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Kent Borg

@thriveth @emilymbender I get that you don't like people who are not willing to condem capitalism. But what do you hope to accomplish? Do you believe in democracy? If so, what result do you hope for from next year's US election?

T. Emil Rivera-Thorsen

@kentborg @emilymbender

Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said such a thing.

Kent Borg

@thriveth @emilymbender Sorry, what did I get wrong? I thought you called those who don't align with "an anti-capitalist" to be "already fascists", and I took that as dislike.

A lot of people don't see Trump as a fascist. And we still need to peel away as many of their votes as we can. A lot of people think capitalism is good. And we need as many of their votes as possible. We came very close to Trump staying in power by force, as dictator. We were lucky.


Although several policies are undoubtly less fascist, by making very similar choices regarding distribution of power and wealth, the dems are just sitting it out, preparing the terrain for the next wave.
This is not how antifascism looks like.
This is not how real change looks like.

The dems/moderates (the situation is similar in many other countries of the world) have just the benefit of not being the fascists themselves. They know this and try to benefit from our fear of fascism.

So, vote if you want to, but don't let their circus obfuscate other struggles that could be more important (local mutual aid structures to cover basic needs, international solidarity...).

Take care.

@kentborg @thriveth

Although several policies are undoubtly less fascist, by making very similar choices regarding distribution of power and wealth, the dems are just sitting it out, preparing the terrain for the next wave.
This is not how antifascism looks like.
This is not how real change looks like.

The dems/moderates (the situation is similar in many other countries of the world) have just the benefit of not being the fascists themselves. They know this and try to benefit from our fear of fascism.

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