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Kent Borg

@emilymbender I'm worried here. I don't think we have the luxury to dream big regarding capitalism, not when fascism is already grabbing power around us.


@kentborg @emilymbender

We need to fight both of them at once. Fortunately, capitalism and fascism are pretty steady bedfellows, so a good swing at one stands fair odds of at least clipping the other.

Kent Borg

@Shachihoko @emilymbender If a swing at capitalism elects Trump president again, no, we are in deep shit. (He's not as reasonable as he once was.) If a swing at capitalism hands the US Senate to the Gop, we are in deep shit.

We are already in deep shit…because we didn't see the danger and elected Trump once, because the Gop controlled the Senate and got to stack the courts, etc. Swinging at capitalism is a dangerous distraction at this point.

Erik Haugen

@kentborg Interesting claim; in what ways do you see him as less reasonable?

Kent Borg

@ech It sounds like his current campaigning is more extreme, more violent rhetoric, less connected with reality, than was his previous campaign. Which makes sense, his followers feed on outrage, and he needs to keep turning it up to keep them outraged.

(But, to be honest, I don't have the stomach to listen to him, so I'm trusting someone paid to do so; I only skimmed a story in the Washington Post the other day. I think it is the kind of thing the Post is likely to get right, however.)


@kentborg @ech

I think the only difference is that he realized he can say completely deranged shit without suffering for it. Everything from "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue" to "I'll let you wait and see" (if he would accept the results) can be considered his tests of the waters. And then he actually refused to accept the results when he was voted out, and January 6th happened, and he STILL hasn't faced personal consequences for that.

Kent Borg

@Shachihoko @ech Some of the chickens are starting to come home to roost: E. Jean Carrol loss is fun.

@ NovaNaturalist

@Shachihoko @kentborg @emilymbender capitalism and fascism are not merely steady bedfellows.

I'd suggest that fascism is an inevitable and unstable evolution of capitalism: the hoarding have's ensure the have nots turn against each other merely so the powerful can continue hoarding wealth.

Kent Borg

@NovaNaturalist @Shachihoko @emilymbender You are taking a long view that I think I agree with.

But we have a very nasty short-term problem: An actual would-be dictator might win the next election, making it our last real election. A party that doesn't believe in democracy, peaceful transition of power, rule of law, nor even reality itself, might take full power.

We need every vote we can get, even from conservatives who like capitalism.

Cultor 🥀 👑

@Shachihoko @kentborg @emilymbender the funny part about this is that fascism and communism teamed up during the beginning of WWII because the Germans thought Marxism was a more natural ally in the fight against the capitalist west.
But that’s just history, don’t let that stop your claim here.

T. Emil Rivera-Thorsen

@kentborg @emilymbender Those are not separate entities. Capitalism is the source of fascism.

Kent Borg

@thriveth @emilymbender But we desperately need to win elections. We need the votes of people who do not think capitalism is a dirty word.

T. Emil Rivera-Thorsen

@kentborg @emilymbender If people are more willing to vote for a fascist than team up with an anti-capitalist, they are already fascists. If we want to beat of fascism, we need to talk openly about its root causes.

The role of fascism is to absorb discontent with poverty and exploitation and direct it against minorities to shield the exploiters. If we cannot say that out loud, we have no other arguments left than bland moralism.

Kent Borg

@thriveth @emilymbender I get that you don't like people who are not willing to condem capitalism. But what do you hope to accomplish? Do you believe in democracy? If so, what result do you hope for from next year's US election?

T. Emil Rivera-Thorsen

@kentborg @emilymbender

Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said such a thing.

Kent Borg

@thriveth @emilymbender Sorry, what did I get wrong? I thought you called those who don't align with "an anti-capitalist" to be "already fascists", and I took that as dislike.

A lot of people don't see Trump as a fascist. And we still need to peel away as many of their votes as we can. A lot of people think capitalism is good. And we need as many of their votes as possible. We came very close to Trump staying in power by force, as dictator. We were lucky.


Although several policies are undoubtly less fascist, by making very similar choices regarding distribution of power and wealth, the dems are just sitting it out, preparing the terrain for the next wave.
This is not how antifascism looks like.
This is not how real change looks like.

The dems/moderates (the situation is similar in many other countries of the world) have just the benefit of not being the fascists themselves. They know this and try to benefit from our fear of fascism.

So, vote if you want to, but don't let their circus obfuscate other struggles that could be more important (local mutual aid structures to cover basic needs, international solidarity...).

Take care.

@kentborg @thriveth

Although several policies are undoubtly less fascist, by making very similar choices regarding distribution of power and wealth, the dems are just sitting it out, preparing the terrain for the next wave.
This is not how antifascism looks like.
This is not how real change looks like.

The dems/moderates (the situation is similar in many other countries of the world) have just the benefit of not being the fascists themselves. They know this and try to benefit from our fear of fascism.

Subcommandte Marcos Fanboy

@kentborg @thriveth @emilymbender
I see both sides here I've been reading endnotes and it says similar things but remember that Rosa Luxemburg was killed social democrats that were working with fascists. fascism must be stopped and we must do whatever we can to stop it but the fight against fascism must also destroy its roots like a weed.

Kent Borg

@Avianbroski @thriveth @emilymbender Yes, chop down the evil bush immediately, destroy the roots after that.


@kentborg @emilymbender I mean these two things are not really separate. Capitalism will happily endorse any fascist state as long as it keeps enabling their profit privatisation. In a capitalist imperial world order the hegemonic power has the function to ensure the conditions to generate surplus value by the exploitation of labour and nature for private profit. If the exploitation within specific state borders can only be realised through the installation of a fascist government, so be it.

The abolition of capitalism is a necessary condition for the abolition of fascism.

@kentborg @emilymbender I mean these two things are not really separate. Capitalism will happily endorse any fascist state as long as it keeps enabling their profit privatisation. In a capitalist imperial world order the hegemonic power has the function to ensure the conditions to generate surplus value by the exploitation of labour and nature for private profit. If the exploitation within specific state borders can only be realised through the installation of a fascist government, so be it.

Kent Borg

@yassin @emilymbender The problem at hand isn't how to abolish fascism, it is how to preserve our democracy past the next couple years, preserve it long enough to do anything of importance.


@kentborg @emilymbender I totally get what you're saying. However, I am afraid that the capitalist class has vested interests to keep public choices within their accepted boundaries. The further liberal democracy tries to overstep these boundaries, especially regarding climate policies, the more ferocious the attacks on civil liberties will be in order to manufacture discontent and bigotry.

Kent Borg

@yassin @emilymbender This next federal election could be our last, and we might not even get that far. We have to win.

Making this about capitalism means we will lose. People think they like capitalism.


@kentborg @yassin @emilymbender

You realize that this was the same thing that was said to the civil rights movement and people of color? "Its not the right time yet."

And i bet it was said to people who wanted to abolish slavery or child labor or women having rights. "Its not the right time yet"
And lets not forget that the trans people are going through an existensial threat now, today.

Thats the excuse that was always given. Its not the right time, we have bigger problems, we need the bigots on our side. Or the always here existensial threat. I mean we have been stuck in most countries between bad and worse for the past 40 years.

Lets be honest the system is designed for you not to have the right time. Its designed to keep people always in a fight or flight mode. Thats why the break encryption or the eroding workers rights legislation is proposed again and again and again.

The politicians class knows that if people didnt give the excuse of the right time, if they werent in always existensial threat, they would start to think not only about just a raise, but taking the whole company.

So its time to stop patching a broken beyond repair thing. I am tired and i bet a lot of other people are too. Rallying with the"existensial" vote or the is not the right time doesnt help.

@kentborg @yassin @emilymbender

You realize that this was the same thing that was said to the civil rights movement and people of color? "Its not the right time yet."

And i bet it was said to people who wanted to abolish slavery or child labor or women having rights. "Its not the right time yet"
And lets not forget that the trans people are going through an existensial threat now, today.

Gwladys Pendlebury

@kentborg @emilymbender This is like the give us time to mourn argument. It’s not a good time when fascism is on the rise, and why should we when it isn’t. When exactly is the right time and why did we let it continue?

Kent Borg

@GwladysPendlebury @emilymbender I'm not saying don't fight facism! It's the number one priority!

Not letting our current fascist party take more power is the prerequisite to everything else. That means winning the next election.

Americans think they like capitalism. If we make the next election a referendum on capitalism, we will LOSE. It doesn't matter how convinced you are, it matters whether we have convinced the electorate, and we have not.

Gwladys Pendlebury

@kentborg @emilymbender Most Americans like capitalism, although they can’t define it, or socialism, or name the vice president at any given time and vote against their best interests. No way to change it, let’s just keep doing that.

Fighting capitalism is fighting fascism. It has to be a continuous fight, always, continually, non-stop.

Kent Borg

@GwladysPendlebury @emilymbender What are acceptable outcomes from this coming federal election?

Gwladys Pendlebury

@kentborg @emilymbender Kent doth protest too much, methinks. Sounds like you are pro capitalism and just trolling leftists. There are many ways of fighting capitalism including education, activism and at a minimum not actively working against those who do. The ‘it’s all about voting’ is a tired liberal narrative. The Dem love of polite racism is exhausting, and disgusting.

Kent Borg

@GwladysPendlebury @emilymbender That sounds like Trump winning is okay with you. You live in a deluded luxury if you think this is an option.

Me? I'm willing to cooperate with conservative capitalists, if they believe in democracy.

Gwladys Pendlebury

@kentborg @emilymbender There you go again with the voting bit. Did you know you can walk, chew gum, vote against Trump, protest police brutality, be dissatisfied with the policies of the politicians you voted for, and educate those around you about economic exploitation all at the same time? When you vote for someone you aren’t bound to worship them. It’s not, or it shouldn’t be, a cult.

Kent Borg

@GwladysPendlebury @emilymbender We can win elections or lose elections. Make this about capitalism and we will lose.

Gwladys Pendlebury

@kentborg @emilymbender The original post said nothing about elections. You are obsessed with elections. It’s a self-own on your part that you are willing to work with conservative capitalism which is the economic basis of fascism.

Kent Borg replied to Gwladys

@GwladysPendlebury @emilymbender Elections determine a lot. We have a big one coming up.

Gwladys Pendlebury replied to Kent

@kentborg @emilymbender You aren’t fooling anyone trying to shame leftists, when leftists have been the ones warning against fascism for 50 years. We see you.

Robbie Norlyn :coffefied:

@kentborg @emilymbender I am afraid that the only way forward is through at this point. I believe that civil war is imminent. I still encourage voting for the Democratic Party but I am fully prepared for the worst. #Fascism #Politics #GOP

Kent Borg

@robertnorlyn @emilymbender I won't say I'm fully logistically prepared for the worst, but I certainly fear the worst.

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