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@thomholwerda I mean that's the thing, this app is never going to replace them, but I don't need them to. As long as SWers have a safe place to work, and we have a way to find out on-the-ground news in repressive regimes, I don't really care beyond that. (It is nice to see all the trans ppl on the cloud app, but that's a "nice to have")

1 comment
Kote Isaev

@pinjontall Living in Georgia country where regime becomes more and more repressive, closing to what was in Russia in 2012, I have to admit that users in most of countries survived Soviet occupation sit at FB (like 95%) and some (like 5-10% including those who at both platforms). Users from there at Twitter constantly cry "where to go", they heard about Mastodon, but they don't make the step, don't go away from Twitter & FB.

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