proof that anxiety is what truly powers the Internet.


If you don't have furries running your stuff online, you're going to have a bad time.

dev ocioso

@pedroivo @thomholwerda importante essa informação que sou um femboy com ansiedade kkkkkk


@thomholwerda Classic reminder that there's a disproportionally high number of furries in the tech community.
A typical joke is "I'm against furry conventions. If a plane going to the convention crashes, it would be disastrous for the world's tech infrastructure!"

mofu mofu fumo
@thomholwerda that's great, when can we just stop caring and move on?
Adam Lasnik

@thomholwerda I know it kinda harshes the mellow here and your narrative but...
- bluesky probably has more trans furries and femboys than mastodon (anecdotally speaking)
- If it was down, it was just down briefly (though it has slowed down)
- all but one of the bsky team members I've interacted with are women and/or POC. Jack may have originally mega-funded it, but he's seemingly largely (if not entirely) stepped away


@ThatAdamGuy Dude, BlueSky has less than 1% the userbase of Mastodon. There are more catgirls on Mastodon than BlueSky has users.

If you can't see that trans and other LGBTQ folk form the backbone of this place, you're not following the right people, and you should really reconsider just how out of touch with the 10+ million Mastodon users you are.

Adam Lasnik

@thomholwerda I'm just saying that when I joined bsky, my feed was filled with LGBQTI2A+ and lots and lots and lots of bare butts (in the "What's Hot" feed.

Very different than my onboarding experience here.

Raw numbers vs. percentages.

So I guess maybe we're both right on this one.

cybik :deifirev:

@thomholwerda if a plane full of trans, furries, trans furries, and other variations, crashed with no survivors, the internet would be down for at least a full day.

maddie (:goodfortrout:) :QueerCat: :verifiedtrans:
@thomholwerda it's almost as if billionaires actually aren't the smartest and most innovative people in the world
Todd Knarr

@thomholwerda That's because the trans furries, femboys, leather daddies and other weird types have been running networks and data centers longer than the techbros have been alive. There's no substitute for experience.

My Actual Brain

@thomholwerda it’s almost like working on something for money does not lead to a better product. It seems that passion is a better indicator of quality.


@thomholwerda That's because they run Mastodon as a hobby in between running the entire Internet as a job =]


@thomholwerda lube & caffeine, don’t forget the lube & caffeine.

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