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Adam Lasnik

@thomholwerda I know it kinda harshes the mellow here and your narrative but...
- bluesky probably has more trans furries and femboys than mastodon (anecdotally speaking)
- If it was down, it was just down briefly (though it has slowed down)
- all but one of the bsky team members I've interacted with are women and/or POC. Jack may have originally mega-funded it, but he's seemingly largely (if not entirely) stepped away


@ThatAdamGuy Dude, BlueSky has less than 1% the userbase of Mastodon. There are more catgirls on Mastodon than BlueSky has users.

If you can't see that trans and other LGBTQ folk form the backbone of this place, you're not following the right people, and you should really reconsider just how out of touch with the 10+ million Mastodon users you are.

Adam Lasnik

@thomholwerda I'm just saying that when I joined bsky, my feed was filled with LGBQTI2A+ and lots and lots and lots of bare butts (in the "What's Hot" feed.

Very different than my onboarding experience here.

Raw numbers vs. percentages.

So I guess maybe we're both right on this one.

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