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Kent Borg

@Shachihoko @emilymbender If a swing at capitalism elects Trump president again, no, we are in deep shit. (He's not as reasonable as he once was.) If a swing at capitalism hands the US Senate to the Gop, we are in deep shit.

We are already in deep shit…because we didn't see the danger and elected Trump once, because the Gop controlled the Senate and got to stack the courts, etc. Swinging at capitalism is a dangerous distraction at this point.

Erik Haugen

@kentborg Interesting claim; in what ways do you see him as less reasonable?

Kent Borg

@ech It sounds like his current campaigning is more extreme, more violent rhetoric, less connected with reality, than was his previous campaign. Which makes sense, his followers feed on outrage, and he needs to keep turning it up to keep them outraged.

(But, to be honest, I don't have the stomach to listen to him, so I'm trusting someone paid to do so; I only skimmed a story in the Washington Post the other day. I think it is the kind of thing the Post is likely to get right, however.)


@kentborg @ech

I think the only difference is that he realized he can say completely deranged shit without suffering for it. Everything from "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue" to "I'll let you wait and see" (if he would accept the results) can be considered his tests of the waters. And then he actually refused to accept the results when he was voted out, and January 6th happened, and he STILL hasn't faced personal consequences for that.

Kent Borg

@Shachihoko @ech Some of the chickens are starting to come home to roost: E. Jean Carrol loss is fun.

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