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In 2023, if you want to be free of corporate control over your computing, you can be. It's not hard.

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@thomholwerda Google is not only spying on the web. They just own the smartphone's place. You know - the 1st connected device people drag around not matter what.


@thomholwerda Google : Hey now I have an OS, and ppl can’t do anything without me ! And I’m even spying through the whole OS too !

@thomholwerda Beware, some distros are on a slipping edge puttin telemetry in their releases… :/

Both Twitter and BlueSky - backed by untold amounts of money and white tech bros - are down.

Mastodon - run by trans furries and femboys high on anxiety - is running just fine.

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My Actual Brain

@thomholwerda it’s almost like working on something for money does not lead to a better product. It seems that passion is a better indicator of quality.


@thomholwerda That's because they run Mastodon as a hobby in between running the entire Internet as a job =]


@thomholwerda lube & caffeine, don’t forget the lube & caffeine.


When you listen to The Verge's podcast and they're legitimately saying Mastodon is a "no girls allowed" club? And we don't want Facebook here because Instagram will bring women here?!

What the fuck is wrong with these American tech pundits? Mastodon is the gayest, transest, most feminine social network I've ever seen. There are so many more outspoken, smart, odd, and downright weird women here than I've ever seen on any other social network. It's fucking great.

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@thomholwerda I think it's a holdover view from the OStatus/ days.

Katy ✨ looks at my timeline which is almost exclusively women interesting, techbros. you don't say.

Daniël Franke 🏳️‍🌈

@thomholwerda Honestly, I've been realising that mastodon just doesn't "click" for Americans. No idea why, but the moment a billionaire endorsed a new network, they flocked to it much more so than Europeans.

Disclaimer, not all Americans, not all Europeans, etc, etc.

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